Espirito wrote: And you, do you have some problems with your belly?
Currently, I don't have any problems with my belly, it is happy;
My belly has been flat for the past few weeks.
I have been on >90-95% Wai for about 1 month.
I just drink a 'mixture' of orange juice, for the past 3 weeks.
The first week I started Wai, I ate fruits, but then I gradually increased juice, now my menu is probably 30% chewing.
'Mixture' varies, I change the ingredients and volume in the juice almost daily, but I increased orange juice gradually.
I have worked my way up from a few slices of oranges in April, to 8 oranges juiced per day. I had one day with 12 oranges juiced recently.
{I was a cooked foods carnivore, starchivore, junkfoodsyvore prior to Wai, so I was scared of being allergic to fruits, I increased fruits gradually. lol}
Sometimes, I drink juice before I sleep, the acid of the orange juice does not bother me, probably the yolks, sugar, and oil buffered it.
But I add less sugar in juice before sleep.
I like the lightweight feeling of the stomach after I switched from cooked foods in this past month to >90-95% Wai,
After switching, I am much aware of how fish, tomatoes, eggs, chewed fruits, and juice sits or behaves in the stomach and digestive tract.
I started with 1 food item per food entry with at least a 30min break after eating.
That way I know how each food item behaves in me.
Now I am being more adventurous, and I mix more foods together.
The only strange negative stomach feelings that I really encountered this past month were:
250 raisins, it caused a terrible sleep, zapped my energy the next day and a terrible toothache; probably because of excess fiber, and sugar.
dry cereal, when I broke Wai rules and ate cereal, I can feel cereal mass in my stomach dry and scratchy.
Bananas, would cause me gas and messy poo.
I used to tolerate less than 1.5 bananas a day.
Now I can probably eat 3 with no digestive problems.
But I have increased bananas gradually for the past 5 months.
I ate 2 yesterday, totally fine, no gas, no messy poo, no bloating.
Espirito wrote: Did you try eating this acids fruits that you mentioned? and it works for you?
I did not use those fruits to cure a bloated belly.
In my cooked foods history:
- I used kiwi juice on marinating ribs before grilling, it made the cooked meat softer and easier to chew. But if kiwi juice was left too long the meat felt very minced/macerated-like, and when cooked it tasted kind of like decayed meat as if it was not fresh meat that was grilled. Hence, I was saying be careful of eating too much enzymes, they might be very strong on some proteins. But some users here, have wrote that they tried kiwi regularly in their diet (They did not use it for curing bloating, but just for a regular fruit source.). So you will have to figure out if kiwi is best for you.
- I used papaya as a snack after eating lots of cooked meat (not fish), it helped with digestion, but I mainly ate them for vitamin C and folate. Sweet papayas were not acidic on the stomach. But if I ate too much papaya plain without much protein, my poo got sloppy.
- Pineapples, if I eat too much I can feel the acid feeling in my stomach. I did not use it for anything.