Once in a while, I will pick up some freshly squeezed Tangerine juice at a local store. I have come to notice that the stamped on expiration dates always appear much longer than compared to the OJ I buy from the same store. Does Tangerine juice have something in it that keeps it from going rancid as fast?
If it really is fresh squeezed, the shelf-life should be 4 days tops, if it is sealed well. I've never had tangerine or orange juice more than 3 days old, I wouldn't want to.
avo wrote:One more question... Does it still have pulp or is it filtered?
It does have the pulp, but not too much. It has never been an issue with me at least.
I may have found an answer. I am wondering what you make of their claim in producing fresh juices that stay fresh longer through this particular process: http://www.naturalbrands.com/faq.htm
It makes sense, but even such juices that are claimed to be 100% pure and raw, clearly dont taste that way to me. But maybe this one is different. I dont know.
I'm going to see if my local health food grocery store can start carrying some of those products. They have had raw OJ and milk before, so I'll see if they will want to try these out.