Exercise routine for women besides bootybuilding ?

How to prevent unwanted weightloss, and/or even gain muscles
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Exercise routine for women besides bootybuilding ?

Post by MarciavD »


I am very familiar with your websites (6*200 and topfitafter50), but they don't answer my questions entirely.
As a female, I have low bodyfat (12% measured with 7 point caliper) so I don't need to lose weight / fat. But I do want to work on my body composition.

Your exercise routine (the 10 exercises) is for men, not women.
I do think 10 minutes a day would be great, so I don't spend a lot of money (and time) anymore at the gym.. your schedule is sustainable !
With bootybuilding (as you describe for the ladies) alone, I don't reach my goals. I do want to look athletic, having a firm and strong lower and upperbody (no bony / skinny arms !). Can I do all the exercises for men, or would it be better to skip some of them ?

It would be great if you could answer my questions. Thanks again !

PS : I am definitely not starving myself, unfortunately I lost a couple of kg's due to an aggressive parasite infection and troubles with my liver,
which made me underweight with a very bony upperbody.. Now I'm feeling a little better and also want to look better..
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Re: Exercise routine for women besides bootybuilding ?

Post by RRM »

Hi Marcia,

Sorry for the late response.
yes, you can do all exercises for men.
Since you dont want to lose weight, its easier, because losing weight and gaining muscles require opposing conditions.
So, focus on consuming loads of carbs immediately post-exercise. And protein. that stimulates muscle growth.
For gourgious thighs and buttocks you can also run up stairs, taking 2 steps with each jump.

PS, you can also follow me on instagram, then i will always answer your questions within 24 hours.
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Re: Exercise routine for women besides bootybuilding ?

Post by MarciavD »


Thanks alot! :)
I don't mind waiting for a couple of days as my question isn't that urgent.
My bodyfat even dropped to 10.8, so I really need to start working on gaining.

I will look you up on IG.

Thanks again!
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