60s CP in one month

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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

if all we are using is what people feel, then don't you think the hundreds or thousands of people on earthing boards saying they feel better while earthed rather than with low or medium or high voltage would outweigh one mans opinion?

also i didn't bother to read the article in full, but there's really no way to consistently measure body voltage with all external things being constant. electrical forces are altered by many things probably thing we don't even know about like the position of the earth or something, definitely by the power lines which vary and things like that. even when earthed the measurements vary from minute to minute,
he was measuring relatively miniscule increases and decreases which just could have been due to how much salt he had in his body or something or how wet his skin was
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by dime »

Anyway, I wired my toe to the grounding pin of the socket. Before I go to sleep body voltage was 50mV, when I woke up it was 90mV (no grounding 2.5V).
I slept well, but woke up with some back pain and headache, which hasn't happen in forever.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

seems we have the same effect happening to all of us,
you shouldn't be grounding to the electrical socket - there can be surges of electricity going to these sockets that can go through you or w/e
you should be grounded to a direct grounding rod outside and it shouldnt be connected to anything electrical but you
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by dime »

panacea wrote:you shouldn't be grounding to the electrical socket - there can be surges of electricity going to these sockets that can go through you or w/e
you should be grounded to a direct grounding rod outside and it shouldnt be connected to anything electrical but you
I don't have a choice right now, 3rd floor and it's all concrete around. I should put some electric fuse as protection against electricity, smth like this:
In addition to the above description it should also be mentioned that the presence of an earth wire allows a very sensitive safety device called a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) to operate. It will cut off the power supply to the appliance even if a tiny current of a few thousandths of an Amp is detected flowing in the earth wire, which should normally carry no current at all.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by overkees »

I ground myself using the radiator. The cold water pipes should also do the job. Panacea, do you think electrical surges run through these aswell? I never woke up with a headache or back pain. Since I am grounded I have a much higher treshold for muscle pain. Even if I have large walks I seem to heal really quick from it when grounded.

Dime, did you allow enough movement so you didn't sleep in an uncomfortable position? Maybe this could be a factor aswell.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by dime »

For me it was really small headache/back pain, they both went away in 15 min.
I just remembered that the wire was pretty tight on the toe, maybe it was pressing on some nerve.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

I really don't know much about it overkees and dime, I'm just a big fan of minimizing variables that could effect the potential beneficial effects. What I've read is, don't stay grounded in thunderstorms if you can help it, or to anything other than direct ground rod including pipes. Not sure why but I would guess because the big pipes (if they're interconnected or big) are the path lightning strikes would most likely take inside a home (and thus to you - if one happened when you were sleeping). I'm not sure if a tiny ground rod + tiny wire lessens the chances or not, I don't know much about electricity that's just my common sense guess. probably absolutely no big deal to use pipes
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/hydrogen_peroxide.html wrote: 08/04/2009: Franz from Bangkok, Thailand: "HI I have a question and hope some one can answer me . I put in my drinking water some Apple Cider Vinegar and wonder if I can add as well Hydogen Peroxide as it is difficult for me to take it 3 times a day As well how many drops would be 1 CL ? I appreciate any feedback on this Frank"

[YEA] 12/01/2009: Bill from Los Angeles, California replies: "Frank, I have been using FGHP (35%) for many years with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. I am 56 yrs old now and have only great things to say about it, Thanks to God. I started using it at age 30. I had severe joint and back pain at the time. After three months, starting with 3 drops 2 to 3 times daily (FGHP) and 1 Capful of the Cider Vinegar, working up to 25 drops of FGHP 2 to 3 times daily, I've had astronomical results. The results were verified by my then girlfriend who was also useing the same program. (1) No more heavy or bad breath, (2) No body odor, (3) You will only need approximately 4 to 5 hours of sleep per day and when you awaken you will be wide awake, not sluggish or groggy. After you reach the 25 drop level you can then taper off. Find the instructions on line. Oh, people think I'm no more than 30-35yrs old! Enjoy."
Found something intresting. This guy Bill seems to have buteyko like effects width food grade hydrogen perixode and apple cider vinegar.
Hydrogen perixode is H2O2, and will end up as pure oxygen and water into the body if remember correctly.
I'm not saying that we all should do this, it´s just one guy, but it seems quite intresting to me.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

I've found hundreds of similar 'extraordinary results' from all kinds of things on earthclinic and curezone like sites, literally if you go to any other ingredient/solution on earthclinic you can find also a similar report for every single popular 'remedy'.

35% h2o2 is very dangerous, i have some actually, it's very hard to find online because people were ingesting it without diluting it, which can burn through your skin/tongue etc and if in the throat could cause very very serious emergencies.

the only advantage to it, is that when you dilute it, it has less 'additive junk' than the lower percentage hydrogen peroxide, also known as stabilizers.

i used mine to literally burn off moles
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

I've found hundreds of similar 'extraordinary results' from all kinds of things on earthclinic and curezone like sites, literally if you go to any other ingredient/solution on earthclinic you can find also a similar report for every single popular 'remedy'.
I agree, there are claimed many extraordinary results at such websites.
I've read them too, but what I find interesting about this one, is the combination of:
1. after 4/5 sleep wide awake
2. no heavy breathing
3. no body odour
4. two people width same results
5. it's working already for 26 years

Especially the first one, because that's such a specific buteyko result.
I don't think someone can awaken wide awake after 4 hours of sleep, for 26 years, if that person doesn't has MCP above 40-60.
35% h2o2 is very dangerous
Why is that ? I thought it would end up as water and pure oxygen in the body.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

haha, no. it would eat your skin off your face if you don't dilute it
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

Hm.. but if you dilute it, is it still dangerous ?

By the way, must try for everyone, taking cold shower, and try shaking yourself at the same time.
Little bit weird, I know, but it's absoulte worth it. I'm just bending my knees a little bit, and shake my body without moving my feet.
I keep concentrating on my body posture, especially my chest, and breathing. I feel like superman when I come out.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by dime »

Kasper wrote:Hm.. but if you dilute it, is it still dangerous ?
I think it's a very powerful oxidant (due to the oxigen released).

We should try to figure out the science behind, why would a powerful pro-oxidant induce such good effects like practicing the Buteyko method?
Maybe it works on the principle of adapting the body to handle stress better? Something along the recent research that tries to debunk the theory of free radicals being absolutely bad and anti-oxidants being good.
Kasper wrote:By the way, must try for everyone, taking cold shower, and try shaking yourself at the same time.
Little bit weird, I know, but it's absoulte worth it. I'm just bending my knees a little bit, and shake my body without moving my feet.
I keep concentrating on my body posture, especially my chest, and breathing. I feel like superman when I come out.
What I do is massage (basically rubbing with the hands) while under the shower, this way I don't feel any cold at all.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by Kasper »

I think it's a very powerful oxidant (due to the oxigen released).

We should try to figure out the science behind, why would a powerful pro-oxidant induce such good effects like practicing the Buteyko method?
Maybe it works on the principle of adapting the body to handle stress better? Something along the recent research that tries to debunk the theory of free radicals being absolutely bad and anti-oxidants being good.
Hm, sort of the same effects as physical exercise has ?
I've experimented a little bit width hydrogen peroxide (3%).
It works very good against ear wax, it dissolves ear wax completely in something like 10 min.
I don't think there is any danger, but I would suggest to do your own research if you want to try this.
I've got a lot of ear wax, so, I'm quite happy width this, cause it feels very good to have this cleaned up for once.

I also tried a hydrogen peroxide foot bath. (less than 0.3% probably).
I must say, I felt some strange energy coming up when I stood in there, but maybe it's placebo.
It definitely does help width athlete foot, and toenail fungus.
It didn't cured my toenail fungus (yet), but I have the best result I've ever had width only two baths.
My feet felt a little bit dry tough.

I've been doing some research about sinusitis lately. Anybody any experience width this ?
I don't have it very badly, but when I get into 40-60CP, I feel that my body is fighting something up in my sinuses (between my left ear and nose)
I'm trying to find a way to assist my body a little bit..

How is the CP progress going by the way?
Overkees is going quite steady upwards I heard. Fred,dime,panacea ? Do you guys still practice buteyko ?

I'm at CP55 at the moment. I'm between 25-35MCP and 30-60CP for the last weeks.
I find it more and more easy to get high CPs during the day. So that goes great.
Only problem is my sleep, still stay to long in bed many times. But when I oversleep its more like 8 hours than like 11 hours, so that's still a lot of improvement.
But 4-5 times a week I only sleep 6-7 hours, and feel energetic width it.

I've got the feeling that I could break through 40MCP quite quickly from now on :)
If I could give any advice, focus on things that you can easily maintain daily.
Like cold showering every morning, or breathing exercises when you're in the train...
Focus on habits, rituals you do daily. So that it becomes automatic after some time, and you don't have to push yourself.
In the beginning I was peaking for a couple of days, and doing almost nothing in the rest of the week/month.
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