Wai should be high in animal foods and low in fruit/carbs

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Re: Wai should be high in animal foods and low in fruit/carbs

Post by RRM »

mario91 wrote: Sat 01 Jun 2019 20:43 Maybe, but not by any significant difference. Efficiency is secondary to health.
Sure, but fruits are not less healthy than animal foods.
Yes, animal food is more nutrient dense, but more nutrients is not better once you have obtained all nutrients.
Like I said, we should completely switch to grass-fed animals, which don't deplete any resources.
Land is not a resource?
How can you say that?
By what logic?
The yield per square meter/acre is far greater for fruits compared to meat.
you can't even say obtaining nutrients from fruit/plants is efficient because the bio-availability is very low compared to animal foods, except on carbs/calories and water soluble vitamins.
Are you claiming that you cannot obtain all required nutrients from mostly fruits and some animal food?
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Re: Wai should be high in animal foods and low in fruit/carbs

Post by mario91 »

I've been saying for ages that the bioavailability of certain nutrients in fruit is quite low, like fat-soluble vitamins (the plant forms are of quite low bioavailability to humans), some minerals like iron and zinc; as well and the protein quality and fat quality being extremely low (for humans). I've also pointed out many times that the carbs in fruit can create problems. So I've already responded to your 1st and 3rd paragraphs. I'm not sure if you'll get ideal nutrition with only 100 grams a day of animal food, considering that the nutrition of fruits, even if on paper is ideal, might have quite little absorption in practice. Raising that number to 200 grams of muscle and 100 grams of fat would put you in a much safer situation.

Land is a resource, and the yield of fruits is definitely far greater, but that's only if you rely on modern agriculture, which destroys land. So, in the long-term, it's not sustainable. Pasture has less yield but it's 100% sustainable. And it also produces more nutrients per calorie, specially considering bioavailability. And if you put the animals giving eggs and dairy for some years prior to the slaughtering, it will become even more profitable.
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