Kasper's thoughts

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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by Kasper »

Reading Gut and Psychology syndrome from Natasha Campbell-Mcbride
Absolute must read for people looking for natural remedies to cure autism,add,dyslexia etc.

Couple intresting facts:
- Magnesium, zinc and calcium absorption relies greatly on the gut flora.
If you have bad gut flora, you need to get much higher amounts of those minerals daily.

I've tried supplementing with magnesium and zinc for I think around a year (on and off).
Magnesium (200 mg) helps me with relaxing muscles, and with zinc (20 mg) my body posture improves drastically.
I didn't try calcium, first going to do a blood test.

Interesting that artour recommends the exact same minerals.

- carotene -> vitamin A conversion is also much worse in people suffering GAP syndrome
Therefore always consider the real vitamin A amounts in your diet.
Vitamin A is particularly important for detoxing. So therefore people with GAP syndrome might need higher amounts.
I'm using fermented cod liver oil.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by RRM »

Kasper wrote: Couple intresting facts:
- Magnesium, zinc and calcium absorption relies greatly on the gut flora.
This is true for all nutrients.
I've tried supplementing with magnesium and zinc for I think around a year (on and off).
Too much of any metal (such as zinc) has adverse effects.
Vitamin A is particularly important for detoxing.
For detoxing?
What is detoxing in your view?
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by Kasper »

This is true for all nutrients.
Agree, but the absorption of minerals is especially depended on the gut flora.

"Without the full functioning gut flora you can not assimilate minerals.
In order for them to cross the gut lining, they need to be transported, they need to be chelated by very special acids which these bacteria produce."

Another interesting fact from this video:
Studies with rats has shown that only 1% of mercury is absorbed when gut flora is healthy.
After using antibiotic the gut flora, 90% of mercury is absorbed.
Too much of any metal (such as zinc) has adverse effects.
Yeah, let's just post some random facts:
Too much of anything has adverse effects.
For detoxing?
What is detoxing in your view?
It's not really my view, I'm just quoting natasha campbell mcbride.
I think it's about detoxing of thinks like heavy metals.
She states that it is shown that tissues use up vitamin A in a shocking rate when the body is detoxing.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by panacea »

If what natasha is claiming is true about the minerals, then how would taking any old mineral supplement help? I mean what you said is:
"Without the full functioning gut flora you can not assimilate minerals" Well, that statement means if you take a bunch of mineral supplements it wouldn't help any way, since you can't assimilate them?

For this reason I think you should point out that under-the-tongue dissolving supplements for zinc etc is really the only beneficial kind for the money.. I've used those before they are better than gum for bad breath :)
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by RRM »

Kasper wrote:
RRM wrote:
Kasper wrote: I've tried supplementing with magnesium and zinc for I think around a year (on and off).
Too much of any metal (such as zinc) has adverse effects.
Yeah, let's just post some random facts:
Too much of anything has adverse effects.
You said you took supplementary zinc...
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by Kasper »

I take 10-20 mg zinc, you think that will have adverse effects ?

I'm reading a new book:
Critical Alignment (Yoga) by Gert van Leeuwen

As far I read, this is one of the best yoga book ever written.
I'm doing a few exercises now daily. Works as magic regarding posture.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by RRM »

Kasper wrote:I take 10-20 mg zinc, you think that will have adverse effects ?
Thats more than you need, but usually the body can perfectly decrease the absorption rate accordingly.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by Kasper »

You don't know if that's more than I need.

I actually think that's on the low side for me.
After doing 15 mg for three months and eating beef/lamp every day, I tested my zinc.
It was 9 µmol/L, which is the lower limt according to wikipedia.
In total my zinc intake was around 25-30 mg for 3 months.

I notice improvement in posture, and less inflammation at the sternum when I take zinc.
I´ve been on and off with zinc supplementation several times. And I always notice these effects.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by RRM »

Kasper wrote:I actually think that's on the low side for me.
After doing 15 mg for three months and eating beef/lamp every day, I tested my zinc.
It was 9 µmol/L, which is the lower limt according to wikipedia.
In total my zinc intake was around 25-30 mg for 3 months.
That might actually be the result of your body trying to keep the zinc level that low.
It is known that it does so for another metal; iron;
when sick, the body may lower the iron level.
What the exact reason(s) is/are is up to speculation.
It may have to do with the pro-oxidative properties of metals.
I notice improvement in posture, and less inflammation at the sternum when I take zinc.
I´ve been on and off with zinc supplementation several times. And I always notice these effects.
The real question is:
What causes the inflammation of your sternum?
Or better: what causes your body to be imbalanced so much?
The way you go about it now, is focussing on the symptoms and the involved nutrients that you may lack.
Besides zinc to improve your posture, you need extra vitamin E for hairloss, you need to lower mast cell chymase release, more omega 3, less omega 6, biokult probiotics for candida and ADD, more biotin for candida, more vitamin B6 to increase IL-2 production, more cortisol and vitamin A for detoxing, boron for fluoride toxicity, extra magnesium to relax your muscles, more vitamin D, xylitol for tongue-coating, sea salt and xylitol for red eyes, astaxanthin for muscle aches, Immunocal for bipolar disorder and for increasing glutathion, melatonin to sleep, Ritalin to feel good...
Do you see what i mean?

If one has acne, one might think that it was caused by a lack of vitamin B5, as pharmaceutical dosages B5 can eliminate acne.
In practise, acne is not caused by a diet low in B5.
And, i think not one of your conditions is caused by a lack of a specific nutrient.
I really think you need a different approach.
What would happen if you stop all supplements, drugs and treatments and just eat 100% Wai for a couple of months,
in a totally relaxing environment?
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by overkees »

You might stop where you think everything is okay but can be much much better. It is not about being healthy, it is about being vital. Up to the point where sleep gets reduced to 4-6 naturally I think you are in an optimal health range, with no problems to fall asleep. If this is not the case, I think there is too much inflammation in the body by the cause of a lot of factors in our everyday western life. If you don't have this normal sleep pattern then there is no way to know that absorption rates can be adjusted accurately enough to maintain that super health, and so no way of knowing you are getting enough nutrients everytime it is needed.
But of course, there has been done little research about super health states. So, there is alot more speculation then by using the facts we already got presented for this (in my opinion) weakened state that we (even on wai diet) still call healthy. But if you want to get to that state you need to take alot of factors in the back of your head.
And note that only a very very very small portion of the people achieve these states. But this is where Kasper is after. And this also is the case with me.
Although I supplement only very little, because I still think that the less you interfere the faster the process goes. So I only use biokult and a treatment against athlete's foot (externally) atm, sometimes I use ginseng and liquorice to test wheter this positivlely changes my waking up but haven't got the time to test it good enough yet, due to holidays and other things.

And RRM, I am still very interested in your opinion about defecation. I have noticed that, since doing buteyko and having done 2 weeks of nonstop biokult, that after stopping biokult I didnt need to whipe my butt for 3 weeks straight. I went on a holiday to Libanon, and had soft defecation there again after eating very very bad products and drinking some water out of the tap there. Now I am back it differentiates only a little, most of the time there is no need to use toilet paper. Where previously I needed to use alot of it, especially on the wai diet. I also don't suffer from constipation problems anymore. Now I only used antiobiotics once in my life, years and years ago. So we can conclude, probiotics in the form of biokult has a major impact on a good working gut. And since alot is absorbed in our gut, we can also never be sure the nutrients are absorbed sufficiently enough or that yeasts and fungi that are in (maybe only a slight) overgrowth absorb them instead of us. This fact is, in my opinion a major crack in the story that only eating wai is good enough to have an ideal health as Oscar commented that he still needed to use alot of toilet paper at times even if he is on the wai diet for a lot of years 100%. I would like to hear your comments.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by dime »

We can call sleeping 4-6 hours a day everything but normal, because most people sleep 7-8 hours.
In fact I've never heard of anyone sleeping 4-6 hours on average, please point me to some real life examples (not theory) to prove me wrong.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by overkees »

Well, as I already mentioned, there are not a lot of people who achieve these health states. But in fact, my girlfriend is doing yoga classes for a while now and she actually has met some people there who can't sleep longer than 6 hours. Most of them average on 5 hours. Real yogis are really healthy people and have all the benefits that a buteyko regime also guarantees. It as alot to do with muscle tension, stress relief, consciousness about the body and of course the most important one: slow breathing. The teacher in her class breathe exceptionally slow when compared to "normal" people.

The reason I used the word normal is because there is a huge difference in the health of people nowadays and people in the past. So I could better have called it natural sleep. But still our 'normal' or 'natural' sleep, should be no longer than 6 hours if you ask me. In fact, there have been done very interesting experiments with our natural sleep. http://sleep.lovetoknow.com/Bimodal_Sleep_Patterns There you can see that most people when sleeping totally natural have a a rhythm of sleeping 2 times for 3-5 hours. Therefore, creating alot less overbreathing during sleep cuz of the pause in the middle. I would also like to point out this article: http://health.ucsd.edu/news/2002/02_08_kripke.html as you can see people who sleep 6-7 hours live longest. Of course this has to do with overbreathing in sleep if you ask me.

Also, the 7-8 you call normal is often with the use of devices and alarms to wake people up. Totally unnatural of course. And therefore, in my eyes definately not normal. I know ALOT of people who sleep alot longer than that when they have no alarm clocks. They are lazy, have no energy and are tired after 1000 m of running at a slow pace.

And then you have the case of people who wake up with an alarm clock for years at 7am. Like my dad, he wakes up at 7am if he likes it or not. If he goes to bed late and gets like 6 hours of sleep he often feels very wrecked and you see his eyes are red. He needs coffee or otherwise can't wake up mentally properly. He then needs to have a nap after dinner or otherwise he can't complete the evening. So yeah, that also is not really a good indicitation of health.

Again, if you sleep immediately when you lay down when tired, get up after 4-6 hours and are very energetic, this MUST be an indicator of a tremendous health and vitality. I always notice my CP is +40 if I wake up naturally after 6 hours. So there must be a correlation and a natural tendency to sleep less when healthy. And Im NOT talking about insomnia or things like these.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by Kasper »

I'll react on your post later RRM.

But I totally agree with overkees.
In fact I've never heard of anyone sleeping 4-6 hours on average, please point me to some real life examples (not theory) to prove me wrong.
I'm not going to proof you scientifically, cause I can't.
But this is why I believe this is true:

According to Artour (from normalbreathing.com) all his students who reach 40 MCP sleep less than 6 hours a day.
No science, true, but I believe him. I don't see why he would lie, and all the things he states on his website that I was able to check, are true for me personally.

Overkees already mentioned it. But with high CP (40-60s) there is no need to use toilet paper.
Even when I'm detoxing, and got soft stools, I don't need to use toilet paper.
I don't understand this myself as well, but I've had this like 20 times.

Many sources claim he hardly slept at all (2 hours accoring to artour).

Presidents/famous people (source panacea)
Many presidents, famous people say to only sleep very little.

Tony Robbins
Do you think this guy is lying ? I really can't believe this. But maybe I'm naive.
He says he only sleeps 3 hours a day.

Tai-Chi teacher
When I was in Ireland, I lived in the house of Tai-Chi teacher.
He was a very stressed ADHD'er (doesn't know it himself). And his CP was only 20-30 s.
But he was really into that tai-chi scene. And he told me he knew very much people (tai-chi/yoga/pranic healing guru's) that only slept for 4 hours.
He said that he choose not to spend so much time on tai-chi (30 min. a day), but he said that the super health states described in tai-chi/chi-gung included very little sleeping.
This is why I'm no so into yoga now. As those guru's don't need to do heavy physical exercise. :)

I sleep around 3-6 hours when I'm at 40 MCP. On average 5 hour.
If I would guess the hours of sleep last 7 days:

(Today only 5 hours :) woohoo ).
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by dime »

What about marathon runners, Tour de France bikers, Olympic swimmers, etc? All these guys have CP above 100 for sure.
Do these guys sleep 2-3 hours only??

Here's some quick info I found:

http://strengthplanet.com/other/15-surp ... hletes.htm
5. How many hours do world class athletes sleep?

According to researchers Martin Miller and Judd Biasiotto (that’s me) world class athletes sleep an average of 520 minutes per night - 8.75 hours a night. That is approximately an hour more sleep than what researchers Frederick Backeland and Ernest Hartmann found for the average person. According to those researchers, the average person sleeps 7.5 hours per night.
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Re: Kasper's thoughts

Post by overkees »

No way they have CP +100 as most of them are mouth breathers. If you mouth breathe you will lose way too much CO2 too quick to get comfortable with these high saturation levels. By the way there is this runner who also has athma, Paula Radcliffe. She has the record on the marathon I believe. But she is still below 30 CP if she experiences asthma problems. Alot of them probably have higher CPs than most of the people, but only in the day. Alot of focal infections and muscle tension that won't let them be able to pass the +40 MCP treshold.

Look, when I ran with my mouth I could run 5-7km without training. Now it took me 4 months to be able to walk 10km with nosebreathing at a decent pace.

No, you need to look at the sleeping patterns of indigineous people who do a lot of nose breathing during running. Like the taramuhara. Look at this: http://www.lehigh.edu/~dmd1/art.html here search for the phrase: "go to sleep whenever". Sounds pretty much like a buteyko protocol to me.
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