Aide, Help

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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

Je précise que la France avocats mots écrits exactement comme ceci: en France fruit de l'avocat et aussi un avocat (la justice) est écrit exactement la même

En france : l'avocat : fruits
l'avocat (pour la justice)

Exactement pareil, le même mot !
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Aytundra »

Joke: Which fruit already has the title of a lawyer before going to law school?
Answer: Avocado

I know google translate is horribly funny.
Can you tell me:
Nina75 wrote: I am very sensitive to acne so I do not exceed 100 grams of fish / yellow.
What is yellow? (I am guessing yellow = yolks.) Google translate accepts jaune d'oeuf as yolks. Without the "d'oeuf" it says yellow.
Nina75 wrote: It's funny these questions over the salad, I usually only drink a lot of juice and yellow fish, but actualy I really want to Wai salad ... I always drink a lot of juice
And what kind of fish do you eat?
"yellowfish" is a species of fish in Southern Africa. (Guess = fish with yolks.)
Nina75 wrote:This is perfect for me so I have not experienced to increase by 5G weeks to see. I'm not a hurry so I stay at 100g
What is 5G?
5 gigabites.
iphone 5?
5th generation wireless systems.
Are you eating phones or electronics too? ;D (This one I don't know how to guess. I am clueless.)
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

In fact what you feel when you read my posts that is exactly what happens sometimes when I read this site.

Being French I use google translate to read this site, which is very convenient, but sometimes there are words translated in French that really have no meaning and very strange but thinking a bit I understand easily

I learn English

Speaking of which, there a word I do not understand on this forum and you talk a lot, it's the CP? What is CP?

Yes, yellow is the egg yolk without the bag, I say yellow to go faster

I dine like fish: salmon, tuna sometimes when available, mackerel. Sometimes with salmon I'll add the egg yolk, I cut the salmon to get 50-60 grams then I add 1 egg yolk. I never exceeded 100 grams because I am sensitive. For more details, I buy a salmon fillet 200 grams, it will last me three days, the third day as it will be a little less fresh I'll just finish the fish with a little lemon juice.

haha lol, 5G in fact it is 5 grams, 5 grams (measured value) weight of a food with kitchen scale.

MRR regularly states that to increase its consumption of protein must first be clear (done) and then increase by 5 grams a week, I do not do because 100 grams me more than enough, in 10 years when I'm 34 years old I expériement
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Aytundra »

Nina75 wrote:Speaking of which, there a word I do not understand on this forum and you talk a lot, it's the CP? What is CP?
CP = counting seconds of a held breath until desire to breathe.

The word CP originates from the Buteyko breathing method, see thread:

Kasper kept posting his CP, but never explained how he measured it clearly.
So, do not feel bad if you did not understand the word CP.
I was confused too (for years), even though, I am an English speaker. I learned some French.
The clearest explanation on how to get a CP was posted by Panacea:
This explanation finally made sense to me:
panacea wrote:hey RRM, your eldest is probably old enough to do the CP test correctly now, have you ever tried? (it consists of normal breathing, relaxing all muscles which naturally causes exhalation, pinching the nose after this exhalation and counting seconds until desire to breath, then breathing again at the same volume/rate as before (no gaps for air)). for a wai child should be at least 30. posting.php?mode=quote&f=23&p=40527
Here's RRM's response:
RRM wrote:I dont know, i find this test to be not 'water-proof', as 'the desire to breath is debatable' / subjective imo.
Is there no 'water proof' (objective) test?
Here is the current position (Dec 2014) held by Kasper and Dime on CP:
dime wrote:Hey Kasper, that sounds great! I've been lazy the last few months with exercising/running, but it's always motivating to see someone else picking this up again. I'll start doing those sessions, my excuse these months has been that my knee hurts when running, but vigorous walking should be just as good.
Kasper wrote:My CP is at this moment 34 seconds. I don't measure it very often, I think it is around 25-35s allmost all the time now. I'm not really trying to get 40s or 60s CP anymore. I'm just not that convinced anymore that CP is a perfect indicator for health, or that sleeping for 4-6 hours daily is going to do someone good.
Totally agreed, I'm leaning towards the same philosophy.viewtopic.php?f=23&t=3112&start=195
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Aytundra »

Nina75 wrote:haha lol, 5G in fact it is 5 grams, 5 grams (measured value) weight of a food with kitchen scale.
Thank goodness! Because, I almost thought I was doing the diet wrong.
I was not eating lawyers and electronics, like what Nina was doing. lol
Nina75 wrote:MRR regularly states that to increase its consumption of protein must first be clear (done) and then increase by 5 grams a week, I do not do because 100 grams me more than enough, in 10 years when I'm 34 years old I expériement
I am trying to eat more protein to gain weight.
Did you eat sugar or oil with your food?
How much do you add?
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

Thank you for your reply, it is very accurate (CP) thanks Aytundra ;)

Yes of course! I never count precisely my consumption of oil and sugar but for a bottle of 1.5 liter juice can I use about 100-150 grams of sugar and oil level poured directly into the bottle without counting, but not much, just protect;)

In fact a bottle of olive oil 1 liter will be last me 1-2 months maximum, sometimes less. 1 kg- 1,5 kilos of sugar about a week.

you are 100% now or not Aytundra ?
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Aytundra »

Nina75 wrote:In fact a bottle of olive oil 1 liter will be last me 1-2 months maximum, sometimes less. 1 kg- 1,5 kilos of sugar about a week.
1000ml/60 days or 30 days = 16.67 --> ~ 1 tbsp or 2 tbsp/day
1500g/7= 214.29 --> ~ 200g/day or ~ 13tbsp/day
Nina75 wrote:you are 100% now or not Aytundra ?
You decide. Do you think I am 100% now?
See thread:Aytundra's diary
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Aytundra »

Nina75 wrote:I dine like fish...
Watch out everyone, Nina is a shark! (with lawyers too!)
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

HAHA you are funny

I just saw your post, why you do not drink juice instead of eating the whole fruit ?
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

You buy a juicer ( for orange) and juice extractor as Versapers is extraordinary.

That way you drink your fruits (for most) and then you continue to eat the whole fruit, but you drink much juice. With Versapers you can banana juice is very good, you can also make the mashed avocado putting avocado in versapers and then you add the egg yolks after. This is absolutely good and much easier to digest than whole avocado.

As apple juice, pear, mango, lots of delicious fruits
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Aytundra »

Nina75 wrote:HAHA you are funny
No, you're the funny one, I am logical.
The only logical explanation of why you can eat electronics, yellows, and lawyers is because you are a shark.
I just held the mirror. Wait am I on a shark's diet forum? Typing to typing sharks, computer literate sharks.
Nina75 wrote:I just saw your post, why you do not drink juice instead of eating the whole fruit ?
Because i am too lazy to rinse a one-piece plastic juicer; let alone a multi-piece juicer, such an apparatus looks daunting to clean.
Nina75 wrote:With Versapers you can banana juice is very good, you can also make the mashed avocado putting avocado in versapers and then you add the egg yolks after. This is absolutely good and much easier to digest than whole avocado.
Thanks, I might try mashed lawyers. :wink:
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

Oh, if it's a question of motivation then I advise you to do large amounts of juice only one time. It's better to squeeze the juice one time for 3-6 days as pressing every day ...

Eg Sunday, pressing 6-10 liters of apple or orange juice, what you want, and then you store it in your fridge and you go 1-2 bottles every day ...

Hey Aytundra with a little planning you can drink a lot of juice without problems. Put on your list, like a to do list, you press a lot of juice. You prepare your kitchen, your fruit, you put loud music and you press but in large quantities like that you are quiet the rest of the week ...

When you have the juice in the blood you will see that cheating cravings go away naturally. And the longer you stay 100%, better is

After I understand you come home after a hard day, you have no provisions juice so you may not want to squeeze and clean the machine (even if it is very fast) but if you just have to take your juice in the fridge so it's cool;)

Allow two days a week to squeeze your juice. Frankly it's really not much! Cut and eat whole fruit takes time too! The time you lose at toilet digest whole fruits are also the lost time ... lol
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

Hey MRR, I think I have already asked the question but I'm not sure and I can not find the post (if there is one). Is it possible (always when am very strict diet) to make banana juice with Versapers and add the egg yolks and stir gently ... I know your children drank it when they were younger. Versapers makes it very good and easy banana juice to digest so I wondered if it was ok ?

Note that I pass through a sieve all juices except banana juice because it is too thick. Which brings me to ask if it is ok to drink banana juice (not sieving because too thick) and add the yolks ?

Now I read a very interesting job where you talk a strainer that can sieving more, I do not understand how this is possible? You talk about it : ... b40Vt253Qw ... 19774.html

I used it and of course it works perfectly for all juices (except bananas) : ...

So I really need to buy a colander to banana juice or just drink straight banana juice that comes out of Versapers is fine and without problems ...

How does your colander and why it is better than a colander classic ?

I do not often drink banana juice, right now the pounds is really low so this is the time. It is also important to note that the Versapers extraction removes a lot of fiber banana and I've never had gas or bloating with banana juice.
I want to be calm in my head so I like to know if even without your colander is quite ok and even without any problem drinking banana juice with egg yolk but was not sifted ?

What new MRR ? You are always on Wai diet ? Always Warrior ? What is your plan now ? thank you very much
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by Nina75 »

Attention to the translation, after reading some misinterpreted phrase can bring to the confusion

Simply: Ok to drink Versapers banana juice with egg yolk (without sieving because the juice is too thick) For acne I mean.

I use a very fine strainer (sieve) to all my juices except banana juice (too thick to fine strainer), is ok not sift banana juice
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Re: Aide, Help

Post by RRM »

Nina75 wrote: Is it possible (always when am very strict diet) to make banana juice with Versapers and add the egg yolks and stir gently
Yes, its perfectly fine.
Note that I pass through a sieve all juices except banana juice because it is too thick.
You can sieve it with a special sieve, like this one (just like the passoire presse coulis):
I used it and of course it works perfectly for all juices (except bananas) :
It also works perfectly for bananas.
Others had the same experience with it.
Its just that you need to make more rotations. (it takes longer)
Which brings me to ask if it is ok to drink banana juice (not sieving because too thick) and add the yolks ?
Yes, but sieving it first is better, to prevent gasses.
How does your colander and why it is better than a colander classic ?
I do not use a colander...
even without your colander is quite ok and even without any problem drinking banana juice with egg yolk but was not sifted ?
If it does not cause gasses, then its ok for you.
What new MRR ? You are always on Wai diet ? Always Warrior ? What is your plan now ?
Nothing new...
Always Wai diet, always Wai Warrior...
My plan?
To continue like this.
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