Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

June 5, 2014
1 hard boiled egg
1 forelle pear sans peel raw
--10 hours later
1 cup water
8-10 pieces of pork rib-lets
3 slices of cooked bitter melon
2-3 mouthfuls of scrambled eggs, a mix of 2w1y, cooked
1 bowl of sushi rice sans literary fish,
1 partially solved conundrum. Oscar what do you think of dessert? I think I will add dessert. :D

1/2 orange sliced
1 liquid yolk
1 ------ ----- (-----, -------,...)
2 15ml water

Answer will be revealed only if dessert trend stabilizes. Gues(t)ses are welcome. Please have fun. :D

Current liquid yolk method:
Currently raw yolks are soaked in small amounts of hot-warm water for several min to 30 seconds to solidify the sac membrane,
fork punctures membrane, spoon catches liquid, sac is discarded.
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

Special Edition, the dialog that goes on in a wai infected mind.
I think I have entered the c(r)aving phase, that speed bump that some people encounter while trying to go Wai, because my mind is going beserk with cravings, and drawing up foods that I have not touched in eons. Icecream, shreddies, what’s next?
This is also what happens when you read too much of this forum, your brain has a bunch of Wai clichés** floating in the head.

[Eats: 1 bowl of oatmeal with chunks of yellow yam, simmered.]
My mind sums up the taste of Shreddies while eating oatmeal.
It says oatmeal is bland, soggy, chewless, liquid blah,
and pines longingly for Shredddies, like how Juliet pines for Romeo.
Imagines the taste of Shreddies. I can almost taste it, as if it is real.
For a fact, the last time I had Shreddies was 15 years ago.
I disliked Shreddies, because of its roughness back then.
I asked it if it wanted Cherrios,
I mean cherrios are oats too,
and I have some at home conveniently tucked in the back of the pantry, expired too (expired because I have been so good about avoiding cereal),
and it said no,
it says it does not want Cherrios,
it says Cherrios are airy, crunchy, sugary, it does not want airy crunchy sugary.
It wanted Shreddies.
I can almost taste the fine solid mesh texture of window coverings, and the crunch, and rough fibrous texture, the light brown square crunchy thing.

Polar opposites of Wai, I mean here let’s analyze:
crunch vs. juice;
rough vs. fine smooth liquid;
fibrous texture vs. sieved juices, and unfibrous yolk;
light brown vs maillard colour;
Yes, my mind is going beserk. Damn.

Must be hunger. I thought.
Asks if it is hungry.
My mind said nothing.
But my stomach says extremely hungry. Feels the emptiness of a stomach, of something filled with oatmeal, yet the oatmeal has dissolved to non-existence, it does not even recognize it had food. I did not feel the stomach. I felt hunger. That insatiable hunger of craving. The hunger of a crave. It is not physical. Craves are of another realm, they speak another language. My stomach says extremely hungry (in the language of craves).
Darn it must be the effects of yolks last night. I find I am hungrier after raw yolks. (Is it the language of yolks?)
--Tells myself: *When hungry go eat fruit*,
--Replies: *Why is this diet so hard?*
--*Deemed the impossible diet to follow*

[Goes eat:
9 pieces of purple raw grapes with peel. and 1 without peel. Without peel it is sweeter.
1 orange, raw, peeled, juiced, garlic presser pressed, 200ml, 16min from start to clean-up.]

The orange juice was sweet, perfect, sugary, orangy.
But it was satisfying and unsatisfying at the same time.
To the palate, it tasted almost too sweet.
To the mind, it was a poor substitute for what it craved. It was like “you tricked me”, “but ha you still can’t get rid of me”, “I will still draw up the Shreddies.” “Period. I won’t think of anything else. Not until you go get Shreddies.” “Oranges tastes too sweet and sugary.” “What I want is Shreddies.” “crunchy, texturously rough, light brown, mesh cereal, without sugar”. Dangerous food.

This is not about raw aytundra vs. cooked foods aytundra, or social aytundra anymore.
This is the beginning of raw aytundra vs. crave aytundra. Some different species of the same mind. Something new that has walked into town.

-by raw aytundra, edited by literary aytundra. Enjoy says fun aytundra. :D
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Maia »

Aytundra wrote: 1 bite of chocolate icecream with peanut butter. Wow, I did not eat icecream for maybe a year. I can't remember when I last ate icecream.
Hi Aytundra!
Have you tried to make ice cream from frozen bananas?
You freeze peeled bananas, and then blend or process in food processor or slow juice them and then optionally you can add in something like berries or dates or cinnamon or vanilla :)
It's really tasty! And much better for you than conventional ice cream...
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

Hi Maia,
Frozen bananas! Why yes I've tried them 4 years ago. Absolutely delicious.
Thank you, Maia. You're the best! :D
- raw aytundra. [Goes makes some.] :wink:

dates, yuck
cinnamon, too pungent
vanilla, that's ice cream
*berries, are for birds*
banana, I can only tolerate 1.5 bananas
Have you tried frozen Shreddies? I think frozen Shreddies will be awesome.
No thank you Maia.
- rebellious cliche loving aytundra that desires Shreddies. [Starts clipping coupons for cereal. Finds none to clip. Diamond Shreddies are extinct.]
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

June 6, 2014
1 bowl of oatmeal with chunks of yellow yam, simmered, cooked in a pot. {Craves Shreddies}
9 pieces of purple raw grapes with peel. and 1 without peel. Without peel it is sweeter.
1 orange, raw, peeled, juiced, garlic presser pressed, 200ml, 16min from start to clean-up. {Craves Shreddies}

1 bowl of carrot, seaweed, pork bone soup with salt, warm. delicious.
1 cup water

1 plain glazed donut {tastes delicious, Still craves Shreddies}

1 piece of fruit roll-up, 9cm x 2.5cm x 2mm (tastes okay, it's candy.){still craves Shreddies}
1 piece of chicken wonton in sweet and sour sauce (sauce and food is okay, but {still craves Shreddies})
1 piece of cinnamon flavoured rice chips
1 piece of cheddar flavoured rice chips. (Cinnamon, artificial yuck, cheddar, some artificial processed flavour.)
15 ml of sparkling orange drink. (artificial orange taste. sipped 5ml and dumped it.)
1 piece of noodle in salad sauce. (sauce tasted artificial.)
1 piece of boccocini cheese (tasted watery, bland, sodium calcium chloride like, like mozzerella cheese but without flavour. plain taste, yuck.)
1 piece of mortadella ham (tasted salty, thin and artificial.)
1 piece of hummus on a soda cracker (tasted sodium chloride, and bland cracker.)
1 piece of kale salad, 2 cm by 4cm (tasted the bitter stuff in kale. Salad dressing was fructose-glucose tasting.){Still craves Shreddies}
***What I am saying in all those () is that if you go on Wai, be prepared to dislike a majority of foods. and have cravings {}***

with 1 tablespoon of soysauce, 0.5 cm cube of wasabi and 1 bowl 250ml of miso soup.
8 pieces of salmon roll sushi, raw salmon. Each piece of raw salmon was ~ 2.5 cm x 1.5cm x 1.5cm.
8 pieces of avocado, crab and cucumber roll sushi
{Stops craving Shreddies, also stops being hungry}

12-14 pieces of celery slices, cooked.
2 pieces of chicken wings.
1/4 bowl of sushi rice.
0.5 ------ ----- (-----, -------,...)

1 orange sliced

raw aytundra introduced raw fish today:
I skipped yolks today, here's aytundra's summary:
Did not notice any skin or brain effects from raw salmon, or sushi meal.
Other than that, it was colourful, small, and expensive.
To give you a cost perspective of what this snack costed me:
8 pieces of sushi with raw salmon = 32 egg yolks or 4 containers of pasteurized orange juice (yolk and orange juice at cheapest price).
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by rogii »

hello Aytundra.
I find your words chaotic and entertaining.
I think you should eat shreddies, take a photo of the crime then post it on here.
Would be interesting to have a face to all this madness!
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

June 7, 2014
1 forelle pear, peeled, raw
1 orange peeled, raw
1 piece of white steamed bread with red bean paste.
1 bowl of rice porridge, with 1 piece of chicken wing.
1 orange, peeled, raw
1 bunch of grapes with peel, raw.
6-9 pieces of pork rib-lets, steamed in garlic, starch, sugar, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce.
3 slices of cooked bitter melon
1 clump of watercress, boiled in date and ginger water.
1 bowl of sushi rice
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

rogii wrote:hello Aytundra.
I find your words chaotic and entertaining.
I think you should eat shreddies, take a photo of the crime then post it on here.
Would be interesting to have a face to all this madness!
Thankyou rogii!
Looks at rogii, questionably. Quoi? You want me to do what? You want me to commit treason?
Then sums up a polite gesture, brushes it aside, and politely declines.

I hate to break this to you, but there is a problem.
You see, the problem is Diamond Shreddies simply do not exist in real life.
Diamond Shreddies are only a figment of the imagination of marketers trying to promote the sales of Shreddies, to save the declining sales of Shreddies. Craving aytundra desires to eat specifically Diamond Shreddies. There is no way that Diamond Shreddies exists in real life, because the Square Shreddies were turned 45 degrees and relabeled by cereal commercial advertising gurus as Diamond Shreddies. But that is a parlour trick. Their Diamond Shreddies are still Square Shreddies. Hence, it is quite impossible for Aytundra to buy Diamond Shreddies, because they simply do not exist.
And no, I am not making this up, Diamond Shreddies do not exist, you can research that up.
Also I do not live with the Mad Hatter of Wonderland, so no this is not madness, Diamond Shreddies do not exist and that is for real.
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

June 8, 2014
9 blueberries
3+21+8 blueberries
2 slices of 5inch by 5inch pizza, pepperoni, cheddar and mozzerella cheese, colourful orange, yellow, green, and red bell pepper bits.
1 orange
1 piece of plantain chips
25 blueberries
1 liquid yolk
8 blueberries
2 chicken wings cooked
2 pieces of pork cooked
1 clump of watercress boiled
1 bowl of rice avec orange and blue
1 slice of chocolate cake (sees a glaring plac(o)id look from a distance. Ignores that and eats more cake to try to be happier. ) (And wants to cry but not because of cake, cake should make one happy, with all the sugar and all the dairy and wheat stuff. But wants to cry because she watched something orange and blue, orange and blue, not oranges and blueberries, not the internet logo of orange around a blue, not wai forums’ oranges and blues, not Pi’s book cover of orange and blue, but running out of literary fish, aytundra searched high and low for something orange and blue, and she found something orange and blue with fish, and she found an orange clown fish and a blue fish, a movie not a book, and after she finished, she was happy for orange and blue fish, but she was sad for she might have to go vegan, so she is sad that this diet is S.o-.S. o hard, it gets harder as it goes.) [Happy orange and sad blues; Eats another spoonful of awfully awesome (c)ake! A life of juxtapositions and oxymorons.]

Today’s Puzzle: Find or circle the juxtaposition, oxymorons, and bonus: find the alliteration.
If that's too hard of a puzzle, at least guess which movie I watched.
- written by quitehappybutmostlysad aytundra, edited by expressivewriting aytundra, embellished by synaesthesia aytundra, and puzzle created by fun aytundra. Enjoy! :wink:

Post your answers or PM me the answers if you like,
Upside-down colourful answers will be posted later.
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

June 8, 2014
9 blueberries
3+ 21+8 blueberries
2 slices of 5inch by 5inch pizza, pepperoni, cheddar and mozzerella cheese, colourful orange, yellow, green, and red bell pepper bits.
1 orange
1 piece of plantain chips
25 blueberries
1 liquid yolk
8 blueberries
2 chicken wings cooked
2 pieces of pork cooked
1 clump of watercress boiled
1 bowl of rice avec orange and blue
1 slice of chocolate cake (sees a glaring plac(o)id look from a distance. Ignores that and eats more cake to try to be happier. ) (And wants to cry but not because of cake, cake should make one happy, with all the sugar and all the dairy and wheat stuff. But wants to cry because she watched something orange and blue, orange and blue, not oranges and blueberries, not the internet logo of orange around a blue, not wai forums’ oranges and blues, not Pi’s book cover of orange and blue, but running out of literary fish, aytundra searched high and low for something orange and blue, and she found something orange and blue with fish, and she found an orange clown fish and a blue fish, a movie not a book, and after she finished, she was happy for orange and blue fish, but she was sad for she might have to go vegan, so she is sad that this diet is S.o-.S. o hard, it gets harder as it goes.) [Happy orange and sad blues; Eats another spoonful of awfully awesome (c)ake! A life of juxtapositions and oxymorons.]

Today’s Puzzle: Find or circle the juxtaposition, oxymorons, and bonus: find the alliteration.
If that's too hard of a puzzle, at least guess which movie I watched. = Finding Nemo (Please do not watch this movie, if you still want to eat fish.)
- written by quitehappybutmostlysad aytundra, edited by expressivewriting aytundra, embellished by synaesthesia aytundra, and puzzle created by fun aytundra. Enjoy! :wink:

Post your answers or PM me the answers if you like,
Upside-down colourful answers will be posted later. = This is the answer page. :D

Upside down answers:
glaring plac(o)id. = raw aytundra glares, but is placid at the same time, placoid is for the fish movie she watched. oxymoron is on the glaring and placid.
(raw aytundra is not the tiger, we've moved on from Pi, she is now a sharkfish. and haha another oxymoron.)
awfully awesome cake pronounced with a silent c, sounds like awfully awesome ache. alliteration.
Last edited by Aytundra on Tue 10 Jun 2014 04:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

June 9, 2014
scrambled eggs with onion
1 cup of water

25 pieces of french fries
20 pieces of blueberries

1 orange big
2nd orange small
[Stomach felt acidic after second orange.]

1 piece of chocolate cake (So icecream is solved by bananas, what can cake be solved with?)

6 pieces of chicken wings cooked
1 piece of pork cooked
1 clump of watercress in ginger and date water boiled
1 bowl of rice
Zero time to make a puzzle, was too busy making answer. Hope you liked it. :D
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

Addendum: 1 frozen banana on June 8, frozen with peel, not a good idea because frozen fiber clings. Should have listened to Maia and peeled the banana first and put into ziplock bag before freezing. It tasted nice like a frozen treat, delicious, but misses the mark of being an icecream or a cake, it leans more to icecream though, I did not mash it.

June 10, 2014
Sunshine eggwhites&tomato Recipe: (Might be a modified slow-cook method.)
Ingredients: 1 egg whites and 1/4 tomato with 1 liquid yolk. Method: Egg white and egg yolks were separated, as cast iron pan heats 1 tablespoon of avocado oil, then egg whites scrambles with 1/4 of diced tomato on low to medium heat, when translucent egg turns white, egg whites are scooped to a bowl, but being careful not to scrape the bottom scab of egg whites. Egg white scabs are discarded. In a separate bowl, yolk soaks in warm water for 30 seconds (solidifies the yolk membrane), fork punctures membrane, spoon scoops yolk, yolk membrane discarded, spoon pours egg yolk over cooked eggwhites&tomato. Comments: This dish has a nice look, looks like eggwhites&tomatoes drenched in sunshine sauce. Tastes good, but 1 serving is not enough, a bigger portion would be better. However, if you are an egg yolk purist, then yes cooked egg whites with yolk tastes a bit off. And if you are a cooked foods purist, then this misses the roughness and hot temperature of a scrambled egg, it is just strange to have creamy yolk on egg whites. It was a compromise, raw and cooked foods aytundra both thought it was nice of aytundra to make that, they both thought it was delicious, but neither were totally satisfied with the taste being in congruence to their idealized taste, based on their respective taste buds.
1 Sunshine eggwhites&tomato
1 cup water

2 pieces of Fastfood fried chicken. Fried skin discarded. (Glimmers of dagger jagged staggered looks from the distance.) Gains another pimple.

1 piece of purple grape, raw with peel.
8 pieces of cooked white mushrooms
5 morsels of fish, steamed.
2 shrimps, cooked.
1 bowl of rice

1 slice of chocolate cake aytundra chooses the slice with a piece of hazelnut over the one covered in almond slices.

Today's puzzle: Find or circle the double consonants.

Now a serious question for the experts:
1)Which nut is better almond or hazelnut on a cake?
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Iris »

Aytundra wrote:So icecream is solved by bananas, what can cake be solved with?)
You could make little balls of minced dried fruits (dates are best I think) and nuts mixed. If it's to dry add some coconut oil. And if you really must you could even mix in some cocoa and/or roll them in grated coconut (note: cocoa and grated coconut is not "wai-proof" and therefore not recommended, obviously).

And have you ever tried raw yolks mixed with some sugar/honey and coconut oil? Tastes really good! :P
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

Hi Iris, welcome to Aytundra's Diary. :D

- dates yuck. - aytundra remains the same stance on that food item. explains: it is an irrational repulsion by visual aytundra, where she is allergic to them visually, she thinks of them as moose droppings.
- coconut oil - the smell or raw coconut oil is already too strong in 1 teaspoon. you expect aytundra to make cake with that?
- cocoa, that is a lot of oxalates, and theobromine, either aytundra will go hyper or she will dislike taste.
- grated coconut, aytundra likes coconut, but the first and last time she grated one was 2 years ago (when she was hyper about reading Wai and wanted to make her own coconut oil to not use olive oil because she dislikes olive oil), by cracking a fresh one in the backyard. It was super tough to open the coconut. [Looks at Iris, like a kid with an unopenable container of juice, when the lid is stuck. Will you open a coconut for me? ] Or is store bought preserved sweetened grated coconut acceptable?

Raw aytundra is a yolk purist. She actually likes the taste of raw plain yolks. She only learned about liking that several weeks ago. :shock:
Salmonella fearing aytundra insists on heat treatment on yolks.

- this is written by the typical rebellious skeptical aytundra. Please do not be offended and not post replies afterwards. Usually after some careful consideration and time she might try something with it. Like how she almost replaced a meal with sushi, a week ago. :D
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Re: Aytundra's Diary (not Wai diet)

Post by Aytundra »

June 11, 2014
1 hardboiled egg (cooked by someone else).
1 orange

50-70 pieces of blueberries
2 eggs and a tomato, cooked/raw*

4 bites of fish, steamed, with soysauce, ginger and spring onions.**
1 clump of watercress, boiled
1 piece of chicken wing, boiled
1 bowl of rice
1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of peach jam.

*Repeat of eggwhites&tomato with yolk, but increased to 2 eggs with 1 tomato. Method: (2 egg whites cooked in low-medium heat (heat setting = 4) with 1 diced tomato, stirred continuously. Added 1 yolk in the last minute of heating, heated for 3-4minutes. Added 2nd yolk raw without sac to cooked eggwhites&tomato. The effects were quite surprising. It tasted like saltless mozzerella bits stirred with tomato. Quite a filling dish, but the texture was a bit soggy, less scrambled, and more watery because of the tomato. Tasted kind of like pasta, without pasta, just tastes like tomatoes and cheese. I think the one cooked yolk blended in, at the last minute gave it the rough cheese texture, while the egg whites gave it a smooth cheese texture, and the tomato balanced out an italian theme of tomato and cheese, hence giving it a pasta-ish illusion with the various sizes of diced tomatoes resembling macaroni or shell sizes of texture, but just a tad soggy from tomato water.

I intended to do 2 raw yolks on cooked whites and tomato. But as I cracked the first egg, that yolk broke, so I figured it was not that fresh, and should deserve a little heat treatment to prevent bacteria as a safety precaution. – bacteria fearing aytundra.

Raw aytundra would like to say - she would never do that again, heated yolks, blah. Plain yolks still taste better. (We will see what raw aytundra thinks, when we add sugar next to the egg yolk as per Iris' request for aytundra to experiment on.)

But as a happy accident, this recipe with 2 eggs and 1 tomato showed that something curd like cheese like taste texture could be achieved with just eggs and tomato. However, the question would remain does a curd like texture equate to the bad proteins, as in curd texture equals the taste indicator for bad proteins, just like a hard boiled eggs rough yolk texture is probably a good indicator for something wrong has happened to the protein and cholesterol structures.

**Mind: The taste was like French fries.
Asks Mind: Huh? French fries?
Mind: Yes French fries. That is what the cooked fish taste like. I’ve never noticed that before.
Asks Mind: What did you eat it with?
Mind: I removed the fish skin, and dipped cooked fish in soysauce with ginger and spring onions.
Asks Mind: You had French fries yesterday, right?
Mind: Yes
Asks Mind: Compare the two taste. Are you sure you tasted French fries?
Mind: The saltiness of the fish and the mushiness of the fish kind of taste like French fries. Salt on the outside, mushiness without much salt taste in the center of the mushiness. Just like French fries.
Asks Mind: Do you think it is bad?
Mind: Maybe I should not eat that much cooked fish because it tastes like French fries. Raw Aytundra would be cautious on that.
- being accustomed to Aytundra’s new tastebuds. Don’t know if this is a side effect of doing this diet. But hey, at least I am trying.
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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