Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Oscar »

Well Mark, if you read carefully, that's exactly what he did. Also, he didn't round anything up or down, but took the already rounded number from the tables used on the Wai site. :)
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Mark »

Originally posted by Oscar:
Well Mark, if you read carefully, that's exactly what he did. Also, he didn't round anything up or down, but took the already rounded number from the tables used on the Wai site. :)
Well Oscar, if you read carefully, he implied I was impugning his use of whole numbers.
If RRM reads carefully, he will see I did no such thing. :)
And if he reads really, really carefully, he will see I never implied "the European studies aren't good enough." :) :) I was merely querying his ignoring of the USDA numbers.

Rather than choosing one or other of the studies, a more accurate estimate is to take the average the two.
The American studies aren't good enough?
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Oscar »

Originally posted by Mark:
Originally posted by Oscar:
Well Mark, if you read carefully, that's exactly what he did. Also, he didn't round anything up or down, but took the already rounded number from the tables used on the Wai site. :)
Well Oscar, if you read carefully, he implied I was impugning his use of whole numbers
I don't agree. He just asked if that's okay for you. Besides, if we start assuming things too easily, I might assume ("don't assume, or you'll make an ASS outta U and ME") that you imply that I'm a brainless, blind, worthless drooling idiot. Don't think you're implying that now, right? ;)

One could easily assume, however, that you implied RRM's use of numbers in his favor instead of using the "right" number:
Originally posted by Mark:
Or did you just choose the higher one because it suited you?
But this is all beside the discussion, I think. So now that you've decided on 3mg, how many eggs are you going to consume?
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by CurlyGirl »

Hi, everyone.

Mark, I am sure that RRM and Wai have carefully considered the sources that they use for their nutrient calculator, and it seems that you are trying to 'trip them up' and suggest that they are using the data in a subjective way to promote their diet. I think that this diet speaks for itself, and splitting hairs over fractions of grams of zinc in various egg samples is unnecessary. It is more useful for us all if we channel our energy toward the larger picture.

Hi Healthy,

you mentioned in your earlier post that (according to your alternative healer) things like oranges, grapes, and bananas cause acidity in the body. However, I did some research for you and found this:

"The only foods on the planet that leave an alkaline residue in the body are fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables (with the exception of potatoes), and human mother’s milk"

"The 'Big 6' healing fruits (or those with the greatest alkalinity-raising properties) are: apples, grapes, watermelon, papaya, pears, and fresh figs. These six foods are the best and easiest to eat — not because of their nutritional content or value, but because of their alkalinity, ease of digestion, and the low level of gas pressure on the body."


I think that both Wai and RRM would maintain (rightly so) that eating fruits is best precisely _because_ of their nutritional value, but I thought it would help you to know that eating fresh, raw fruits will not cause acidity in your body. Cooked foods do.

Edit: eggshells => egg samples :) (Oscar)
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Mark »

Originally posted by Oscar:
One could easily assume, however, that you implied RRM's use of numbers in his favor instead of using the "right" number:
Yes you could. This diet is quite low in zinc and given that the USDA data gives a much lower value, I was suspicious of the reason for its exclusion. If data is "good enough" it should be included via an averaging process to provide a more accurate estimate.
But this is all beside the discussion, I think. So now that you've decided on 3mg, how many eggs are you going to consume?
That is besides the discussion. And anyway it suits me to use beef as my primary zinc source.
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by RRM »

Originally posted by Mark:
This diet is quite low in zinc
No, this diet is what you eat.
If you are on this diet for acne, or a tight skin, you will consume little protein, and little zinc.
You can also eat 20 raw yolks a day. (I know someone who does, and she thrives on it).
20 yolks contain 7.6 mg (2.3/100g) to 12.6 mg (3.8/100g) zinc. And then there is also zinc in the nuts and fruits you consume.
In general, we are taught that more is better, but that is inaccurate.
If data is "good enough" it should be included via an averaging process to provide a more accurate estimate.
Thats your opinion, not THE truth.
You might also reason that it might be better if you have the option to choose the source, and compare outcomes.
it suits me to use beef as my primary zinc source.
or cooked? ...
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Tetra »

Originally posted by RRM:
If you are on this diet for acne, or a tight skin, you will consume little protein, and little zinc.
You can also eat 20 raw yolks a day.
20 yolks is about 330gm.
From the yolks alone you will be ingesting 52gm - 53gm of protein. Would you still be able to have the fish/nuts and not get too much protein?

Also this many yolks implies a very high intake of phosphorus. About 1600gm from those 20 yolks. Lots of phosphorus in fish and nuts too. Will the absorption rate decline sufficiently?

A final issue with all these yolks is the financial cost. Is it OK to consume the cheaper supermarket eggs rather than the pricey free-range organic ones?
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Tetra »

Sorry, that should be 1600mg.
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by nick »

Concerning the difference between super-market and free-range eggs, if you have the money for the more expensive eggs, then go for it. Free-range is healthier, but super-market eggs are cheaper and since you may have to go through 2 dozen or so of eggs to get enough fresh ones, I would recommend that option. They do have hormone residues from the chickens, but that's the world we live in.
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by RRM »

From the yolks alone you will be ingesting 52gm - 53gm of protein. Would you still be able to have the fish/nuts and not get too much protein?
Per day, most of us take either fish or egg yolks, and many dont take any nuts.
But, yes, you may consume more protein, unless you are susceptible to acne / cellulite / dry skin.
Subject your total daily intake to the nutrient calculator; you might want to avoid more than 80 gram protein / day.
About 1600mg from those 20 yolks. Lots of phosphorus in fish and nuts too. Will the absorption rate decline sufficiently?
Yes, the body is very effective in addapting mineral-absorption rates.
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Tetra »

Can I drop the fish altogether and take fish oil instead?

Egg yolk lacks magnesium. I would like to eat algae (kelp or wakame) as these algae are very rich in magnesium and very low in phosphorus. Are there bad substances in sea vegetables?
I know algae is not on this diet, but about the only fruits that help with the mag/phos ratio are figs, bananas and (slightly) oranges.
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by RRM »

Originally posted by Mark2:
Can I drop the fish altogether and take fish oil instead?
Sure you can drop the fish. Its just that the diet is more balanced consuming both fish and yolks.
Egg yolk lacks magnesium.
Egg yolks dont lack magnesium: 16mg / 100 gram.
Its extremely easy to ingest sufficient magnesium on this diet, since fruits contain plenty magnesium. Check out nutrients per food item: and find the foods that are most rich in magnesium:
Then submit your version of the diet (supplying you with sufficient energy) to the nutrient calculator.
I would like to eat algae (kelp or wakame) as these algae are very rich in magnesium and very low in phosphorus. Are there bad substances in sea vegetables?
Like land-plants, sea-plants are not designed for (human) consumption, so they probably contain enzyminhibitors to prevent consumption.
I know algae is not on this diet, but about the only fruits that help with the mag/phos ratio are figs, bananas and (slightly) oranges.
What makes you think that the absorption rates for magnesium and phosphorus cannot be independently adapted to our needs?

Happy new year Mark; a new year with new opportunities!
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Re: Acid / Alkaline & feeling spacey

Post by Brahmaloka »

Healthy wrote:
Brahmaloka, you said Brazil Nuts and raw egg yolks ARE both alkaline... is that a 100% fact? I need to be sure so... anyone? Why then everyone that having gall problems are instructed to stay away from eating eggs in general?
Eggs have plenty of fats and sick livers cannot digest them. On Wais diet your liver will be AAAAAAA and fats are absolutely essential...

This post has been edited by RRM
Brahmz :)
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