Yes, it is hard to find good oranges in this period.
Most of the new batch is too bitter and acidic, as not properly ripened.
Some is good enough though.
And occasionally one may still find a few oranges from the old batch.
Beating Addiction
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Re: Beating Addiction
Just a little update
I've successfully beaten "junk" food addiction, and sodas
With a diet of solely pepperjack cheese, chocolate milk, and pineapple juice.
I would say I drink about 50% of each trumoo chocolate whole milk, and organic lakewood (but pasteurized) pineapple juice
Stopping junk food doesn't mean much to me. Actually removing the desire for junk food, and therefore effortlessly being able to not buy/consume it, and things like sodas, candy, etc. means everything to me. I can't remember a time in my adult life where I've felt this liberated from cravings which in the past, were multiple times every day and I felt like I had no choice. I'm still extremely sedentary.
For me to remain successful, it's imperative I have enough supply of the trumoo whole chocolate milk brand. If I run out of it and try a different lowfat kind, I either get cravings for junk food, or just protein of some kind, or feel sick or both. The cocoa seems to be important for me to have cravings for it, which is important so I drink it readily without waiting until I crave worse things like junk food/soda.
I really wish I could experience cravings and hunger for raw egg yolks, raw beef, or raw fish like I do chocolate milk/this pineapple juice. Both taste very sweet, the whole milk feels satisfying and the pineapple juice feels like an energy booster/thirst quencher. For some reason, I also crave, pretty sparingly, pepperjack cheese, without it my body will have cooked food cravings even with drinking a lot of chocolate milk.
I'm not going to give up on my quest for a better diet, but I'm happy I'm at least doing better than the 3 litres of soda a day, 3 junk food meals a day, greasy pizzas, etc. I didn't even like the taste of junk food believe it or not, I only liked the memory of it before buying it/eating it, and had an addictive compulsion to eat something to try to be satisfied. Even though all of that junk food was gross to me, it was still easier to buy and consume in the moments of hunger/cravings than raw egg yolks, or preparing raw fruits, or fish, etc. I was able to consume some raw fish and yolks for a short time and noticed that it removed future hunger/cravings, the problem was I didn't have hunger/craving for the fish/yolks until it was too late, and they got so powerful I would cave in for something else.
I know spices can be healthy, I know the pineapple juice is fine, and I'm sure the whole milk brand I consume (which has no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial growth hormone) is better than sodas, and at least it seems easy to digest.
A little buteyko sign I noticed is I don't have soiling, but I also experience some very mild constipation, likely from all of the milk. If I get any walking/exercise at all, there is no constipation at all, but since I'm also very sedentary, it doesn't really solve that problem. It's still not as bad as the digestion issues I had on the soda/junk food diet of course. I feel sicker than a dog on non-whole milk, there is probably something more than just having a few % more fat by volume in whole milk. Perhaps they do so harmful processing to make milk low fat that destroys some nutrients? But whole milk makes me feel great and strong, about half as powerful of a feeling as the pineapple juice, but for longer.
Anyway, I'm finally at a point in my life now where I can more or less not worry about my diet plaguing my every day. This will be a good starting point to try and experiment with other foods to replace the milk, if I can find ones I have a craving for.
It's really a sublime feeling to not need any WARM food at all. I sometimes still find myself thinking about junk food, the memories of the smells, etc, or of things like donuts, but as long as I have recently had enough chocolate milk, peperjack cheese, and pineapple juice, my will power can easily stop me from actually going and getting those foods.
Most people think will power is something we have free-will control over, we just make choices all with the same strength. It's not true. Your internal strength to make a decision on something, especially regarding emotional decisions like about food, are strongly controlled and biased by cravings, surroundings, stress, etc. I think the most important lesson I learned is not to try and be perfect regarding diet, but to find something that is effortless but still pretty healthy, and build from there.
I've successfully beaten "junk" food addiction, and sodas
With a diet of solely pepperjack cheese, chocolate milk, and pineapple juice.
I would say I drink about 50% of each trumoo chocolate whole milk, and organic lakewood (but pasteurized) pineapple juice
Stopping junk food doesn't mean much to me. Actually removing the desire for junk food, and therefore effortlessly being able to not buy/consume it, and things like sodas, candy, etc. means everything to me. I can't remember a time in my adult life where I've felt this liberated from cravings which in the past, were multiple times every day and I felt like I had no choice. I'm still extremely sedentary.
For me to remain successful, it's imperative I have enough supply of the trumoo whole chocolate milk brand. If I run out of it and try a different lowfat kind, I either get cravings for junk food, or just protein of some kind, or feel sick or both. The cocoa seems to be important for me to have cravings for it, which is important so I drink it readily without waiting until I crave worse things like junk food/soda.
I really wish I could experience cravings and hunger for raw egg yolks, raw beef, or raw fish like I do chocolate milk/this pineapple juice. Both taste very sweet, the whole milk feels satisfying and the pineapple juice feels like an energy booster/thirst quencher. For some reason, I also crave, pretty sparingly, pepperjack cheese, without it my body will have cooked food cravings even with drinking a lot of chocolate milk.
I'm not going to give up on my quest for a better diet, but I'm happy I'm at least doing better than the 3 litres of soda a day, 3 junk food meals a day, greasy pizzas, etc. I didn't even like the taste of junk food believe it or not, I only liked the memory of it before buying it/eating it, and had an addictive compulsion to eat something to try to be satisfied. Even though all of that junk food was gross to me, it was still easier to buy and consume in the moments of hunger/cravings than raw egg yolks, or preparing raw fruits, or fish, etc. I was able to consume some raw fish and yolks for a short time and noticed that it removed future hunger/cravings, the problem was I didn't have hunger/craving for the fish/yolks until it was too late, and they got so powerful I would cave in for something else.
I know spices can be healthy, I know the pineapple juice is fine, and I'm sure the whole milk brand I consume (which has no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial growth hormone) is better than sodas, and at least it seems easy to digest.
A little buteyko sign I noticed is I don't have soiling, but I also experience some very mild constipation, likely from all of the milk. If I get any walking/exercise at all, there is no constipation at all, but since I'm also very sedentary, it doesn't really solve that problem. It's still not as bad as the digestion issues I had on the soda/junk food diet of course. I feel sicker than a dog on non-whole milk, there is probably something more than just having a few % more fat by volume in whole milk. Perhaps they do so harmful processing to make milk low fat that destroys some nutrients? But whole milk makes me feel great and strong, about half as powerful of a feeling as the pineapple juice, but for longer.
Anyway, I'm finally at a point in my life now where I can more or less not worry about my diet plaguing my every day. This will be a good starting point to try and experiment with other foods to replace the milk, if I can find ones I have a craving for.
It's really a sublime feeling to not need any WARM food at all. I sometimes still find myself thinking about junk food, the memories of the smells, etc, or of things like donuts, but as long as I have recently had enough chocolate milk, peperjack cheese, and pineapple juice, my will power can easily stop me from actually going and getting those foods.
Most people think will power is something we have free-will control over, we just make choices all with the same strength. It's not true. Your internal strength to make a decision on something, especially regarding emotional decisions like about food, are strongly controlled and biased by cravings, surroundings, stress, etc. I think the most important lesson I learned is not to try and be perfect regarding diet, but to find something that is effortless but still pretty healthy, and build from there.
Re: Beating Addiction
In your opinion, cheese is not a junk food?
Re: Beating Addiction
That is a really good point.panacea wrote:I didn't even like the taste of junk food believe it or not, I only liked the memory of it before buying it/eating it
Yeah it is probably the memory of all the actions that surrounds it.
Often bad, mediocre, lousy, products are marketed with a lifestyle.
Commercials, done by marketing mimic happy lifestyles and then bring the neatened-dressed-product right beside it.
Such that you are suppose to use the product this way and that way sharing with friends and family, and even with the pet dog too; and even furniture and plants will hover for it.
Though often the product is just not great.
You wonder why you bought it in the first place?
Re: Beating Addiction
no I don't think cheese has low nutritional value and high toxic levels
when compared to something like a greasy fast food burger and fries and soda meal, for example, I think the toxic effects far outweigh the nutritional value in the long run so it would be a junk food, but not cheese as it provides me no digestive problems I can notice and seems to satisfy nutritionally.
I also eat very little cheese compared to the milk/pineapple juice, mostly to get the jalepeno pepper from the pepperjack cheese type (perhaps the salt too?)
I've noticed almost every kind of cheese makes me feel bad, except one (clover field), so that's all I buy and eat. 8 oz a day. ... jack-8-oz/
I know it's not an ideal food, as it's processed and contains cow's milk, but I wouldn't consider it a junk food, it's just not a wai food.
Chocolate bars, potato chips, fast food meals, sodas, and just about everything with gluten for me would be a junk food, since it either causes disgestive problems, or doesn't supply much nutrition for me. Even eating one granola bar, which other people consider not a junk food, causes my stomach to growl and complain for about 3 hours, also makes me feel miserable. So what I consider horrible foods vs OK foods vs ideal foods is a little different than most I guess.
Everything I eat has to taste good, and be addictive, to overpower the drive to eat even worse foods. It would be far better just to eat pure jalepeno peppers from time to time, and maybe get some natural sea salt if needed, but it wouldn't addict me enough to compulse me to eat it. I'm basically trying to get a better diet, not an ideal diet, and using the addictive properties of foods which are better for me than others to maintain it.
no I don't think cheese has low nutritional value and high toxic levels
when compared to something like a greasy fast food burger and fries and soda meal, for example, I think the toxic effects far outweigh the nutritional value in the long run so it would be a junk food, but not cheese as it provides me no digestive problems I can notice and seems to satisfy nutritionally.
I also eat very little cheese compared to the milk/pineapple juice, mostly to get the jalepeno pepper from the pepperjack cheese type (perhaps the salt too?)
I've noticed almost every kind of cheese makes me feel bad, except one (clover field), so that's all I buy and eat. 8 oz a day. ... jack-8-oz/
I know it's not an ideal food, as it's processed and contains cow's milk, but I wouldn't consider it a junk food, it's just not a wai food.
Chocolate bars, potato chips, fast food meals, sodas, and just about everything with gluten for me would be a junk food, since it either causes disgestive problems, or doesn't supply much nutrition for me. Even eating one granola bar, which other people consider not a junk food, causes my stomach to growl and complain for about 3 hours, also makes me feel miserable. So what I consider horrible foods vs OK foods vs ideal foods is a little different than most I guess.
Everything I eat has to taste good, and be addictive, to overpower the drive to eat even worse foods. It would be far better just to eat pure jalepeno peppers from time to time, and maybe get some natural sea salt if needed, but it wouldn't addict me enough to compulse me to eat it. I'm basically trying to get a better diet, not an ideal diet, and using the addictive properties of foods which are better for me than others to maintain it.
Re: Beating Addiction
Some other markers of health I've noticed is that acne is way down, from what it was, but it's still there occasionally. It has mostly subsided from my top back area which was my worst area, and has only localized to around my nose and mouth (where it was before also, but used to be worse). I attribute most of this to not sweating (ever), getting no exercise, and not showering as often as I should (smell is not a problem, since I don't really sweat, and I live alone so I tend not to shower but once every 32 hours). I've noticed the more I move around, shower, etc the less I break out.
Another thing is sleep, I don't have a fixed sleep schedule, I go to sleep whenever I feel tired now, and I've noticed when I wake up on this modified diet, I only feel slightly lethargic for about 5 minutes sometimes, but always have enough energy to jump out of bed. On an all-wai diet, I wake up instantly with no lethargic feeling at all. On a junk food diet, I'll sleep for 4 more hours per day easily if I can and be extremely lethargic, taking about 15 minutes or more to "wake up", and maybe 30 minutes total of being sleepy while awake. So this to me is an accurate indicator of how healthy this diet is, not as healthy as wai by any means, but healthier than before.
Another thing is sleep, I don't have a fixed sleep schedule, I go to sleep whenever I feel tired now, and I've noticed when I wake up on this modified diet, I only feel slightly lethargic for about 5 minutes sometimes, but always have enough energy to jump out of bed. On an all-wai diet, I wake up instantly with no lethargic feeling at all. On a junk food diet, I'll sleep for 4 more hours per day easily if I can and be extremely lethargic, taking about 15 minutes or more to "wake up", and maybe 30 minutes total of being sleepy while awake. So this to me is an accurate indicator of how healthy this diet is, not as healthy as wai by any means, but healthier than before.
Re: Beating Addiction
commercials dont really bother me, I don't own a tv, and get all my media ad-free with adblockers, torrents, etc
I'm also not around other people's tvs
now, the signs of fast food places sticking up beside the road are advertising markers that do spark memories, but worse is the smells coming from these places, such as when you step out to go shopping in walmart, and smell cooked food across the street from a restaurant, or go into walmart and smell the donuts or w/e
the most powerful compulsors are smell, heat, and hunger. If i let hunger get too great, the craving for hot food as well as the smell of hot junk food is too powerful. If I feed myself my current diet adequately, the smell of cooked food is powerless, the promise of heat of hot food is the only tantalizing part that remains, which is easy to beat with willpower. Interestingly, I only miss the heat when I'm either too hungry, or smell the junk food, or have a memory about it. Inside my apartment, with supplies of milk/cheese/pineapple juice, the heat never really crosses my mind.
commercials dont really bother me, I don't own a tv, and get all my media ad-free with adblockers, torrents, etc
I'm also not around other people's tvs
now, the signs of fast food places sticking up beside the road are advertising markers that do spark memories, but worse is the smells coming from these places, such as when you step out to go shopping in walmart, and smell cooked food across the street from a restaurant, or go into walmart and smell the donuts or w/e
the most powerful compulsors are smell, heat, and hunger. If i let hunger get too great, the craving for hot food as well as the smell of hot junk food is too powerful. If I feed myself my current diet adequately, the smell of cooked food is powerless, the promise of heat of hot food is the only tantalizing part that remains, which is easy to beat with willpower. Interestingly, I only miss the heat when I'm either too hungry, or smell the junk food, or have a memory about it. Inside my apartment, with supplies of milk/cheese/pineapple juice, the heat never really crosses my mind.