My current diet

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Re: My current diet

Post by abicahsoul »

You shouldn't eat the white. Cup your hands, hold your yolk into running water and swish around, then open the yolk bag and let the runny nice stuff drizzle into a cup.. Stir gently.. eat.. or gently stir into mashed avocado or banan or a glass of squeezed juice.
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Re: My current diet

Post by Mr. PC »

I don't eat the white, but I suck the yolk straight out of the bag, so that my lips are touching the little bit of white still clinging to the bag. I find that recently the yolks I've been getting are too fragile to roll on a paper towel as I used to. I've never tried the running water method; wouldn't that also risk breaking the bag?
I'm finding this morning that I can eat oranges fine, but I blended an orange, apple, OO, EV coconut oil, OJ concentrate, and sugar. I actually sensed that my body doesn't want any fat right now, but I made it anyway (this is a usual kind of drink for me), but I'm finding it hard to drink today. Do you think this could be association?
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Re: My current diet

Post by dime »

Mr. PC wrote:I don't eat the white, but I suck the yolk straight out of the bag, so that my lips are touching the little bit of white still clinging to the bag.
I've never tried this, I always put the yolk in a glass first. Do you cut it with something first so that you can eat it straight like this?
Mr. PC wrote:I've never tried the running water method; wouldn't that also risk breaking the bag?
No it usually never brakes (but you don't of course put the yolk directly under the water stream). If it breaks then probably something is wrong with the yolk.
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Re: My current diet

Post by Mr. PC »

No need to cut it; the bag just breaks as soon as I start sucking on it. The yolk here must be more frail than the yolks where you are. I generally get the 'Free run' eggs, even though they really don't seem much different than the cheap eggs, but I'd feel too guilty buying regular eggs. There are 'organic' eggs, but they're like, $6 for 12, which is way too much. I figure if my immune system is strong, egg quality is not too important.
I'm thinking I'll just use straight commercial OJ today, since oranges haven't been giving me any problems.

Also, I got a zit on my nose for the first time in over a year! I went to a friend's house the other day, who gave me a sweet potato (cooked) and a salad with some kind of low fat dressing (she gets everything low fat). I figure it had high salt content or something, because normally raw vegetables or cooked potatoes are not enough to do that.

I've also gotten a position playing keyboards and bass in a pop band; I hate the music but hopefully they'll start making money soon. The problem is that between the two bands play in, I'm practicing almost every day of the week. I'm finding my wrists/hands are having a hard time taking it. I used to wrap cold bandages around my wrists, but in my experience that always made them feel worse; the doctors and chiropractors always said to do it anyway. Should I trust that or should I not do anything that makes them feel worse? Stretches were in the same boat; always made my hands worse but I was told to continue them anyway. One person said to only do them very mildly, but it seemed at the time that any amount of stretching made them worse. I'm kindof apprehensive to start doing either of those things again.
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Re: My current diet

Post by abicahsoul »

I don't know.. I guess first question is why do they hurt?
If there is no special condition, then that leaves muscular/stiffness problems..
First I think learn to relax, find some relaxation cd and start practicing lying down..?
If you already see a chiropractor I guess they also treat your neck and upper back? Upper back and neck are connected to many probs in the arm and hands, I have noticed from experience.
Here are sets of stretches for the whole body.. Ignore the ones for the other parts of the body if you want, but try the ones for arms, shoulders, upper back and neck (important) and hands.. check them out.. and be very gentle with the really painful ones. Never do so much as to provoke pain.. until you feel better..breathe..
Get a rubber band, for rehab excercise.. learn some rubber band excercise.. Lifting weights might not be a good idea, but rubber band also builds strength and is ergonimical..
And I guess doing some excercise to build strength in the wrists might be good, there is one: sit on knees/stand on all fours, put hands in front of you slightly lift wrist from the floor supporting your weight by the front of the hands and the fingers.. But make sure it doesn't hurt! Only put so much weight on your arms so that it is still comfortable.. repeat maybe 10-15 times to begin with...? Of course if your doc has said you should avoid excercise.. then don't do it. ;)
Perhaps some suggestion helps.
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Re: My current diet

Post by Mr. PC »

I've done every single one of those exorcises, and have the rubber band hanging in my room. I do have a nerve-'condition' in my wrists; it's not a muscle/stiffness problem. If it were I'd have been over it years ago. Doctors et al all tell me to do some sort of stretch, but my body tells me otherwise.

Thanks for the help, but I think if there's any way to 'fix' my problem it lies in a completely different direction. The Wai diet has helped immensely however.
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Re: My current diet

Post by abicahsoul »

What's the nerve condition? I just wonder, if they ordinate stretching, that means that the muscles and ligaments are somehow putting stress on a nerve ending, cuz you don't stretch the nerves, no?
Of course your body tells you otherwise, stretching when there is something with the nerves, cuz I guess it hurts or is uncomfortable?
Did they tell you exactly what and how to stretch?
Otherwise I have no other ideas what might work. Just that you find out if the nerve thing is related to joints and muscles stressing the nerve. If yes you have your solution. Then it is stretching. One just has to work slowly with that, with a special technique.
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Re: My current diet

Post by Mr. PC »

Different doctors have said it was different things; it's likely Therastic Outlet Syndrome, but they all agree I have nerve damage, and most tell me it's permanent. I've seen many different physiotherapists, and between all of them I'm pretty certain I've tried every single stretch in existence. Some of them were worse than others but none has ever been very beneficial (besides sometimes having someone pull on my wrists in a certain way).
Some stretches stretch muscles and others are designed to stretch the nerve.

I'm concerned now, because I just got a job playing keyboard in a second band, and piano at a church (which involves a 2 hour practice on Saturday nights), that I'm at risk of further injuring my hands/wrists. The problem is, I REALLY want to be able to make money playing music, but if I do it for money, I have nothing left for the music I want to play. Also, I'm afraid that if I push myself too hard, I'll make my hands even worse. I don't think I'd be able to cope psychologically if that happened. I'm thinking I might have to tell everyone I play for that I can only do 1 hour of playing at a time.

The other difficulty is that whenever my hands hurt, I'm become really down, and I either get strong cravings and give in to munch foods, or don't eat at all, and than later give in to munch foods, and munch foods certainly don't help the situation.
Than I have my friend Jeff, who plays drums in my first band. He's always on my case about my diet, and how frail and weak I am (which he attributes to the diet, even though I was worse before I started). He also tells me I keep getting worse (more stringent) with the diet, and I won't eat anything any more, the other day he said 'at least you still drink', but really I'd like to stop drinking, I'm really only keeping it up for his benefit (although if I'm having a bad day I'll certainly drink).

It's hard to know what to do with your life when you've just finished your degree in music, but because of a physical handicap are unable to perform. I can compose, but the music I like to write is too avant-garde for most people. I can write more accessible music, although it's still a market that's nearly impossible to break into. I'd like to be a teacher, but I'm too idealistic to teach in the public school system. What I'm thinking actually is that if I could support myself through some other means than teaching, I could open up a 1 room school and teach for free - therefor eliminating the need to discriminate against families who can't afford private schooling (the market for parents who would like my teaching methods will already be scarce enough). Mostly I would teach the kids whatever they're interested in learning; I'd introduce them to new things of course, but if those subjects weren't catching their attention, we'd move on to something else. I'd strongly lean toward the arts, philosophy, communication, politics (I wouldn't try to appear 'unbiased' but would let them know that most conservative beliefs are the result of a lack of education), science, and history. I would also teach that Gods are not real, and about the origins of religious beliefs. I'd also run any element of the school that I was able to in a democratic fashion, and treat every student as an equal and a friend.

Anyway, I'm probably repeating things I've already said earlier in my thread; I just really like speaking about education. I'd be interested if anyone else here agreed - or disagreed - with me. Maybe we can start a childhood education thread.
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Re: My current diet

Post by abicahsoul »

Hm have you tried acupuncture? If you haven't and decide to, just make sure that the person has solid knowledge.

Btw, it is a good idea to teach. You live stateside I guess (or was it Canada?), anyhow, I guess there are many teaching facilities for under-privileged kids, like 'Each one teach one' and such. I'd put stress on teaching the kids to find things out for themselves, how to find their own beliefs and knowledge. And to teach them to express themselves in writing.. I think in the book and movie 'Precious' there is a good way of showing how writing and learning can be such an important help to reclaim yourself. :) Read and watch it is really worth it.
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Re: My current diet

Post by Mr. PC »

Agreed. I have tried acupuncture, and it worked somewhat, but it hit a certain point where it couldn't do anything else for me.

Anyway, the last few days I've been eating raw steak, which BTW tastes amazing, but the last few days my hands have also been worse. I've been eating the steak in the mornings and early afternoons because I haven't had time to in the evenings/nights, so I'm wondering if that could have been my problem, or if it's just a co-incidence.

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Re: My current diet

Post by Mr. PC »

P.S. I got a new website,; if anyone knows how I can get it to rank higher on google, that would be awesome.

Also, I got a call from the Dean of the Faculty of Education at York University, and I've gotten into Teacher's College! I'm very excited about that.
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Re: My current diet

Post by Oscar »

Grats :)
Can you code html/css?
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Re: My current diet

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The builder allows me to add html, not CSS from what I can figure out, but is based off a wysiwyg template, which I can only edit graphically. It's free for one year which is why I chose to use it. I could learn html quickly if needed.

Also, if anyone will go on my page and click "like" and/or scroll down and press the +1 button, that would help me rank higher in google.

My new dream is to make enough money off of teaching piano and guitar privately that I can open up my 1 room K-8 school and not have to charge tuition, OR become part of some kind of community function outside of 'the grid' (A wai diet community would be nice), and be the community teacher.
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Re: My current diet

Post by Oscar »

There are a number of things you can do in html to get a higher ranking. Using the meta-tags and 'hide' words on your main page are the important ones. Basically you can use the tags you use in meta-description, copy them 10 times, and display them super-small in a dot the same color as the background (so it'll be 'invisible').
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Re: My current diet

Post by Mr. PC »

Google also writes that they will blacklist sites for trying to gain rankings in dishonest ways, like buying back-links. It would probly get me higher on Bing and Yahoo, but I'm afraid of hurting my google rank, since I consider it most important. Do you know anything about google's policy on doing this kind of thing? Thanks Oscar.
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