Newbie seeking your Help!

There are lots of rules you can break; so thats what happens a lot...
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Walking is essential in getting a firm skin, again.
It stimulates strengthening of connective tissue.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

RRM ..before I left in January for Costa Rica I had had my blood pressure reading done. At that time, it was border line high( right around the time I was going on the diet) Guess what, though,today, I had my reading done again and it was text book perfect! Yup! Uh huh...that's what I'm talking about- text book perfect! Did I say text book? Yes, I did! Lol The walking, the Wai diet it's all working, perfectly.
I'm off to hit the trails for a while :)
Thank you, RRM .:)
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Fantastic!! :)
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

Oh, there's more where that came from..I have other stuff to work on . Lol:) ttyl
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

RRM ..I'm coming to you kinda low as I just weighed myself and the scale read 136 pounds.
RRM although I'm 5"10" I don't want to be 136 pds.So,I have to start managing my energy better. Can I do it by eating whole fruit?
When I was on a no fat no protein, just fruit diet I was at a lower weight than I am now but my hair was falling out and I was constipated most days(surprised I weighed less). So, from that I can deduce to things firstly that the fat In my diet is the variable that both is putting on the fat and also giving me healthy bowel movements and strong hair. If there's merit to what I'm saying, can I appreciate the benefits of fat without the fat gain if I regulate it more effectively ie 1 avocado a day or two tablespoons of OO a day verses what I'm ingesting now?
Or perhaps I need more structure ie 300 cal every two hours unless I take a two hour walk and then I can take in more? Could you please give me an example of what I can take in every two hours?
Then ,one last thing, I started yoga again and in different positions like when my hands are on the floor and my body is quadriceps hang away from my skeletal system covered with honeycomb marks that just fat or is that due to my volume loss. Why does the muscle leave the bone?
Can't wait to hear back..thank you, RRM.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Karen wrote:I have to start managing my energy better. Can I do it by eating whole fruit?
Its possible, but harder, as all the fibre will make you feel bloated,
and will fill up your stomach, inhibiting appetite.
If you want to manage your energy optimally, you need to exclude such influencing factors.
You should not let your food intake be influenced by how full your stomach is.
You should also not let bloating influence your appetite.
Or let the need for dietary fat (and for the related fat-absorbed vitamins) influence your overall energy intake (on a low fat diet you are more likely to overeat / binge)
What you need, is a food intake that is in accordance with your energy levels.
Learning to read your energy levels properly is about eliminating all those other influencing factors.
Energy levels should be your only focus.
the fat In my diet is the variable that both is putting on the fat and also giving me healthy bowel movements and strong hair. If there's merit to what I'm saying, can I appreciate the benefits of fat without the fat gain if I regulate it more effectively ie 1 avocado a day or two tablespoons of OO a day verses what I'm ingesting now?
Its not the dietary fat that makes you gain weight.
Its the overall intake of energy that exceeds your requirements that is putting on fat.
Yes, its easier to read your blood sugar levels than your blood fatty acid levels,
but reading your blood sugar levels correctly, you will also manage your fat intake properly because a higher fat intake will go at the expense of using sugars for energy.
So, regardless of your fat intake (within reasonable limits), all you need to read, is your blood sugar levels.
So, it really doesn't matter whether you eat one or 2 avocadoes a day.
What matters, is reading your energy levels.
perhaps I need more structure ie 300 cal every two hours unless I take a two hour walk and then I can take in more?
That's not structure.
That's misleading.
Consuming just 1% too much energy on a daily basis will already lead to gaining 2 pounds of pure fat per year.
Consuming just 1% too little will lead to underweight.
300 cal or whatever other number will always be a false number, with a far greater over- or under-consumption of calories compared to your actual needs.
There is no way on earth that we can calculate how much you need.
It will always be too much or too little.
So, the only way to consume the correct number of calories, is by reading your energy levels.
Could you please give me an example of what I can take in every two hours?
That's not possible.
Any number is a false number.
is that just fat or is that due to my volume loss.
Maybe both, or neither.
Why does the muscle leave the bone?
Because that is the nature of our muscle and skeleton system.
If the muscles and bones would be connected everywhere, we would be unable to move.
The body can move BECAUSE the muscles are connected to the bones only at specific strategic positions.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

I just bought a used Omega Vertical Juicer VRT 330HD Slow Masticating juicer...feel blessed to have found here in Samara Costa I've come up to bat! I know I want to get ahead of the curb because I'm feeling dizzy to stand, which, I know is a sure sign I'm not taking in enough energy. Then, there's times where I feel like I'm nervous and not grounded which I know is a sure sign I've taken in too much energy. Although, I'm not understanding the difference between fatty acids and blood sugar levels, you're telling me all I have to do is be vigilant with my blood sugar levels and I'll be fine. If, therefore, I'm walking and being very active do I still need to put a dropful of oil in a liter of juice? Also, I'm still have a salad a day with OO, should I start weaning myself off that? Do you still drink 2 liters of orange juice and.5 liters of banana juice per day?
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Karen wrote:I'm walking and being very active do I still need to put a dropful of oil in a liter of juice?
You don't have to, but its very effective in preventing acid reflux / heartburn.
Also, I'm still have a salad a day with OO, should I start weaning myself off that?
Juices are more effective in supplying you with all the energy that you need.
Do you still drink 2 liters of orange juice and.5 liters of banana juice per day?
Often no banana at all.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

Juices , eggs, and fish/ meat- that's all we need for an optimal diet, yes? The eggs and fish/meat supplies us with enough fatty acids so that I can ...along with my salad ...delete OO as well?
Thank you! :)
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

If you drink OJ, you may still add a few drops to that though.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

Thank you RRM ; I guess I don't have any further questions right now which means I'm at a good place .
You've helped me a lot RRM .
Talk later,:)
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

I take that back; I do have further questions lol.

I tried following the below link/ conversation you had had with a member back in 2010 to learn more about how I could determine the right amount of protein I need..wiithout giving rise to redundant protein ....but I need your help.
I really want to train my body to adjust to the right amount of animal protein because I want to live longer ( hopefully cellulite free too) also, I know I want to use it to build and rebuild rather than for energy, so after, hopefully, taking in enough strained oranges, papaya,pineapple, banana,melons for the day I have either tuna or ceviche at night or bananas and yolk but how much is enough and how much is too little? I know you don't like to commit on this one but I'm looking for the norm. So, if you would, would you be so kind as to please give me an estimate like you did here. ....?
I'm 5"10"
Currently 133pounds wanting to lose 5 pounds(if that matters?) thank youRRM!

ISun 23 May 2010 16:43

Kookaburra wrote:
I weigh about 45kg.

How tall are you?
There is info about how much protein you need here:
You will need about (45/80 x 384) 216 mg methionine and cysteine, minimally,
and anything over (45/80 x 1040) 585 mg may be redundant.

So, im guessing you ingest about 90 mg methionine and 112 mg cystein from fruits only,
which means you minimally need about 115 mg and maximally 484 mg of each from animal food,
which equals minimally 2 egg yolks daily, or 26 grams of tuna / salmon.
Anything over 8 yolks, or 100 g of salmon or 110 g of salmon will be redundant for you.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

RRM have you ever helped cure Restless Leg Syndrome for anyone?I believe I've got it. I was just reading about it and it's linked as a precursor for Parkinson's disease and diabetes .Also, I understand it's liked to low iron. I was thinking I should get some blood work done and in the meantime start eating some raw meat? Your thoughts are very much welcomed...
Thanks RRM
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

No, I have not.
Why do you think you have it?
What are your symptoms exactly?
Regarding blood work, you should focus on the ferritin levels. That's stored iron, so that any voluntary lower blood iron levels (because of inflammations etc) are excluded.
Egg yolks are the best source of iron; very easy to digest in its raw form, and loaded with iron.
How much animal food do you normally consume? (yolks, meat, fish)
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

I've got a couple of things going on -back in December before I left for Costa Rica I was in pain, limping. What triggered it was one of your excercises for your gluts- lye on the floor knuckles under chin,lift your leg using your gluts. Well, with 10po weights I did the exercise, and I did just what you said not to do which was to act hastily and hurt myself as the lower back muscles are tricky.
So, for the last couple of months I've really been hurt but I been thinking any day I'm going to get better! I mostly hurt at one point I couldn't even stretch or bend my knee anywhere near my shoulder when lying on my back. Also when I walk my leg gets sore and I have to stretch, kick it of and then proceed.i walk for a couple hours a day every other day.
I think it's just inflammation and with the Wai diet my body will be able to kick it out?
But it got so bad that I started paying for messages actually a reflex pressure therapist to help me which I never would have done in the past as I consider it a luxury. I've learned differently, however, as it has helped.
I'm still not right, though, my lower back is sore and my leg quad, hip area is too.
I've been hired to teach a Booty Class complete with lunges, squats but I'm scared I'm going to hurt myself more? I know I have to work muscles or else they'll atrophy and I'm not using weight. I figure it's like physical therapy.
Last night, however, I only walked yesterday for 30 mins and my leg , same leg felt like I had to move it, stretch or do something with it because surges of electrical energy where bothering me ....hard to describe. I've had this before, before I hurt,so I figured I'd ask you about it.

Protein? If I'm not having tuna or ceviche that day I have 5 yolkes. If I am, however, I'll either have two yolks or none at all. Tuna I have a chunk about two inches thick and two inches wide..ceviche I bought 2 kilos (kilograms?)and I've had 4 dinners with it.
For a month or so in January I was only having yolks and no fish and I notice an improvement in my muscles tone with having fish, but how much is too much?
RRM thanks, with all my heart- thanks
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