60s CP in one month

Breathing, sleeping, running, meditation, yoga, relaxation
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

Can't edit post but wanted to clarify - you can get all these 'subliminal' softwares free on certain torrent sites. I really wouldn't gamble money on them as they are fringe software and by that I mean completely unproven no matter how much 'evidence' they shout about on their sales pages. I could write a program that does the same thing in 5 minutes so don't feel bad about it because you're not stealing anyones hard work.
On the other hand since I spend 9 hours a day on the computer, I get a dose of 6,480 subliminal messages per day to change my behavior (one every 5 seconds). So success through repetition I guess. I don't even notice it and I didn't feel anything for about 4 days after starting using the software. Then I went to wally world to buy groceries like usual and the thing I noticed eventually was I wasn't having to battle my thoughts, once I start to battle my own desires/thoughts I always lost in the past, eventually it didn't matter how determined I was. This time the thoughts just didn't spark up just like the past two days at school where I have ALWAYS cheated in a small way with a caffiene free soda but not those 2 days..

Also another clarification - I switched to the stairs because I had been running outside too much too fast and it caused me ankle pain which took weeks to repair. Was extremely annoying setback. Too much downward force by running/jogging, so now I climb stairs in place. I'm going to find somewhere that has bleachers soon instead because of the vitamin d benefit. Remember people you don't make vitamin d behind glass even with sunshine and you don't make vitamin d if you take soapy showers all the time.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by dime »

Interesting, I haven't heard about these programs, and I can't believe the price of $40-50! I can do the same in a two-line script or just modify my window manager to pop out a message every 5 seconds :) It seems like the idea is to constantly get reminded about something and eventually it's permanently written in your brain. It would be enough to see the message once and then you associate it with a single flash of the screen or some sound or whatever you feel won't distract you but will still be noticable.

I'm eating actually very similar right now, not much fruit (occasionally an orange for vitamin C) and no vegetables at all. For carbs I usually eat rice. Except I don't drink any vitamin water. I'm sleeping more and more lately, not sure if it has to do with missing antioxidants from fruit, or some vitamins maybe, I should evaluate the micronutrition I get.
Can't believe you prefer cooked over raw liver, I absolutely hate the taste of cooked liver since I was a kid. The raw liver is so yummy, full of blood. And I also tried a bit of raw emmental cheese since I get way too little calcium, and it seemed to work fine, although for some reason I'm really against any dairy. Dairy products and especially butter (but not milk) contain A LOT of advanced glycation end products according to studies, but I'm not sure how the numbers translate to raw dairy.

I moved further away from the university with the idea to run or bike every day to there (3km in one direction), so that's what I'm doing now since a week ago. For now I'm running in a 1 min run/1 min walk pace, seems to work well and I'm adapting quickly, then I'll move to more running less walking. I made a playlist of 1 minute songs, to know when to switch the pace :) I've always been failing when starting with all you can run sessions, I find that sticking to some moderate plan works a lot better (so far). With the bike I just sprint because it's only 3km.

Haven't measured CP in a long time, I would want to get further with the running/fitness before I start paying attention to that.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

Good to see people are picking up buteyko again! Overkees is also trying to break through 40MCP.

As for me, I've been trying to increase CP for the last couple weeks. I've been at 60CP at one point, but fall back drastically because of foot fungals that showed up.
MCP today was 35 CP, quite happy about that.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by overkees »

Yes, I finally had 3 consecutive days in a row where I reached +40MCP. The third day I woke up naturally after 5 hours of sleep, but then I was sort of dreaming, I heard echoes of voiced saying my name. I went to bed again and slept another 2 hours, but my CP was still above 40. Yesterday I went to a party where I drank some alcohol and smoked some cigarettes again, I think it's going to drag me under the 40 CP border for a few days.
I trained this whole weekend full time with breathholding after exhalation. I'm now automaticcaly breathing very very little during daylight. I hold my breath after every breath I take and can hold it for more than 20 seconds, breath after breath, without thinking about it consciously. This skyrocketed me to 45 - 50s CP during the day.

I doubt I will keep it above 40 this week, but it can't take long now. My previous record was 2 days 40 MCP with also drops below 40 during day time. It is told on the buteyko site that if you have a big drop after sleep you can wake yourself up after you've slept for a couple of hours and do some breathing excercises for 15 minutes, then go back to sleep again, if I still can't seem to manage I will try this.

I run every other day 5-6 km now, 4km on the vibram fivefingers, 1km barefoot. I take a couple of cold showers during the week and eat pickled herring everyday. This resulted in an omega 3 - omega 6 ratio of 1:1.3 if I don't have munch foods, but it's very hard to go above 1:2, so I'm not experiencing the gut inflammation I head previously from the omega 6 acids, because my GI is completely stabile. Omega 3 : omega 6 and buteyko go hand in hand in my experience, since almost all my troubles result from my GI it seems.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

I'm between 30-45 CP now the last couple days. MCP could be a little bit lower, between 25-30.

Hope I get above 40 24/7 soon, because I hate those transitions all the time.
When I'm above 40, my concerta (ritalin) is not doing me any good. But, without concerta it's much harder for me to get above 40...

I've bought the big book from artour. It has much more information than at normabreathing.com.
Especially tips about breaking through 40 MCP and also to break through 60MCP.
I can post some of them if you guys are interested.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

Reached CP 48 s after my last bath of the day!
Didn't do any breath exercises or running, only cold showering/ cold baths, very effective.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by fred »

Oh yes, go head! give us some good advices to improve MCP !
Thank you.

Kasper wrote:I'm between 30-45 CP now the last couple days. MCP could be a little bit lower, between 25-30.

Hope I get above 40 24/7 soon, because I hate those transitions all the time.
When I'm above 40, my concerta (ritalin) is not doing me any good. But, without concerta it's much harder for me to get above 40...

I've bought the big book from artour. It has much more information than at normabreathing.com.
Especially tips about breaking through 40 MCP and also to break through 60MCP.
I can post some of them if you guys are interested.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

Which MCP are you now fred ?
The tips are really specific for people who are at 30-35 MCP and struggling to reach 40 MCP.
For getting 30 MCP normalbreathing.com is quite good.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

Okay, a couple interesting to reach 40-60 MCP:

1. Muscular tension is one of the reasons some people need more physical exercise than others to maintain 40-60MCP.
Artour proposes that the main cause of this muscular tension is emotional/psychological. So that's quite an interesting one.
Maybe yoga would therefore be also effective (relaxes muscular tension).
To reach 40-60 MCP, you should remind yourself to constantly relax your muscles.
2. Being able/doing breath control after meals is very important to maintain high CP. For example doing a walk width reduced breathing after eating.
3. Strengthen the weakest part of your body (for example scraping white tongue, if you have one, etc.)
4. Spend 10-16 hours standing width good posture and relaxed muscles
5. Following a raw diet, with little protein
6. Use of beneficial spices
7. Barefoot walking
8. Sleeping outside
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

1. Muscular tension is one of the reasons some people need more physical exercise than others to maintain 40-60MCP.
Artour proposes that the main cause of this muscular tension is emotional/psychological. So that's quite an interesting one.
Maybe yoga would therefore be also effective (relaxes muscular tension).
To reach 40-60 MCP, you should remind yourself to constantly relax your muscles.
2. Being able/doing breath control after meals is very important to maintain high CP. For example doing a walk width reduced breathing after eating.
3. Strengthen the weakest part of your body (for example scraping white tongue, if you have one, etc.)
4. Spend 10-16 hours standing width good posture and relaxed muscles
5. Following a raw diet, with little protein
6. Use of beneficial spices
7. Barefoot walking
8. Sleeping outside
I also have the big book by artour and this is what I have to add

1. the big book is somewhat outdated about muscular tension. Artour has since discovered that EMF pollution, and insulation from the Earth is one of the main cause of inflammation and tension in the body (because it lowers CP or prevents CP rise). I know very little about EMF, as I just found out about this too, but anyone can shield themselves from it by walking barefoot on the grass (some surfaces like asphalt don't connect you to the ground). To get grounded indoors, or while walking with rubber soled shoes (insulated), you need to buy a grounding rod and a wire to run through your window and to some conductive mat or surface to keep your feet or body on in some way. for walking/running with normal tennis shoes you can buy 'heel grounders', which are conductive straps that go on the heel of the shoe (touch the earth), and then to the skin on your ankle. NOTE: most all animals, land and sea, are always grounded to earth 24/7 except birds, and even birds are normally grounded in the trees, only through sitting on powerlines and modern buildings has this changed. Obviously domesticated animals don't count either, but they are usually grounded a lot more often than us. We should be grounded 99% of the time, but in our homes, in tennis shoes outside, or in our cars or on our bikes, we are insulated from it and take on the full hit of EMF pollution all around us especially in cities or near powerlines. EMF pollution is very real - some people have been overdosed by EMF and now are hypersensitive to even the smallest cell phone signal, so they basically are isolated in their shielded homes and life is pretty lonely for them.

2. you should NEVER EVER do breath control after meals until the food has left the stomach and then some, if you do this you can (and probably will) hurt your gut more. Artour says this over and over again on normalbreathing.com and in the comments too. I can't believe you read this in the big book, please tell me what page?

4. you cant stand with good posture for 10-16 hours if you're a sedentary modern creature like most modern people these days, because we have so much muscular tension it would exhaust us.. i've been trying to get good posture for months now. like I mentioned earlier, another huge piece of the 'health puzzle' has been revealed to be EMF and earth shielding (called earthing, which just means grounding to earth). this activity seems to help with all kinds of tension/inflammation and makes correcting posture easier (as I've read in testomonials, which again aren't selling anything, just people who walk barefoot more now, or buy grounding rods at home depot and wire up to their apartments, and put the wire with a flattened copper piece smashed onto the end of the wire into their sock.

5. if you have bad GI problems, which you said is your worst problem, then a tip in the big book is to chew your food extremely thoroughly until it's completely mush. our oral enzymes are depleted when we are low CP, so we need to chew much much longer and better to do the hard work for our digestive system later (which increases CP a lot by making meals not decrease CP as much every time you eat). I find it hard to chew egg yolks but what I've done is just let it sit in my mouth as long as I can stand and swish it around and try my hardest to think of something salivating.

I would like to note the important addition of this EMF principle, I'm reading several books about it at the moment, but it seems to be the 'final piece of the pie' that I've been desperately waiting for, because I've been battling uphill lately trying to overcome food addiction, tendency to slouch/not exercise and other mental and physical fatigue symptoms. It makes sense now since I have powerlines and a transformer right outside my window on the second story (each story higher you go, the worse the EMF pollution typically).
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

If you want to learn more about earthing this are some informative videos:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OhYOsvJ ... ure=relmfu

Clint Ober seems to have done quite some research about it.
Overkees and I have experimented quite a bit width it.
And I can personally testify that it does helping width breath control, relaxation of muscles, fighting inflammations, falling asleep, feeling rested after sleep, brainfog and overall wellbeing.
2. you should NEVER EVER do breath control after meals until the food has left the stomach and then some, if you do this you can (and probably will) hurt your gut more. Artour says this over and over again on normalbreathing.com and in the comments too. I can't believe you read this in the big book, please tell me what page?
I think Artour advises this for level 2 students. In the chapter for level 3 students he writes (page 222 for example) that is very important to not let your CP drop after a meal. Breath control width light intensity is therefore important.
I have good experience width doing breath control (or even walking) after (big) meals. Speeds up digestion a lot.
4. you cant stand with good posture for 10-16 hours if you're a sedentary modern creature like most modern people these days, because we have so much muscular tension it would exhaust us.. i've been trying to get good posture for months now. like I mentioned earlier, another huge piece of the 'health puzzle' has been revealed to be EMF and earth shielding (called earthing, which just means grounding to earth). this activity seems to help with all kinds of tension/inflammation and makes correcting posture easier (as I've read in testomonials, which again aren't selling anything, just people who walk barefoot more now, or buy grounding rods at home depot and wire up to their apartments, and put the wire with a flattened copper piece smashed onto the end of the wire into their sock.
Cold showers help me a lot width good posture. I'm standing or walking/running for about 10 hours a day without any problems.
My posture is not always optimal, but when I notice it becomes worse, I take a cold shower.
After that my posture stays good almost automatically (or at least without a lot of willpower/concentration) for hours.
Artour has since discovered that EMF pollution, and insulation from the Earth is one of the main cause of inflammation and tension in the body
Where does he write that ?
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

walking barefoot even for 6 hours a day is not good enough though, you should be staying permanently grounded, indoors, while sleeping, etc. otherwise the benefits are pretty much nil after you go back inside or put your shoes on. according to clint ober and others (the books I'm reading), it takes up to 8 months of constant, almost 24/7 grounding to have a 'lasting effect' where your body can temporarily withstand the EMF pollution without negative effects.

I understand earthing fine just not EMF pollution, such as RF fields, microwaves, wi fi signals versus AC voltage and inductance stuff.
I think Artour advises this for level 2 students. In the chapter for level 3 students he writes (page 222 for example) that is very important to not let your CP drop after a meal. Breath control width light intensity is therefore important.
I have good experience width doing breath control (or even walking) after (big) meals. Speeds up digestion a lot.
Ah yes, he is saying that light breath control is ok after meals just not exercise+breath control. I'm sure for people with high cp and good gut, this is negligible because the healthy body is more resilient, but if you have gut problems why on earth would you strain your body by reducing breathing and exercising after big meals? Keeping a high CP is not everything - some people have died from having too high of a CP too quickly, and detoxing too strongly (these people were hypnotized to reduce breathing greatly, overriding their CNS co2 regulation). Stealing focus away from digestive process in order to oxygenate the rest of the body better is not always a good idea, just for consideration. Hopefully your body is giving you correct feedback that it's healthy.

That's interesting that cold showers would help with posture, I wonder what is going on there, perhaps stimulating the nervous system and providing better muscular/skeletal feedback to the brain.
Artour has since discovered that EMF pollution, and insulation from the Earth is one of the main cause of inflammation and tension in the body - where does he write that?
in personal discussions with me, he has been hypersensitive to EMF for years now because of overexposure, but as far as I know the earthing concept must be relatively new to him because it's nowhere on his site or in his books.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

it takes up to 8 months of constant, almost 24/7 grounding to have a 'lasting effect' where your body can temporarily withstand the EMF pollution without negative effects.
Where did you read that ? And what is the theory behind it ?
I'm not earthed 24/7, but during the night I am, and when possible during the day.
I understand earthing fine just not EMF pollution, such as RF fields, microwaves, wi fi signals versus AC voltage and inductance stuff.
I've learned much about this from this website:

Her videos are also really good. It's backed up width much interesting scientific evidence.
in personal discussions with me, he has been hypersensitive to EMF for years now because of overexposure, but as far as I know the earthing concept must be relatively new to him because it's nowhere on his site or in his books.
In personal discussion on his website ? Or by email ? I would like to read it :)
Overkees has given artour some advice regarding earthing, if I recall correctly.

I've read some articles that being hypersensitive to EMF could been a sign of your body not being able to regulate calcium blood levels well.
As calcium is lost in the membrane of cells by radiation and replaced by potassium. (Or something like that, didn't study it really well).
I was thinking that therefore vitamin K2 and vitamin D good play a big role, as they are crucial in maintaining proper calcium levels.
but if you have gut problems why on earth would you strain your body by reducing breathing and exercising after big meals?
I don't think you are straining your body by doing light intensity reduced breathing. I think you are straining your body much more by overbreathing after a big meal.
As long as you don't force anything, it is totally fine in my experience.
I don't think your should exercise after meal, but a relaxed joyfull walk is also fine in my experience.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

i dont remember what page on normalbreathing we discussed these comments but its on there still

what he told me about his EMF hypersensitivity through email was due to drastic overexposure, which artour believes was intentional harm and was targeted by people trying to kill him - a bit paranoid if you ask me but idk. clint ober's book examples (other people) is where I got the 8 month estimation, he actually says 'close to a year' or something like that, my point is that our natural habitat is free of this EMF pollution plus we are always grounded to the earth 24/7, it makes sense plus other people have reported this 'lasting' effect after being grounded that long)
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by fred »

Kasper wrote:Which MCP are you now fred ?
The tips are really specific for people who are at 30-35 MCP and struggling to reach 40 MCP.
For getting 30 MCP normalbreathing.com is quite good.
My MCP is around 15s and doesn't seem to increase.
Here is what I do :
Nose breathing 24/7.
Chest breathing as much as I can.
2x20min of frolov device per day (I should increase to 1h)
Inclined bed
Working on my posture to improve it.
Standing on my desk.
I don't exercise a lot except walking. I want to improve my posture before exercising more seriously.
and the Wai diet of course... (around 60g of protein a day)
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