My current diet

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Post by Mr. PC »

P.S. I'm also afraid of binging on pizza/other bad foods. I have before binged on pizza while on this diet, and I think that binge eating like that could lead to something more severe. I've never had an eating disorder, my low BMI is just being naturally skinny, but also partialy because I lost 25/30ish lbs when I got a repetitive strain injury, dropping me from 145 to 115. Since the diet I've been able to stay above 120, which is my weight ATM.
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Post by RRM »

Iris wrote:the trouble sleeping after eating much munch food might be caused by the "uppers" in that munch food.
Well, munch foods always contain beta-carboline and they inhibit the production of serotonin,
which is essential for sleep.
check out this page:
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Post by RRM »

Mr. PC wrote: Is there any kind of test to see if you are fat-deficient?
You can easily get your fat-percentage checked by a Dr.
Please do so...
Are there any other people who require the high amounts of fat I do?
Yes, there are.
People who are too skinny tend to crave for fats.
So, please indulge on the fats, as they help you to ingest enough energy
and to fight cravings.
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Post by Mr. PC »

Thanks a ton RRM

Do you think maybe I should up munch fats like 35% cream, or maybe my tomato-sauce with olive oil spaghetti? The thing is I really dislike the taste of olive oil.

I was also thinking of having fish or eggs earlier in the day; I usually try to have them after 9:00 so that the protein are used for reconstruction, but for fat it is easier to down an egg-yolk than it is olive-oil.

I'm looking into ordering coconut oil/butter online; it's expensive but I guess its delicious.

The other thing is; I'm graduating from university this year (knock on wood), and I don't really have a career path as I'm a piano player who can't play piano because of a repetitive-strain injury (I've probly mentioned this 1000 times, or maybe I haven't at all yet); which is the main reason I'm on this diet. I'm looking into playing the piano-bar on a cruise ship; but I would have to be able to play 4 hours a day.
All of my symptoms point to nerve-damage, although the doctors weren't able to find any physical signs of nerve damage. Right now I'm able to pay for about 30 minutes without too much pain. I always keep my orange-juice/OO beside me while practicing, for energy. I try to keep my hands warm while playing (I always wear fingerless gloves), and I stretch afterward. I find that after playing I have the worst cravings for bad food. My mom tried to get me to eat grill cheese today right after practice and it was sooo hard to say no, but I did. Should I just keep up my normal sugar-fat diet or should I be having proteins that this time (even though it [was] still morning) ?
I think part of it is depression feeling the pain that stops me from being a great piano player, maybe an egg-yolk serotonin boost would be helpful at this time? Or would it be better to just make sure I had my egg yolks the night before? And is there anything else you can think of to make me (I don't know if stronger is the word), but to help prepare me to be able to play 4 hours a night?

Thanks, I hope this was the right place to post this.
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Post by snowbunny »

Mr. PC wrote: I think part of it is depression feeling the pain that stops me from being a great piano player, maybe an egg-yolk serotonin boost would be helpful at this time? Or would it be better to just make sure I had my egg yolks the night before?
I would suggest you eat some fresh sweet fruit (e.g. banana) by itself, plain. Eat as much as you like, until satisfied. Sugar is a great energy and mood booster. Save your egg yolks for bedtime.
And is there anything else you can think of to make me (I don't know if stronger is the word), but to help prepare me to be able to play 4 hours a night?
Also, practice playing 4 hours. Envision yourself as a great piano player who only stops at the fourth hour because they made him stop at that point. Otherwise, he would make sweet music forever. Do not envision your pain or discomfort at all. You make your own strength psychologically.

Congratulations on your graduation. Are you going to a graduate program in music?
"All Knowledge Is Worth Having." - Jacqueline Carey
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No, I don't think I'll do grad studies; I've had enough school at least for now. I was thinking of doing teacher's college and starting up a 1 room school where I teach the kids about things they're interested in, as well as things I feel are 'important foundations of education'.
[daydream] It would probly have a high art/music focus, as well as practical and 'naturalistic' things. I always envision one day that I might have a few hens for my egg-yolk, and I'd teach my students how to take care of hens, and how to garden, and we'd all be barefoot singing Mozart while we did this in the middle of a huge urban area. Well maybe not Mozart but you get the picture. Maybe one of the kids will be of a religion that doesn't allow him to egg farm or something, and we'll question those beliefs, and he'll question ours, but we won't pressure him to eat egg yolks if he feels he shouldn't. They'll always be asking me questions and I'll never have time to answer them all, so I'll teach them how to do their own research, but also to not take it's accuracy for granted. And we'll travel to libraries, and sign out books and read Tolkien, and Oscar Wilde, and Calvin and Hobbs, in some forest in the countryside right outside of the city. And the kids will tell me what they think about Calvin, or they'll ask questions about the wizard who turned Rover Random into a stuffed toy, and they'll discuss whether or not he was a bad person. And half of them will be too poor to pay me, but it'll be OK because I'll live in a house I came to own by squatting, and I'll be able to live mostly off my hens and garden, and the kids will put on performances to help fund the school, and a couple of the students families will be rich, but enroll their kids because they want this kind of education and they want their kids to experience economic diversity in their daily environment. [/daydream]

Anyways about my wrists, the problem with just playing 4 hours a day and believing it won't hurt me, is that's how I got injured to begin with; I thought I was invincible and played 8-9 hours a day. It really was the first time anything had ever 'limited' me, and I had to learn it the hard way. I know now that if I do 4 hour days, I have to go about it in a new way that will not hurt my wrists. Part of that is diet, but part of that will have to be other thing, because even on the wai diet (maybe 90% right now), my nerves act up after about half an hour of practice. I really would like to go 100%, but I'm still working on that.

BTW today is my 1 year anniversary on the wai forum! I also bought coconut oil, and it's not oily at all! haha.
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So I was doing really well for a long time, but the last few days I spent at my friend's house. I went through about 5L of juice (except 1L ended up getting mixed with Vermouth. My friend actually liked the way the OO mixed in with it 8) . I also brought 3 bananas with me, but it was awkward eating food I brought into someone's house; and his family is very hospitable so I didn't want them to take it the wrong way.

Anyways long story short, I had 3 days of his cooking, which is high in salt, spice, and meat (although I picked out the meat as best I could, and added butter and olive oil where I could, but the butter was also salted so I was sure whether I was helping myself here.) It's hard to be around this guy, because he's a heavy drinker and pot smoker (both of which I used to be, but now I just inadvertently get high of him second hand). I know people are gonna say I just should be around him but that's impossible; we're too close. Also while we're on this topic, does anyone know what the actual effects of marijuana are? Worse or less bad than pizza? For acne/mind/general health?

So I went to play piano today and I am not as strong as I was, I needed to stop after 30 minutes (I was up to 90 previously). I'm also noticing a strong munch food craving now, where I'd not normally get one until later. I almost ate a chicken wing in the fridge just now, but I stopped myself. I guess I'll have to eat my munch food earlier than usual, and hopefully be back on board tomorrow.

I also notice that after playing piano, I have strong munch food cravings; I'm assuming that this is a result of the hand-pain and the depression of having to stop. I usually have a spoon of olive oil and omega3 fish oil before I start, and sip on OJ+OO while playing.
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Post by RRM »

Mr. PC wrote:does anyone know what the actual effects of marijuana are? Worse or less bad than pizza? For acne/mind/general health?
For acne? Less bad.
For mind? It has pro-psychotic effects if you are susceptible to it.
It may also cause depression.
For health? Its still smoking, so i think worse than pizza.
I also notice that after playing piano, I have strong munch food cravings; I'm assuming that this is a result of the hand-pain and the depression of having to stop.
Yes, munch food may be comfort eating for you.
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I just wanted to say that for the last week I've had 0 munch foods. So other than store-bought juice, it's been a strict diet for me. I was just about to give in and eat a munch food, and I was trying to figure out a way I could not give in, so I thought maybe if I posted how well I've done recently it would give me more incentive to keep it up.

I also tried giving up masturbation this week, after reading some info (which I'm not sure about but thought I'd give it a try) about how masturbation has negative psychological affects. I do often feel like shit after masturbating, and I don't think it's from religious-guilt indoctrination, I think it's because what I really want/need, is love, and the fact that masturbation doesn't bring me any closer to that, hurts me once the self-illusion ends. It's especially bad after watching porn. Does that make any sense? Anyway I gave up on that and am back to masturbating 2 - 3 times a day (which I think blows my recent theory that I am an A-sexual).
Anyway I know that has nothing to do with the diet, sorry.

I think the diet's been particularly hard for me this week as well, because I started work at the music camp, and I don't want to eat all the time because I discourage the kids from eating everywhere (making a mess) and I hate to be the person who tells them they can't do something I'm doing. Some days I don't have time for breakfast or to bring much, so I end up starving most of the day, as well as being exhausted from that job. My co-worker is also bipolar and as much as I like her, is often taking breaks or showing up late. Also her boyfriend is abusive which I find to be very emotionally stressful. When I come home I have my dying uncle, who to be honest is often a jerk to my mom. And my mom and aunt are constantly crying from stress and their inability to cope with death. My mom is also going through work problems and has worn out her knees (I don't know if the wai diet would help with that, I have a feeling it would though; she wouldn't listen to me anyway. she hates my diet). Although I think TBH none of this really affects me too much; I think it's just sheer loneliness, which is probly because the love I'm looking for is just a fairy tale, which could possibly mean it's more my nihilistic life view bringing me down. In that case I guess Buddhism would be my only path to end suffering.
I guess the main problem with all of that concerning diet is that I don't want to eat anything when I'm down, and after starving myself it's much harder to resist SAD food.
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Post by Oscar »

No need to feel alone...we're all with you. :)
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Post by RRM »

Maybe a huge slice of salmon can lift you up a bit?
Love is not a fairytale; its just that she is not in your life at the moment...
It may be because right now you are not feeling that great.
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Post by Iris »

Sounds like a lot of stress you're under :( I can understand this makes the diet hard for you to maintain... It would help a lot though if you'd have something that releases your stress (and doesn't put a burden on your health, so other then drinking, smoking, eating etc).
Try not to be to hard on yourself (also because this will only make you stressed again...)

About the hunger, can't you just take sugar cubes/candy with you in your pocket, and take one of these if the hunger is killing you?
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Post by panacea »

Mr. PC wrote:I just wanted to say that for the last week I've had 0 munch foods. So other than store-bought juice, it's been a strict diet for me. I was just about to give in and eat a munch food, and I was trying to figure out a way I could not give in, so I thought maybe if I posted how well I've done recently it would give me more incentive to keep it up.
You're not eating enough, and you're not eating enough fish(salmon)/eggyolk especially. Also, if you don't have the money for an orange juicer or time to make your own juices, try and eat more whole fruits rather than drink store bought juice all day - that depressed me too, a little was great for flavor though.
Mr. PC wrote: I also tried giving up masturbation this week, after reading some info (which I'm not sure about but thought I'd give it a try) about how masturbation has negative psychological affects. I do often feel like shit after masturbating, and I don't think it's from religious-guilt indoctrination, I think it's because what I really want/need, is love, and the fact that masturbation doesn't bring me any closer to that, hurts me once the self-illusion ends. It's especially bad after watching porn. Does that make any sense? Anyway I gave up on that and am back to masturbating 2 - 3 times a day (which I think blows my recent theory that I am an A-sexual).
masturbation is just an outlet for sexual tension, so in a sense that you don't do it too much (and that's determined by you, but there are rules of thumb) it's a stress release. Obviously overloading your body creates stress, just as a little exercise is good for you, but not eating enough and overexercising is going to cause problems just like your situation with masturbation. The reason you feel bad about it after, in my opinion is because your hormones are out of whack, partly due to not having enough raw animal food, partly due to having your hormones thrown around by masturbating too much and then stopping like a rollercoaster, and partly due to your ego, which seems to be stuck on the 'love' wagon. 2-3 times a day, everyday, in my opinion is way too much. I would suggest toning it down to once a day, then once every other day. You have to stop trying to fight everything with willpower alone, you are just an animal and a hungry animal can't help itself with it's anger problems (this is just an example - my cat gets angry when hungry) because it's natural to feel on edge when stressed (for my cat, that's hunger). So you have to fight these temptations for munch food, masturbation, etc, before they occur, by eating more animal food, which will make you feel better, fuller, and happier. By getting more sleep, a lot of it, so your body can reset it's hormones and stress, and stay with that sleep pattern. It may feel like you are 'losing out' on time, but really time is subjective, being awake 100 hours is nothing compared to being 'alive' and happy for 75 hours. And also, the 'love wagon' is psychological - just like the desire for more money, etc, it's a form of stress release to have someone to love, or loves you, that's attractive, etc, so is having a good paying job, being rich, or having an awesome car, or whatever. That's what your mind is craving because it's synchronized to your body which knows what's wrong (you're under too much stress) and is looking for a way out. But trust me that kind of love-craving is a trap just like craving for munch-food is; as I always tell chicks (I know you're not one) you have to be happy with yourself before you can make anyone else happy and therefore have a good love relationship.

So, in short, my opinion is that you should do this:
Sit down or lay down, or pace or whatever, and start thinking about what happens right before you want to masturbate, is there a trigger? (for me it's wearing only underwear haha) remove the trigger as much as possible.
Eat as much fruits and fish(salmon)and eggyolks as you can, don't hold back, your body will let you know when it's too much and then you won't be craving any food.
Excercise, walk, run, swim, go to the mall, ride a four wheeler, play basketball, wrestle with your dog, prepare your fruit meals tediously requiring a lot of standing, focus, moving, etc for excercise, switch hands when drinking out of a cup to excercise your undominant hand, try and prop yourself up for a more natural position on the toilet (thats a workout at first trust me), there's limitless ways to excercise for fun and efficiency, it doesn't have to be pointless waste of time using weights.
Sleep - 8 hours at least. Just go to sleep early enough that you don't have to worry about an alarm, darken all light sources going into your room if you can while falling asleep, dont leave computers in the room running, just use your common sense to make it as healthy sleep as possible.
Remind yourself that whenever you feel the need to masturbate - it's not because you lack love or something, it's because you're stressed due to not having anything making you happy - so find something, an addictive video game, a cool friend, a awesome tv series, drawing, helping others (that one really fulfills you trust me), thinking about* (just thinking...) murdering people, like i do, is a huge stress release, but its important you never do.. for example, the TV show criminal minds is a great stress release for me because inside I'm a bit of a serial killer so the tv show lets me entertain that side of me without actually hurting anyone. There's something out there for you, you just have to find it.
Mr. PC wrote: I think the diet's been particularly hard for me this week as well, because I started work at the music camp, and I don't want to eat all the time because I discourage the kids from eating everywhere (making a mess) and I hate to be the person who tells them they can't do something I'm doing. Some days I don't have time for breakfast or to bring much, so I end up starving most of the day, as well as being exhausted from that job. My co-worker is also bipolar and as much as I like her, is often taking breaks or showing up late. Also her boyfriend is abusive which I find to be very emotionally stressful. When I come home I have my dying uncle, who to be honest is often a jerk to my mom. And my mom and aunt are constantly crying from stress and their inability to cope with death. My mom is also going through work problems and has worn out her knees (I don't know if the wai diet would help with that, I have a feeling it would though; she wouldn't listen to me anyway. she hates my diet). Although I think TBH none of this really affects me too much; I think it's just sheer loneliness, which is probly because the love I'm looking for is just a fairy tale, which could possibly mean it's more my nihilistic life view bringing me down. In that case I guess Buddhism would be my only path to end suffering.
I guess the main problem with all of that concerning diet is that I don't want to eat anything when I'm down, and after starving myself it's much harder to resist SAD food.
Worry about only yourself for now - unless helping others is a form of your stress release. But realize that once you have yourself 'together' you will be able to help others more. Most importantly though, you are number one, which means you should feed yourself even if the kids can't eat with you because they haven't learned to not make a mess, or whatever. I'm not sure what your exact situation is but for me, when I'm late for work I'll cut people off on the road to get there on time, not because it's morally right or O.K. but because animals kill each other in the wild to get ahead and I'm not going to pretend to be a saint and be stressed out inside from letting 5 people infront of me or w/e. The animal food, increased fruit also, increased sleep, increased self centeredness, increased stress release outlets, less masturbation, and more efficient excercise (dont excercise for no purpose, if it doesnt serve you, it will only discourage you from excercising), then you will get your life in balance and not need someone, but eventually someone will come along that likes you (because you're happy it will be natural trust me) and you will find a benefit shark-hunter/wolf pack relationship rather than a vampire relationship sucking off eachother psychologically (or even worse, just you sucking) for emotional stability or curing 'loneliness'. The truth is people are like pets, they will love you, if you treat them a way they like, but not for any other reason, they are just pets to make your life better, and you make theirs better, but they can never be your sole drive, because it's a self destructive fallacy to think someone else will like that you have absolutely nothing going for you but your lust/love for them. You need to be fun, enjoyable, happy, etc, which can only come from genuine enjoyment of life by yourself and not by clinging onto their ego.

Sorry for the long response but I think I know where you're coming from and it's confusing but the answer is really quite simple - focus on the one thing you're putting last in line - yourself (you're not as bad as you think you are ;))
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Post by panacea »

The discussion about selfishness was split off
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