Zits that don't seem to heal!

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Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by mario91 »

Hi everyone

I have a zit that hasn't healed in more than an year... It's a tiny zit in my forehead. It hasn't got any "altitude", it looks like a very tiny semi-open wound, but I can tell it's definitively acne. I never ever picked it up.

And now, like a month ago, I got a new one, in the corner of my nose, that is the same... it almost vanishes, them comes again with new sebum... and never heals :(

Do you guys know any good solution for this? Any herb/medicine/product perhaps?
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by RRM »

Most likely its a scar that has messed up the sebum canal,
so that it readily turns into a new zit whenever sebum production is high.
The only thing you can do is surgery or repeatedly applying some anti acne topical so that this specific part of skin is destroyed and can be rebuild later.
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by mario91 »

Yes, I think that's exactly it!

Surgery would be a waste of time and money for just these 2 very tiny zits/scars. In fact, they almost don't annoy me at all, I'm just asking this for curiosity and knowledge for future situations.

What anti acne topical do you recommend, RRM?
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by RRM »

mario91 wrote:What anti acne topical do you recommend, RRM?
Any one.
They all do the same: rapidly dehydrating and killing skin cells.
I used to have one pore on my back that used to produce lots and lots of sebum all the time.
Occasionally, this overproduction caused an inflammation.
At one point such an inflammation got capsuled in, and it resulted in a lasting 'swollen scar'.
Then i decided to remove it myself. I drenched a bandaid in a Clearasil cream and stuck it on that spot.
Every few hours i renewed that bandaid, 24 hours a day.
After 2 weeks everything was gone, leaving just a clean wound.
Apparently, the sebaceous gland got destroyed too, as that pore never resumed producing sebum,
and it never caused any more problems.
Of course, this is a radical method, and not healthy.
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by mario91 »

Hehe, funny story :D

Well, it must have caused you big, annoying inflammations, since you called upon such extreme method.
Fortunately that's not my case, so I'll just apply something before bed, for a few days/weeks, and see how it does.

Speaking of drenched bandaids... this a bit off-topic, but I'd like to know your opinion on this if you don't mind... a few months ago I saw a video on youtube of a girl who removed some or her moles with this method: applying apple cider vinegar on the mole, then some uncolored nail polish, and do this twice a day. She said that after 4 or 5 days the mole would fall off. I tried this on a small mole (however with some altitude) for 5 days, and although it got a bit smaller, it didn't fall off. I got afraid to keep on with this process more than the 5 days. What do you think about this? Do you think it has any risk, besides the possible scarring? Would you think it's a good method for mole removing? Would it do good in my tiny zits/scars?
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by RRM »

mario91 wrote:it must have caused you big, annoying inflammations
It was just one spot; always the same.
... Would you think it's a good method for mole removing? Would it do good in my tiny zits/scars?
I think its scary.
It may cause serious scars, and a lot of regret later.
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by mario91 »

Yeah, seems a bit strong to me to, to treat my zits. Specially cause it's on face and, for more, my face is a scar.

But I'll still try it in one or two moles in my body. Just for curiosity. I'll write about the results here later ;)
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by panacea »

I have successfully removed a raised mole (didn't see the point in removing flat ones I think they look fine) using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, with no scarring.

What you do is take a needle and poke the mole to make it bleed (in the center of the mole). You wear rubber gloves AT ALL TIME when handling the 35% hydrogen peroxide, it will burn your flesh severely and if it gets in your eyes you could go blind so wear SAFETY GLASSES as well (not kidding here ppl).

Then you take a cotton swab and CAREFULLY apply a tiny bit of 35% hydrogen peroxide on the mole, then bandaid it. This will be pretty painful for about 20 minutes. The hydrogen peroxide will cause the mole to 'scab over' in about 2-4 days (maybe longer). After this, you peel off the scab and do it again, eventually the mole will erode away. The hydrogen peroxide in these tiny amounts will only burn a thin layer off so that when it gets to your skin it won't cause scarring, your skin can heal back that thin layer, but the mole doesn't.

To remove my raised mole which was small it took about a month, or 7 applications total.
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by mario91 »

Sorry Panacea, but if my method works, it is far, far better.

I've tested it for 5 days and the mole almost fell off. Never hurt at all, and should work in like 8-10 days. Plus you don't have to handle strong bases and run the risk of ending up like Edward Norton in Fight Club... I already have a scar bigger than his in my left hand, don't have any need for another hehe! I'll post the results as soon as I can.
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by panacea »

The mole I used it on was on my face, the ACV seems safer (I would soak the mole with a hot rag to try and open it up some and then apply acv with a swab and let it absorb in, then wash the acv on the outside off with cold water), but I would skip the nail polish remover as it seems like that could scar in combination.. I know people have gotten scars from using nail polish remover on cold sores.
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Re: Zits that don't seem to heal!

Post by mario91 »

It's not nail polish remover though, it's nail polish.

I really don't know how much it will scar. The girl on the video said it would scar little, but I am yet to see by myself. Gonna start with the procedure tonight.
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