Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

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Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Novidez »

First, let me introduce myself with a brief story:

Hi! My name is Leandro Oliveira and I am 24 years old. I’m 183 cm tall and I weight 72 kg. I am Portuguese and I am currently a college student.

Since my early young age and as far I can remember, I have been always an anxious person, with serious difficulties to concentrate (and always constipated). However, it was throughout my youth that my anxiety problems started to cause me some real problems. My grades on school fell off, I became even more anxious and stressed (for curiosity, acne was also an issue those days). Around my 15 years old, I was diagnosed with OCD and it was there that the never-ending psychology/psychiatrist cycle started. What can I say is that I ingest an infinite amount of pills: Prozac, Sertraline, Fluvoxamine, Clomipramine, Risperidone, Ritalin, and so on…

But, in the past few months, I randomly went to a medical quantum medicine. I can say, that I was very impressed (and I still am) with the results I got! And the main thing I did was ‘only’ to change my eating habits: remove milk, wheat foods (remove gluten essentially) and sugars; start to eat more nuts, seeds and more fish. I also took some supplements initially though. Nevertheless, constipation was gone (although I think the supplements were a big factor here), concentration problems were not so strong and anxiety slowed down.

I am almost by myself right now, i.e., I don't have as much consultations I used to have, because she says that I don't need them already.
I can say that, since then, I am becoming more and more interested in a healthy diet, you can’t imagine how! And also, I began to be very interested in meditation, hollistic points of view of our body, awareness, present moment.

I started to be very skeptical and critical about the way we are manipulated by the food industry and started to search and to investigate more about this whole subject: what is the ideal/perfect diet for us human beings.
Everyone knows that there are thousands and thousands of different diets out there. However, when I began to explore more about this, only specific diets interested me. The first person I found to understand about healthy foods was Dr. Andrew Weil. I’ve been reading many things about what he says. While I was reading and searching more, I found the concept of Intermittent Fasting, which I had never heard before. I was really surprised with the benefits that IF provided. Then, I started to search more about IF and find Dr. Joseph Mercola. I’ve been reading some of his articles too. And, lastly, I ended up finding Ori Hofmekler and his Warrior Diet. He was the person who most convinced me about the final verdict how bad we utilize food nowadays. The main reason was because he approaches our natural instincts unlike most diets. This was a huge thing for me, because becoming one with the nature is something that I really value. In addition, he talks about listening to our body needs and also about our ancestors and how they used to live which I found very interesting, innovative and logical.

Now, I can explain my topic title xD:
I think Ori has an excellent point of view on his approach. I still didn’t read his book completely but I’ve already read a lot about how his diet consists. I actually started to try following his diet plan. Another thing that I agreed with him, for example, was about respecting our circadian clock and the fact that our Biological Feeding Time is at night (according to him). I always hated the fact that after having a huge lunch, I tended to be very tired right after and wanting to take a nap. But in our world, sleep is underrated and it is seen as a useless thing. And then, there we are forcing ourselves to stay awake in whatever way we found and not sleep well at all at night either.
And, well, I ended up finding the Wai Diet. Basically, because I was randomly searching on the Internet causes of constipation. Yep, constipation is always an issue for me. And since Ori emphasizes to eat vegetables (actually, most of the diets say the same), I became more constipated.

The Wai Diet… I don’t know what to say, what to think, what to believe, what to follow right now. However, The Wai Diet is surely a thing. Moreover, characteristics about observing our ancestors, becoming more natural and listen to our body are present!
But… That’s the thing: there a lot of ‘buts’ still xD

I’ve been reading many topics here in the forum to try deeply understand how the Wai Diet works. However,there is so much information in here that I don’t really know where to start!
I’m really sorry if the questions that I am going to do are already answered somewhere in the forum (if that’s the case, please, if it is not too much to ask, redirect me to the sources where I can find more information about it). To simplify my doubts briefly:

- What do you think about the Warrior Diet from Ori Hofmekler? (btw, I found funny that there is a Wai Warrior (diet) xD). For example, one huge difference is that he focus on eating lots of protein :S. And, actually, when I went to the quantum doctor, she said to reduce the intake on carbs and increase the amount of protein. Here in this diet seems that we focus somehow on carbs (I may have misunderstood though!);
- This diet interested me mostly because it seems it involves subjects like mental disorders, balancing hormones, etc, and my main problems are anxiety, stress, constipation, problems on focusing (I heard that the Admin could concentrate for several hours straight, is that true? :O), bad sleep, restless, my body is always very tense... How can this diet benefit me? :)
- What about the antioxidant foods? (Well, I actually read somewhere that these do not exist at all lol). Thought what about foods like ginger, the holy grail green tea, drinking lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach, the benefits from eating raw garlic, eating more berries, stress foods, those detox smoothies… Are these all lies?
- Not eating cooked foods at all is making me so weird. So essentially, when our ancestors started to cook food, they made a huge mistake is that it…?
- About the Raw Yolks and Raw Meat/Fish… I am so afraid... Mostly because, nowadays, it is so hard to find real natural food. I mean, with all the GMO, pesticides, the way the fish is farmed, the way they treat animals and sell unhealthy meat… Every food I see on the supermarket is far from organic :(
- Sugar… but, really, refined sugar? I’ve already read some topics about this issue, but I am still afraid of it. Since I am not eating sugar for almost 6 months, I don't know, do I really need it?
- The quantity of raw yolks and OJ with sugar… Is that really the way we evolve to be in a natural point of view? It seems so bizarre xD
- No vegetables at all… Not even green vegetables? (Though, I really agree with the fact that we don't have a crop to digest cereals, nor 4 stomachs to gradually digest grasses or leaves). And grains… all those leguminous, are they really bad for us?
- Phytates and enzyme inhibitors do not work as the bacteria that eggs have? That is, give us immunity?
- Isn’t eating a big variety of foods that make our immune system stronger?

Conclusion: I still have a lot to learn and read. I have to say that I'm glad that this Forum exists! :D

Another thing is that I am very bad is on scientific terms. So I have some difficulties to understand what they are and what they do. I never had such an interest on this subject as I am having right now, so I am really newbie in this area :roll: . Also, my main studies are not really related to this.

When I was writing this, I was thinking about sending a private message to the Admin only. I must apologize for this, essentially because all my questions are kinda directed to him. But I decided to share it here, because I think it would be better not only to present myself but also to hear more opinions from you ‘Wai Experts’.

Really thank you for attention and support!

P.S.: I'm sorry if my English is not that great since it is not my native language. I really tried to do my best!
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by chris75001 »

Hi Leandro, I passed by there then I will help you a bit;) English is not my first language

I will not answer on behalf of the founders but I'll tell you what makes the difference and why this diet is best

Compared to Ori Hofmekler and his diet, wai warrior is more or less the same except that Ori still advised to eat fruit and salad the day while on Wai Warrior you are a true intermittent fasting and only the Wai foods agreed during food intake phase

Beware, if you are encouraged to follow a diet consisting of intermittent fasting, be sure to replace the fiber fruit by only juice (RRM will explain better than I)

To fast, you need carbs, juice, sugar and a little protein if you are sensitive

What makes the difference for me and for many other, it is really concentrate to drink fruit juice instead of whole food. It makes all the difference really cut fiber

Juices, juices and juice for energy and raw protein in the evening, but not too much if you are sensitive, too much protein in general is not good at all

And one last thing, actually there are thousands of other plan, some spineless us good, else do you lose weight, the other merely lose weight your wallet

You have noticed that here there are tons of free information accesible, no sales Ebook or another, RRM, WAI, OSCAR takes the time to answer each question, they never asked anything for money.

That's why I have total confidence in this diet and I never would change.
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Novidez »

Hi Chris, and thank you very much for you reply. I was starting to become kinda sad and wondering if I was too late on discovering the Wai Diet. In the past, seemed to be more activity here in the forum :(
Till now, I am trying my best to read most of the topics here, because I know there's probably some doubts of mine that have already been answered somewhere. Slowly, but surely, I'm getting there, even though, of course, I still have some questions and some insecurity :P
chris75001 wrote:Compared to Ori Hofmekler and his diet, wai warrior is more or less the same except that Ori still advised to eat fruit and salad the day while on Wai Warrior you are a true intermittent fasting and only the Wai foods agreed during food intake phase
Beware, if you are encouraged to follow a diet consisting of intermittent fasting, be sure to replace the fiber fruit by only juice (RRM will explain better than I)
To fast, you need carbs, juice, sugar and a little protein if you are sensitive
I'm actually kinda confused how IF works. Because, yeah, Ori crearly says that there is a difference between hungry and starvation. I was trying to follow his patterns, but the consequence was that I introduced too many vegetables (on the positive side, I find the Wai diet xD). Reading RRM's progress on the Wai Warrior, yeah, it is a true IF: not eat nor drink anything at all during the day and only eat on the eating phase. Really impressive!
However, as I said, I feel completely lost. Firstly, I watched this video from Joseph Mercola where he says something interesting at the beginning "For a long time, I was under the impression that breakfast was the least important meal of the day. Well, I've modify my views on that because the whole component of that was to really seek to focus your body into IF where you're going for 16-18 hours a day without eating any food. Skipping breakfast is one way to accomplish that. However, I think there may be better more efective strategies. So, having a healthy breakfast can be a fenomenally useful strategy. I've shifted my views on what I believe the ideal macronutrient mixture might be based on the work of Dr Rosewelmdsafsasafm (?), and I really think that high quality fat diet is essential. Largely, because of all of our cell membranes in our body are composed on fat. So the key is to get the highest fat we possible can." And he puts his recipe at the end of the video: Image
What confuses me here is that he worked with Ori, and this recipe early in the morning seems to be very incompatible on what Ori defends. I don't know if it is because he has an intense physical activity early in the day or not.
I was doing ok not eating that much early in the morning and only eating at night though.
chris75001 wrote:What makes the difference for me and for many other, it is really concentrate to drink fruit juice instead of whole food. It makes all the difference really cut fiber

Juices, juices and juice for energy and raw protein in the evening, but not too much if you are sensitive, too much protein in general is not good at all
See, that's something that I am still afraid mostly because when I went to the quantum doctor, she said to focus on protein and fat essentially. But, she highlighted that protein is very important. Ori seems to have a point on that too. But, I do know that lots of protein can be harmful too, specially if you're not doing physical exercise at all.

I find very 'funny' regarding what is a Healthy Eating plate by the Food Industry in general. Both pyramids don't really focus on fruits. They even say that it has to be the food that we should eat less. Why do they focus so much on vegetables and put aside fruits?

The other day, I saw this video And I wondered myself "This woman must be Wai's spokesperson or even Wai!" ahah. But, on her site, I find some useful information that coincides on things that Wai says.
chris75001 wrote:And one last thing, actually there are thousands of other plan, some spineless us good, else do you lose weight, the other merely lose weight your wallet

You have noticed that here there are tons of free information accesible, no sales Ebook or another, RRM, WAI, OSCAR takes the time to answer each question, they never asked anything for money.

That's why I have total confidence in this diet and I never would change.
Yeah, and it is pretty amazing! That's why I am trying to keep it up! I still have to read the Free Acne Book.
But this diet seems to be not suitable for all the people. I mean, there isn't that much people here in the forum. Seems that not everyone can 'eat' it.
However, I'm still a college boy, I mean, money and independence are not factors that favors me. When I started to investigate more about food in general, I've actually become really thin. But interesting enought, I find myself with more vitality than ever! But, omg, people around me consistly ask if I am sick, if I am eating well,... So annoying! If by any chance I told them that I find the Wai Diet, I think they would put me in the hospital, no joke! That's actually one thing that Wai says, that socialable it is really not well accepted because people see only what they want to see. They don't even inquire themselves about what they are eating.

I really want to start embracing this diet. I just need that click!
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by RRM »

Hi Leandro, welcome!
Novidez wrote: I have been always an anxious person, with serious difficulties to concentrate (and always constipated).
This combination hints at high sensitivity to beta-carbolines and/or opioid peptides.
remove milk, wheat foods ... constipation was gone (although I think the supplements were a big factor here)
When sensitive, milk and wheat (opioid peptides) cause constipation.
I dont think supplements have anything to do with this.
about respecting our circadian clock
Yes, this has a huge impact. This is illustrated by the secretion of specific hormones in the middle of the night at specific hours.
our Biological Feeding Time is at night (according to him).
I fully agree. At night,our body is in the repair and rebuild mode, requiring a lot of nutrients, and needs to a 'metabolic phase' (hormonal), which requires abundant nutrients.
in our world, sleep is underrated
Indeed, while sleep is #1, regarding health.
What do you think about the Warrior Diet from Ori Hofmekler? .. one huge difference is that he focus on eating lots of protein
For the IF to work, it does not really matter what you eat during the eating phase. (high protein or low protein)
High protein diets are usually advised by people who think that fats and sugars are bad.
Protein, fats and sugars are all perfectly fine.
The downside of protein is that when cooked, proteins form all kinds of new compounds of which some are hazardous.
But regarding IF, it is irrelevant.

problems on focusing (I heard that the Admin could concentrate for several hours straight, is that true?
Oh yes, i can go on and on and on. Too bad i have to eat and drink and sleep in between, otherwise i keep going. :)
Focussing is the easiest thing in the world for me.
bad sleep, restless, my body is always very tense... How can this diet benefit me?
By giving you good sleep, for starters.
Sleep is essential, so let us focus on that first.
The 2 most effective things are:
1. Have plenty of energy in the hours before you go to bed. After sleep, postpone your breakfast as long as possible, to create a good pattern.
2. Consume plenty fresh raw egg yolks daily, to increase good cholesterol availability, including for activating serotonin receptors.
What about the antioxidant foods? (Well, I actually read somewhere that these do not exist at all lol)
They do exist.
For everything in your body you need oxidation (energy, nutrients, oxygen), which requires radicals. Antioxidants balance radicals, to prevent excessive collateral damage.
All the anti-oxidants you need are already provided by fruit juices.
Thought what about foods like ginger, the holy grail green tea, drinking lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach, the benefits from eating raw garlic, eating more berries, stress foods, those detox smoothies… Are these all lies?
Not lies, but they all come with unwanted side effects, while all unnecessary.
Not eating cooked foods at all is making me so weird.
Weird, but healthy, full of energy, with great focus and sleeping well, would that be acceptable?
So essentially, when our ancestors started to cook food, they made a huge mistake is that it…?
No, it is a trade off.
Without cooking, few foods are digested and assimilated well.
With cooking, you can eat almost anything.
So, much more food available, though less healthy.
About the Raw Yolks and Raw Meat/Fish… I am so afraid...
I have 3 kids, 1, 3 and 4 years old now.
All 3 of them received fresh raw egg yolks from the age of 6 months old.
They also eat raw minced meat regularly. They have never been sick.
Im doing this diet since 1995. Never any adverse reaction, except for feeling nausea from eating farmed salmon.
Mostly because, nowadays, it is so hard to find real natural food. I mean, with all the GMO, pesticides, the way the fish is farmed, the way they treat animals and sell unhealthy meat… Every food I see on the supermarket is far from organic :(
Yes, but that is true for all foods; cooked or not.
Sugar… but, really, refined sugar?
Refined means more pure.
Pure sucrose.
Sucrose is completely natural. And refined or not, all sucrose is the same.
Non-refined sugars contain all kind of impurities, such as pesticide residues etc.
I am not eating sugar for almost 6 months, I don't know, do I really need it?
You do not need to add sugar. You can also thrive on sieved fruit juices containing natural sugars only.
The quantity of raw yolks and OJ with sugar… Is that really the way we evolve to be in a natural point of view?
Sugars are natural.
Consuming extra sugars may be beneficial if you need the extra energy.
Its certainly not a must.
It seems so bizarre xD
Not if you look at it this way:
To function optimally, you need to burden the body as little as possible.
Sugar is pure energy; only the benefit of the energy without the burden of fiber, anti-nutrients and other unwanted ingredients.
It is also void of other nutrients, but these are already obtained from juices.
Juices are also 'just the essentials' from the fruits.
No vegetables at all… Not even green vegetables?
Everything that is inside veggies, is also contained in fruits (regarding nutrients)
The difference is that veggies are parts of the plant, not meant for consumption but for survival of the plant.
Fruits on the other hand are meant for consumption, so that its seeds are spread.
And grains… all those leguminous, are they really bad for us?
We cannot digest them properly without cooking. And cooking creates toxins.
Phytates and enzyme inhibitors do not work as the bacteria that eggs have? That is, give us immunity?
ha ha, no bacteria are fundamentally different from anti-nutrients.
Some things make you weaker. Some things make you stronger. There are differences.
Isn’t eating a big variety of foods that make our immune system stronger?
In that case i would be very weak, as i mostly drink OJ and eat raw salmon.
I am never sick. never. Nor are my kids.
Another thing is that I am very bad is on scientific terms. So I have some difficulties to understand what they are
Ok. Whatever you do not understand, just ask, and i will explain.
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by RRM »

Novidez wrote:having a healthy breakfast can be a fenomenally useful strategy.
Not if you want to focus on having a good sleep.
And if you want to optimize the recovery phase.
I really think that high quality fat diet is essential.
Largely, because of all of our cell membranes in our body are composed on fat.
Membranes are just one part of the story. There is much more. Sugars are essential to the brain. Proteins are the building blocks of all cells.
I don't know if it is because he has an intense physical activity early in the day or not.
No. My day also starts with high energy activities.
For this you need energy depots in your muscles (glycogen) completely filled up during the night.
Breakfast prevents autophagy, and autophagy is the essence of fasting.
You should not eat at all in the morning to get the fasting going.
I went to the quantum doctor, she said to focus on protein and fat essentially.
You can do that, but you will feel more energetic if you include sugars as well.
It is however very outdated to see sugars as bad.
Why do they focus so much on vegetables and put aside fruits?
Because fruits contain sugars
I've actually become really thin
So, do not deprive yourself of sugars...
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Novidez »

Thank you very much for your answer RRM!

Well, I have to be honest with you, I'm really trying to increase my knowledge to start this diet. I already have so many subscribed topics here just to remember that I want to read them later. But the information just keeps going, it never ends xD. I just want to be sure that I know the basics.
By giving you good sleep, for starters.
Sleep is essential, so let us focus on that first.
You must have read my mind, because sleeping has been my main focus till now. I mean, about eating before bed etc, that's the last thing I have been reading.
The 2 most effective things are:
1. Have plenty of energy in the hours before you go to bed. After sleep, postpone your breakfast as long as possible, to create a good pattern.
2. Consume plenty fresh raw egg yolks daily, to increase good cholesterol availability, including for activating serotonin receptors.
Regarding 1., since I started to do IF (dispite not knowing if it is suitable for me or not since I am still a stressed person. You said somewhere (a long time ago though) "hunger is stress, forcing your body to convert stored energy and energy incorporated in cells to be converted into available energy. Then having such an omnivous meal at night again is stress to your body, because that is too much energy at once, which is a big strain on your insulin system."... Though I have been doing OK till now), I am having the largest meal at night. During the day, I only eat 2/3 fruits and drink water. However, I don't know what are the best foods for me yet.
About the yolk eggs, I read that the best time to eat them should be at night. But I still didn't research enough to know how to check if they are still fresh or not. And also, I don't know what food to eat right before bed, because on the one hand I want to sleep better but on the other hand I want to evacuate better too. So I still have doubts about consuming fiber after a protein meal, since on the constipation page waisays says "not to eat any food containing sugars or fibers within 3 hours after having consumed a proteinous meal. If you want to have dessert or fruit, eat it before the main course.".
But, overall, I have to start to invest on this. I will start with a raw yolk and then increase the quantity (the body has to adapt to it first, right?)
Weird, but healthy, full of energy, with great focus and sleeping well, would that be acceptable?
Well, heck yeah! That's my main goal and what interests me more anout this diet (and solve constipation problems too of course :P)
I have 3 kids, 1, 3 and 4 years old now.
All 3 of them received fresh raw egg yolks from the age of 6 months old.
They also eat raw minced meat regularly. They have never been sick.
Im doing this diet since 1995. Never any adverse reaction, except for feeling nausea from eating farmed salmon.
I never doubted about your words. What I don't trust are the eggs I buy! xD (btw, my aunt has some hens and she often offers me some eggs. She says that they are fed with corn, cabbage and some leftovers. Leftovers ruin everything, right? xD)
Yes, but that is true for all foods; cooked or not.
About peeling the skin of the fruits: is that because of fiber and pesticides? Because I've always been told that most of the nutrients were on the peel xD. Sometimes I buy some organic fruit, but since I suffer from constipation, is it best to still peel it or isn't really necessary?
Juices are also 'just the essentials' from the fruits.
Well, I still eat the whole fruit... :roll:
ha ha, no bacteria are fundamentally different from anti-nutrients.
Some things make you weaker. Some things make you stronger. There are differences.
But do we need phytates? I mean, Andrew Weil says "You also should be aware that phytates themselves have some health benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects. In laboratory research, phytates have helped normalize cell growth and stopped the proliferation of cancer cells. They also may help prevent cardiovascular disease and lower a food's glycemic load." Is he right?
Ok. Whatever you do not understand, just ask, and i will explain.
It's terms like those you said "high sensitivity to beta-carbolines and/or opioid peptides." I mean, I can understand the whole idea, but each term in particular, I don't have a clue about what they mean (still!). This is just an example. I sometimes try to search on the Internet what some of those terms mean, but when I read them I still continue to not understand anything at all xD. Although, my curiosity to comprehend more about this area is huge! :)
It is however very outdated to see sugars as bad.
But why they keep spamming warnings about refined sugar? And with 'they' I mean common sense news, some sites/blogs about healthy foods, and guys like Andrew Weil, Joseph Mercola don't approve sugar at all. Of course, they are not gods, but they really keep insisting on this. And, of course, they approve vegetables too ;D
So, do not deprive yourself of sugars...
Is 183 cm tall and weight 70-72 kgs that bad for me? The BMI seems to be ok... The only thing is that my height is kinda big and large, so my bones started to show up on my skin.

Random questions:

- What are these Stress Activated Foods and this berberine thing that Ori talks about? And, just for curiosity, he says a lot to take Whey Protein (of course, I believe he wants to sell his products too), but you don't agree with him right?
- Regarding our ancestors, I always thought that our teeth became less sharper (for instance, our canines) because we started to cooking foods... Is this not true? Have we always had our teeth like these?
- Is doing depilation healthy for our body? Btw, was clothes the reason that we started to lose some body hair?
- What do you think about vaccines?
- If you had to donate bone marrow, would you do it? I don't know if asking you this is kinda embarrassing. It's actually a question that I asked myself the other day, because I think I am not registered to be able to donate and I was thinking about registering. But then, I read that they inject this filgrastim and I was like 'filgrastim... what the hell is this?" or you can even receive anesthesia. I fell into a dilemma. And see? Again those terms that I am not familiar with ahah!
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Novidez »

I was not planning to post this sooner, but yesterday I ate my first raw yolk in my whole life (I think) and I have to share the experience:
I must say that is was strangely, scary...good?

I ate it around 9 pm with an avocado. I had no problem eating, it was really tasty actually. But then, here come the symptoms:
- I started to feel a kind of cold sweats and that made me panic a bit. I couldn't stop moving inside my house and I also took deep breaths to deal with it. I have to be honest here, I tried to throw up putting my fingers on my mouth. But the truth is, I realize that I wasn't that queasy at all. And so, I simply couldn't puke;
- Then, I started to feel quieter. However, I still had this strong, intense energy inside me! Really, usually, when I finish eating at night, I tend to be lazy and postpone washing my dishes for later or even postpone to the next day. But holy cow, yesterday I had my dishes washed in few seconds! This energy, it was like it was possessing and controlling me! My body was moving on its own! I think, in that moment, I could walk a 1000 of miles easily! On a spiritual approach, it felt like I suddenly understood what spiritual teachers say when they feel a huge energy inside them and that energy makes them move without thinking about it. I don't know if it was also the survival mode at its peak and my instincts suddenly start working at their finest. I can say that I had no time to think about useless mind stuff at all. I just took action!;
- Minutes later, I felt calmer and calmer. I was trying to be completely aware of what was happening inside me. I noticed that my body was making some weird sounds since I ate the yolk. Actually, this was the other effect: it acted like a laxative. And no, I didn't have diarrhea, I can say that it was kinda useful. I mean, I wasn't not pooping for 2 days and I was finally able to remove the stopper that I was holding very easily. It was weird... like my bowels seemed to awaken and started to really do their job;
- I went to bed around 10.30 pm and I was pretty ok in that moment. But, I still had difficulties to fall asleep as usual (of course I was not expecting to sleep like a baby on the first day xD. Just to share it). I was actually thinking so much about the experience and what to say about it here in the forum. I wanted to write it here as soon as possible. I think I felt asleep around 1 pm. I also know that woke up 1 or 2 times during the night.

Overall, it is like I said: I felt really frightned in the beginning but then it was actually good. However, since I am not an expert to analyze the situation, do you think that these were good or bad news? And, if possible, could you explain the effects I had (intense energy - really, what the hell was that? I read one topic about one person experiencing the same effect but I can't find it anymore. Sorry if this question was already answered somewhere - and the laxative effect)? Also, do you think that I shouldn't have eaten a entire raw yolk for a first time and only a teaspoon/tablespoon of it? I wanted to be brave xD. I actually think I was able to handle it pretty well... or not?

I'm really looking forward to start a diary here to share my experience and progress. But, unfortunately, I still eat a lot of non-wai food, specially when I have my parents around. Kinda hard to deal with...
Nevertheless, this is just the beginning and I will surely start one. I will continue with the first step: raw yolks! :)
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Novidez »

P.S.: Just to clarify, I don't live with my parents most of the time since I am college student. But that's the the problem: I still depend on them. So, when they come visiting me, they bring cooked food/cook food which I can say that I am not particularly interested right now. Even when I found IF, it was like "Just shut up and eat the lunch right now with us!". However, now that I am even more skeptical about cooking and I am learning more and more about food, if I say that I don't want to eat what they eat, they interpret it as an insult. Actually, they say that I need to eat, that I am not eating well, etc, and the problem is that they really believe that they are helping me, which they aren't at all. In reality they are only feeding their own beliefs. I know that they want the the best and this is love... But the sad part is that they are not really helping me. It's hard to deal with, specially when their ego is huge. And this happens not only with my parents, but also with the whole society. When someone starts to feel healthy and know how to really take care of itself, everybody seems disapprove and want to teach what is the best for us. Not what we think or do, that's completely wrong. And then, I look around: everybody is fat, with a bad mood, unhappy, lethargic, complete mad about everything and everyone.
This world... :')
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by RRM »

Novidez wrote:having such an omnivous meal at night again is stress to your body, because that is too much energy at once, which is a big strain on your insulin system
But not if your glycogen depots are not full yet.
Only one the glycogen depots are full, extra energy is a strain on your insulin system, because the insulin need to evoke the storage of energy. And when that is not immediately possible (ful glycogen depots), that same surplus energy will keep on stimulating the pointless release of insulin. This 'short circuiting' will continue until the excess energy has been converted into bodyfat.
But not if your glycogen depots are not full yet.
And since you are doing IF, your glycogen depots get emptied daily. So it takes a lot of energy (omnivous meal at night) to fill them up again.
I am having the largest meal at night
I don't know what are the best foods for me yet.
Foods that are easily digested but energy dense.
So, juices instead of whole fruits. There are many store bought juices that you can consume.
Apple and pear juice have little nutritional value. OJ is great.
About the yolk eggs, I read that the best time to eat them should be at night.
Yes, at night. Preferrably before you go to bed.
But rinse your mouth with OJ (the fruit acids do the trick) to remove the remainders afterwards, as egg yolk remainders will give you a coated tongue.
I still didn't research enough to know how to check if they are still fresh or not.
When you open up an egg, the white should be firm, jelly-like. Not watery.
The yolk should be firm as well, remaining intact. If it falls apart after opening the shell, it may be not so fresh.
If the yolk is firm, its definitely fresh enough.
I don't know what food to eat right before bed, because on the one hand I want to sleep better but on the other hand I want to evacuate better too
You do not need fiber for that, as the egg yolks has proven.
Please take a number of egg yolks at night before you go to bed. That is best.
I will start with a raw yolk and then increase the quantity
Yes, that is the way to go.
Your body will tell you when it had enough.
What I don't trust are the eggs I buy!
Firm egg yolks are definitely fresh enough.
since I suffer from constipation, is it best to still peel it or isn't really necessary?
Yes. Fewer fibers is better.
Raw protein (fish, yolks, meat) is fine, but cooked protein is constipating.
Fat and sugars are both fine (not constipating)
You also should be aware that phytates themselves have some health benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects
In that sense, phytates may be regarded as medication when one is in an inflammatory state.
But healthy people do not take medication to stay healthy.
When one is sick, one first needs a proper diagnosis, and THEN one may medicate appropriately.
So, not phytates to prevent inflammations.
Can you see the distinction?
phytates ... stopped the proliferation of cancer cells.
Yes, many anti-nutrients and most toxins do.
They also may help prevent cardiovascular disease and lower a food's glycemic load." Is he right?
Lowering a foods glycemic load means that you can extract less energy from it.
All anti-nutrients have this effect.
When your glycogen depots are already full, then it is a good thing.
But when ther are not, it is not a good thing, but a burden.

Cardiovascular disease is often attributed to cholesterol, and anti-nutrients do indeed inhibit uptake of cholesterol.
However, there is good and bad cholesterol, and good cholesterol is essential, for sleep and proper bowel movement, for example.
Anti-nutrients are hindering in this.
why they keep spamming warnings about refined sugar? ... And with 'they' I mean common sense news, some sites/blogs about healthy foods, and guys like Andrew Weil, Joseph Mercola don't approve sugar at all. Of course, they are not gods, but they really keep insisting on this. And, of course, they approve vegetables too ;D
1) Health is often attributed to vitamins and minerals.
Refined sugar does not contain any.
2) Sugar evokes insulin.
3) Sugar causes bad teeth.
That is basically their argument.
My argument:
1) Diet & Health in developed countries is not about a lack of vitamins / minerals, but too much bad stuff (toxins etc)
We just need to get enough of all nutrients, and then it is useless to ingest more. So then it is totally ok that sugar has no vitamins / minerals, as you already have plenty of them.
Refined sugar is sucrose. Absolutely identical to sucrose in fruit juices. If you have plenty of nutrients and refined sugar is still bad, juices are bad too. And some of them dare to state exactly tha, because of the effect on insulin.
2) Insulin is an essential hormone. It stores sugar from the blood as glycogen. If you let it do that, it is useful and harmless. If you evoke it without enabling it to store sugar, then you have a problem.
So, again, sugars are only bad if your glycogen depots are full.
But the same is true for protein; it equally stimulates insulin release.
3) All eating moments cause enamel erosion. With IF you experience non-eating windows, which decreases the number of meals, which decreases enamel erosion and increases the repair window.
Is 183 cm tall and weight 70-72 kgs that bad for me?
No, not at all.
What are these Stress Activated Foods and this berberine thing that Ori talks about?
I dont know. I havent read his thoughts.
he says a lot to take Whey Protein (of course, I believe he wants to sell his products too), but you don't agree with him right?
Wey protein is only protein. No vitamins and no minerals, and it stimulates insulin...
In his view it would equal the effects of sugar.
In my view you better eat raw protein from fish and yolks.
Regarding our ancestors, I always thought that our teeth became less sharper (for instance, our canines) because we started to cooking foods... Is this not true? Have we always had our teeth like these?
It has always changed. We evolved continuously.
Is doing depilation healthy for our body?
No problem.
was clothes the reason that we started to lose some body hair?
What do you think about vaccines?
There are pros and cons.
One should only take the utter essential ones.
If you had to donate bone marrow, would you do it?
I dont know, i have not looked into that.
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by RRM »

Novidez wrote:I felt really frightned in the beginning but then it was actually good. However, since I am not an expert to analyze the situation, do you think that these were good or bad news?
Good, because it may mean that you are cholesterol / serotonin sensitive, so that we can manipulate your body to function better.
intense energy - really, what the hell was that?
That feeling of energy is comparable to being in love.
You dont actually have more energy at your disposal, but something has changed in the metabolism of your neurotransmitters.
They influence everything; being happy, sad, in love, depressed, full of energy, anxious, aggressive etc etc.
and the laxative effect)?
Serotonin receptors are primarily found in our instestines, blood and the brain.
do you think that I shouldn't have eaten a entire raw yolk for a first time and only a teaspoon/tablespoon of it? I wanted to be brave xD. I actually think I was able to handle it pretty well... or not?
It is no problem.
The one teaspoon prescription is a very carefull one.
I'm really looking forward to start a diary here to share my experience and progress.
Please do so.
unfortunately, I still eat a lot of non-wai food
Just take a look at how Aytundra's thread (in Diet Diaries) started out.
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by RRM »

Novidez wrote:This world... :')
Yes, indeed.
This world is a confusing place. It is up to you to find your own way.
Like everybody else, it is you who will die alone. So it is you who is responsible for making the trip going there worthwhile.
It is you who needs to make your own life enjoyable, and fill it with good and warm feelings.
So that in the end you can die with a heart so much filled with the right feelings that you die with a satisfied heart and a smile on your face.
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Novidez »

There are many store bought juices that you can consume.
I was thinking about making my own OJ or other juices. But don't have an electrical juice press. I have a Bimby, lol. But that literally blends everything, so it is impossible to separate the juice from the fiber. I was thinking about doing it with something like this Image
But maybe it will give me a lot of work, won't it? xD. Btw, I never understood if you guys mix the OJ with some water or if it is completely pure OJ.
Can you see the distinction?
Yeah, I see it... And it makes a lot of sense, actually.
My argument:
1) Diet & Health in developed countries is not about a lack of vitamins / minerals, but too much bad stuff (toxins etc)
We just need to get enough of all nutrients, and then it is useless to ingest more. So then it is totally ok that sugar has no vitamins / minerals, as you already have plenty of them.
Refined sugar is sucrose. Absolutely identical to sucrose in fruit juices. If you have plenty of nutrients and refined sugar is still bad, juices are bad too. And some of them dare to state exactly tha, because of the effect on insulin.
2) Insulin is an essential hormone. It stores sugar from the blood as glycogen. If you let it do that, it is useful and harmless. If you evoke it without enabling it to store sugar, then you have a problem.
So, again, sugars are only bad if your glycogen depots are full.
But the same is true for protein; it equally stimulates insulin release.
3) All eating moments cause enamel erosion. With IF you experience non-eating windows, which decreases the number of meals, which decreases enamel erosion and increases the repair window.
When are you going to publish some scientific studies? I mean, maybe you already have :P
I dont know. I havent read his thoughts.
I think it is related to animals and plants that grow up in a real natural environment: they have to face stress like predators, starvation, bad weather, etc, and when we eat a fruit, for instance, that grew up that way, it will give us, if I'm not mistake, that thing called berberine, which strenghts our immune system (and other things...?). When I heard him talking about this, I found really interesting, but then he starts using those scientific terms and yeah... xD
Good, because it may mean that you are cholesterol / serotonin sensitive, so that we can manipulate your body to function better.
I don't know what do you really mean by that, but I will interpret as good thing ;D
That feeling of energy is comparable to being in love.
You dont actually have more energy at your disposal, but something has changed in the metabolism of your neurotransmitters.
They influence everything; being happy, sad, in love, depressed, full of energy, anxious, aggressive etc etc.
With one single egg yolk, that happened... Incredible!
Please do so.
Going to! It will be actually pretty useful to read your reviews and opinions from the people here in the forum and learn from it.
Just take a look at how Aytundra's thread (in Diet Diaries) started out.
Yeah, I've already looked at her beginning. I actually want to read more of her journey and more other diaries. But I still couldn't manage my time to do so. :/
Yes, indeed.
This world is a confusing place. It is up to you to find your own way.
Like everybody else, it is you who will die alone. So it is you who is responsible for making the trip going there worthwhile.
It is you who needs to make your own life enjoyable, and fill it with good and warm feelings.
So that in the end you can die with a heart so much filled with the right feelings that you die with a satisfied heart and a smile on your face.
Those were some wise and profound words. Now, that I re-read what I have written, it seemed that I was behaving like a mad person too. In fact, more like a sad person... It is like you said: it is a confusing place. And people live in a delusion, completely lost on the external world, not knowing what their true self really is. And they are always waiting for the next moment to be happy. Citing Dalai Lama words "And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."

Random Questions again (really sorry!):

- Even being intoxicated with bad food and taking lot's of pills all these years, can my body still recover from that with this diet? :roll:
- Btw, I forgot to ask you: how do you think your children will deal when they start seeing different food patterns on the world oustide?
- Isn't all that Vitamin C from the OJ harmful to us?
- Do you feel colder when fasting? Like cold hands, for example. I read that our body focus our energy on essential parts and also to deplete fat, so that's why we tend to feel cold. But I don't know if this is the real reason.
- Why not lemon juice or grapefruit juice instead of OJ? Evolutionarily speaking, since they are not that delicious, do you think that they were not designed for us? (this last question is kinda unnecessary, but I wanted to do it anyway :$)

P.S.: Just to share what and how the food that my parents bring today was (I will blame my madness from before to this! xD). Here's a picture of it (WARNING: this picture is not suitable for sensitive wai-people xD): Image
It is called "Tripas à moda do Porto" here in Portugal. "Tripas" for tripe and "à moda do Porto" for in Oporto's way. This is a popular traditional meal here in Oporto city. The ingredients are: calf tripe, cow hand, meat sausage, pig's ear, streaky bacon, spicy sausage, pig's head, 1 chicken, butter beans, 2 carrots, 2 onions, lard, parsley, bay leaf, white rice, salt, Pepper and Cumin. All cooked, of course.
Delicious, isn't it?
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Aytundra »

Novidez wrote: I actually want to read more of her journey and more other diaries. But I still couldn't manage my time to do so. :/
An immortal historian can read all the diaries in the world, but no one is immortal yet.
Hence reading diaries are not necessary.
Making your own log and having enough info to read yourself is the important part.
My diary postings only implies that it is probably do-able to be consistent and persistent, does it reach a goal? dont know...
But diary keepers are unknowingly working on their time management to be consistent.
At least they can show themselves they have managed their time.

Set 15,10, 5 minute timer, whatever you write, is whatever you post. | OR whatever you read in that time is whatever you learned. Then forget about it and move on with your day on some other activity. Theoretically, you can probably fit up to 168 activities with 5 minute timers, on an empty day.
Novidez wrote: "Tripas à moda do Porto"
"Mmm looks very delicious!" - cookedfoods-aytundra,
"gotta find a Portuguese restaurant for my next restaurant vacation" - restaurantvisiting-aytundra
"run away! Novidez's posts are dangerous." - rawfoods-aytundra.
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by RRM »

Novidez wrote: I was thinking about doing it with something like this
ha ha :) I did that for 10 years before buying an electrical juicer (Santos !0).
So, yes, it is certainly doable until you have the means to buy a decent juicer.
I never understood if you guys mix the OJ with some water or if it is completely pure OJ.
There is no purpose to mixing it with water.
So, yes, pure OJ.
When are you going to publish some scientific studies? I mean, maybe you already have :P
Just one about calcium and osteoporisis.
that thing called berberine, which strenghts our immune system (and other things...?)
It is a plant based medication / drug / supplement.
As many alkaloids, it has various influences throughout our body.
Health does not come from medication.
Medication may be needed to address specific health issues.
When you are healthy, you are not supposed to take drugs to stay healthy.
Being healthy is about minimizing the intake of bad stuff, which includes (plant based) alkaloids.
Optimally, our own body can keep itself healthy, unless you burden it too much with bad stuff.
Even being intoxicated with bad food and taking lot's of pills all these years, can my body still recover from that with this diet?
As long as you are not dead, your body may recover.
Our body has remarkable recovery abilities, as long as you give it everything it needs (nutrients) and burden it as little as possible (with toxins, anti-nutrients).
Btw, I forgot to ask you: how do you think your children will deal when they start seeing different food patterns on the world oustide?
Their mother eats 'bad food' (as we call it), so they know it very well.
But i have no idea, maybe they will resort to eating only burgers and fries. Who knows?
It is up to them to find out what they want in their life.
At least i have given them a good start, and i want to try to continue as long as possible. W'll see.
Isn't all that Vitamin C from the OJ harmful to us?
Yes, too much of anything is harmful.
That is why the body dramatically adjusts the absorption (and excretion) rate.
Absorption rates easily vary 10-fold.
Im guessing only 2 to 3% of my vitamin C intake is actually absorbed into my blood.
Do you feel colder when fasting?
Only when physically inactive at the end of the fasting phase.
- Why not lemon juice or grapefruit juice instead of OJ?
Because of the higher level of anti-nutrients.
Anti-nutrients and toxins generally taste bitter or acidic.
That is also why you need perfectly ripe fruits.
The better the taste, the better for your body.
Delicious, isn't it?
I will pass for now, if that is ok. :)
I just had a delicious avocado...
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Re: Brief Presentation and… I am entirely lost!

Post by Novidez »

Hence reading diaries are not necessary.
Well, the only purpose was to see how your progression was. But I am definitely create one by myself! :)
Set 15,10, 5 minute timer, whatever you write, is whatever you post. | OR whatever you read in that time is whatever you learned. Then forget about it and move on with your day on some other activity. Theoretically, you can probably fit up to 168 activities with 5 minute timers, on an empty day.
I agree with you. What can I say is that my effectiveness when I'm doing something is rather poor. I am still distracted by useless thoughts very easil and I can't manage to stay focus full 10 seconds sometimes. That's why the Wai Diet attracted my on the first place.
"gotta find a Portuguese restaurant for my next restaurant vacation"
Ahah, please do that and then take a photo! jk xD
So, yes, it is certainly doable until you have the means to buy a decent juicer.
It seems that I have to save some money. Until then, I build my arm muscle! :D
Just one about calcium and osteoporisis.
Health does not come from medication.
Medication may be needed to address specific health issues.[/quote]As Hipocrates once said: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.". I think he also already disapproved in that era the use of medication.
When you are healthy, you are not supposed to take drugs to stay healthy.
Being healthy is about minimizing the intake of bad stuff, which includes (plant based) alkaloids.
Optimally, our own body can keep itself healthy, unless you burden it too much with bad stuff.
I can't agree more with you!
As long as you are not dead, your body may recover.
Our body has remarkable recovery abilities, as long as you give it everything it needs (nutrients) and burden it as little as possible (with toxins, anti-nutrients).
Looking foward to give to my body just what it needs! :)
Their mother eats 'bad food' (as we call it), so they know it very well.
Hermm, I thought Wai was your companion xD. I mean, when I think about following this diet and being with someone, I can't imagine that person accepting it freely. Or at least, in the beginning. Of course I know that is possible, but not everyone has that open mind and see it as a 'normal' way to be, unfortunately. And, after all, what is to be 'normal', right?
Im guessing only 2 to 3% of my vitamin C intake is actually absorbed into my blood.
Hmm, and there is no way to make it more varied? I mean, I think the human body naturally wants a wide range of food. Here on Wai, aren't we kinda restricted?
Only when physically inactive at the end of the fasting phase.
Once again I can't find it, but I read somewhere you saying that a person who eats a lot of vegetables tends to be colder. Since I was eating tons of veggies and fasting, that wasn't helping at all, I suppose...
Because of the higher level of anti-nutrients.
Anti-nutrients and toxins generally taste bitter or acidic.
But then, since vegetables naturally wanted us to spread their seeds, who spread lemon and grapefruit seeds? Well, a lemon really really ripe it is actually not that acidic. Unless, we used it only for medicine purposes. I read somewhere here that when a person is sick, doesn't want to eat anything with sugar and preferes something bitter.. That would makes sense.
I will pass for now, if that is ok. :)
I just had a delicious avocado...
Ahah! People here love this type of food. Of course, there is also people that don't like it. But it would be actually very funny to see their face if a person said something like "Look! An avocado is much more healthy and it is also very delicious!" in front of someone who was eating this meal xD

OK. A new week is about to begin and I am completely alone now. I'm going to start my diary tomorrow!
Yesterday, I had one egg yolk at night and I didn't have the same reaction as before. Today I am going to try to eat 2, and see what happens :)
You didn't comment my uncle's eggs, but just for curiosity, do you have your own hens or do you buy organic eggs on the supermarket? Simply to clarify which one are better.
Btw, you said to rinse my mouth with OJ to remove the remainders afterwards, as egg yolk remainders will give me a coated tongue. I usually brush my teeth right before going to bed. But, since I am taking the yolk now, I was kind of confused. I know if you brush your teeth after eating/drinking something acidic, it damages the teeth enamel. So, I brushed them before eating the yolk and then I rinsed my mouth. Did it make sense? Or instead of rinsing, simply brushing my teeth after the yolk would be ok too? And having something acidic in your mouth right before going to bed, isn't harmful for our teeth?
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