Growing avocadoes, bananas, apples etc

About consuming fruits; fresh, dried or juiced.
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Growing avocadoes, bananas, apples etc

Post by rischott »

When I get back to Tampa, Florida, I plan to start growing several avocado trees, banana trees, apple, and mabye try kiwi, as well as indoor tomatos and cucumbers.
Does any have experience with these? Any tips?
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Post by dadasarah »

I just read that to grow an avocado tree, submerge the bottom half of the pit in water. When it sprouts, plant it.
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Post by Bambi726 »

Avocado trees need a male and a female tree in order to become fertilized (correctly pollenated) and produce fruit. So, you can either purchase a tree that has already been grafted with a branch from a tree of the opposite sex, or buy one tree of each gender, and keep them close to one another. Good Luck! :)

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Post by Corinne »

I have 3 avocados plants growing (indoors in pots) but I didn't know about the male/female thing (although logical!).
How do you know a plant is male or female?
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Post by Bambi726 »

I found an article about home avocado production :) It's not quite what I thought it was, but there are a type A and type B of each breed of avocado and it's recommended to have both. Here's that part of the article:

"The flowering habit of avocados is unique in that the flowers are perfect, having both male and female organs, but the parts do not function together. Flowers of type A varieties open in the morning as receptive females, then close in the afternoon until the following afternoon when they reopen for pollen shed. On the other hand, flowers of type B avocados open in the afternoon as receptive females, close overnight and reopen the following morning to shed pollen. In important avocado-producing areas, orchards are interplanted with varieties of both types to assure good pollination. However, under South Texas conditions, there is sufficient overlap between the phases of a flower type that pollination and fruit set are rarely a problem."

The rest of the article is at: ... cado2.html

Good luck :)

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Grow your own Oranges up north

Post by Aytundra »
Geothermal farming.
Oranges that grow in the north.
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