Newbie seeking your Help!

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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Karen wrote:Perhaps it prioritizes fruit and cantaloupe juice pales in comparison to orange juice?
No, the data for melon juice is not available in the USDA nor Souci SW et al.
You may just take 95% of the net weight of the melon that you juice.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Mia »

Sorry for borrowing the thread, but i have to ask...

RRM, you say that it's ok to take 95% of the net weight of the melon before juicing it?

That is really good news to me. I have always put in ml of juice as gram in the nutrient calculator. But this way will save me lot of money because I will need less of the melon to meet my nutrient and energy needs.

Is this true for melon only or can I use it for mango also?
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Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

RRM..oh, first, Mia - no worries.. RRM is there a thread you can point me to that will answer my questions about the nutrient calculator ie what is a "unit" of measurement and what do the numbers represent after a food item? Thank you!
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Mia wrote:RRM, you say that it's ok to take 95% of the net weight of the melon before juicing it?
Im sorry to disappoint you, but that only applies to calories / energy,
and only to melons and tangerines, as their pulp (from the Versapers) is very dry.
Karen wrote:RRM is there a thread you can point me to that will answer my questions about the nutrient calculator ie what is a "unit" of measurement and what do the numbers represent after a food item? Thank you!
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Mia »

Ah, ok. Thank you for clearing that up for me. It sounded almost good to be true. :-)
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excess skin

Post by Karen »

Thank you RRM ...I know Wai diet gives me everything I need. I know that. However,what I've recently learned is that juice is not just "juice " as I once knew it! I mean I can not be chugging down liters if juice when I'm wanting to ..juice is energy with calories and as such needs to be respected and taken seriously. So, now, contrary to what you had suggested, I drink drinks 2-3 liters of aqua along with drinking about 2-3 liter of juice such as melons, papaya, mangoes and oranges .its really hot here.
Here are my concerns..I have excess skin on my thighs and too remedy that I'd like to go back to using weights
so, to try and maintain long lean muscles do I lift low weights with high reps or the opposite or does it matter?
Or, another option -just keep walking walking walking and do yoga 3 days a week and stay away from the weights?
Or all three-weights, yoga and walking?
Whats the best option for two inches of inner thigh junk?
Next, I got rid of bananas because I was concerned they were constipating me , but I'm still mot sure. I have very loose stool it the avocado..should I eliminate that next?
As always - thank you
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

RRM Iin looking over one of your threads, I learned that combining 500ml of banana with 100g of egg yolk meats more of my protein requirements verses eating them on separate days. ( I guess I'm going to try to get bananas back in my diet!) However, wass there a reason for the amounts ie 309ml and 100 grams because that equates to 4 bananas and 5/6 egg yolks which seems like a lot of bananas to me. Therefore, would I get the same benefit with 1 banana and 5/6 egg yolks?
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Re: Nutrient calculator

Post by RRM »

Karen wrote:I have excess skin on my thighs and too remedy that I'd like to go back to using weights
What is the idea behind that?
1) to fill up the skin by creating more (muscle) volume?
2) exercise with weights will somehow tighten the skin?
3) exercise with weights increases blood flow through the skin, supporting the breakdown of excess skin?
so, to try and maintain long lean muscles do I lift low weights with high reps or the opposite or does it matter?
Both may support muscle volume, but also depends on your exercise schedule (how many days rest in between exercising the same muscle), your protein intake at night, your calorie balance etc.
To maintain long muscles, you need a lot of stretching daily, after exercise.
Or, another option -just keep walking walking walking and do yoga 3 days a week and stay away from the weights?
Walking is best for your skin.
Stretching and yoga is best for long muscles.
Weights are best for creating volume.
Whats the best option for two inches of inner thigh junk?
Walking and patience.
I got rid of bananas because I was concerned they were constipating me , but I'm still mot sure. I have very loose stool it the avocado..should I eliminate that next?
If bananas have a constipating effect in you, and you have loose stool right now,
I would say: eat bananas. (and not eliminate avocado)
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Karen wrote:in looking over one of your threads, I learned that...
Please post the url of the thread you are talking about.
4 bananas and 5/6 egg yolks which seems like a lot of bananas to me. Therefore, would I get the same benefit with 1 banana and 5/6 egg yolks?
No, that would not have the same benefit.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

RRM wrote:]Please post the url of the thread you are talking about.
..having trouble relocating it but I'll find it!
My constipation issue- I thought high fiber fruits ie bananas and avocado were agitating my intestines; hence, loose stool but, okay, I see your reasoning,and I'll keep them in my diet!
Yes, I want volume in my guads., hamstring and glutes.
Id like to hit them 3x per week and ideally I'd like to do it with body weight exercises.
If you told me, however, I'd get better results quicker with machines, I'd do it.
I'll workout at night and the nights I don't have fish I'll consume 12 yolks post workout .Of course, I'll keep my energy levels up during the day( that's still a work in progress) by sipping strained juice with drops of coconut oil. If I'm taking in that many yolks do I need the avocado?
As always, I leave grateful :)
Thank you RRM,
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Emeira »

Karen wrote:I'll consume 12 yolks post workout .Of course, I'll keep my energy levels up during the day( that's still a work in progress) by sipping strained juice with drops of coconut oil.
How do you eat 12 yolks? Do you mix them with orange juice or banana?
If you have constipation problams, try to eat pineapples or kiwi fruit. Bromelain is a digestive enzyme found in pineapples, it helps and speeds up the digestion of protein. Kiwi contains an enzyme called protease. This one helps to break down amino acids.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

Hi Emeira!... Juiced bananas. I eat juiced bananas with yolks. Kiwis are limited here in Costa Rica but piña abound! Thank you so much for your care and I'll make sure to have more piña!
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by RRM »

Karen wrote:I thought high fiber fruits ie bananas and avocado were agitating my intestines; hence, loose stool
It differs per person.
In some, bananas have a constipating effect.
Yes, I want volume in my guads., hamstring and glutes.
Id like to hit them 3x per week and ideally I'd like to do it with body weight exercises.
If you told me, however, I'd get better results quicker with machines, I'd do it.
It doesn't really matter what kind of exercise you use.
What matters, whether you sufficiently 'hurt yourself' to stimulate muscle growth,
and if you give each muscle group enough days rest before exercising it again.
And also whether you consume sufficient energy and protein after exercise.
If I'm taking in that many yolks do I need the avocado?
Avocado is not required, regardless of your yolk intake.
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

What matters, whether you sufficiently 'hurt yourself' to stimulate muscle growth,
and if you give each muscle group enough days rest before exercising it again.
And also whether you consume sufficient energy and protein after exercise.
Thank you..would you please define," rest "as does walking( 3 hours ) and or stretching (60 min. Yoga class) stop or interfere with the "rest" phase if one just hurt the lower body 24 hours before?
Also, is 12 yolks before sleep a sufficient amount of protein after my evening excercises ?
I'm going to get this right, RRM! :)
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Re: Newbie seeking your Help!

Post by Karen »

Walking is best for your skin.
Stretching and yoga is best for long muscles.
Weights are best for creating volume.
To follow up with my last post, I'd like to get a more specific workout plan, please. I'd like to hit my legs, using light weights 3 x per week, so do I walk and do stretching those days which would allow me to have the following days for rest days or do I alternate -one day walk - next day, "legs"?
Thank you.Karen
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