
Challenges and trouble-shooting
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Re: what?

Post by panacea »

kooka, yes sterile plastic bubbles exist, ever seen bubbleboy? but he's using it as an example to show you the effect trying to shield yourself from viruses, they are everywhere, unavoidable, there's more bacteria and junk on your keyboard than your toilet seat any day, you need it to survive, the whole western view of uncleanliness is wrong, most of our uncleanliness comes from our improper lifestyle. For example, wild animals hardly ever bathe (only when it rains for most of them, and come on, it's rainwater, not soap), and they don't smell as repulsing as a human who eats the SAD diet and doesn't shower for 2-3 days. Any way, back to the viruses, your immune system adapts to your environment - kind of like computer anti virus systems, once they come across a particular virus and beat it, they can tuck it away and then quarantine the same kinds a lot more efficiently in the future. But if you were subjected to a bunch of viruses at once, because, for example, you spend a lifetime in a plastic bubble or something similiar, then come out of it.. then your immune system is overloaded and can't deal with all of it at once, which isn't good. Swine flu, and sars, and all of that, is extremely exaggerated fear mongering. Biological weapons are of course a real threat, and you wouldn't want to be near one of those explosions trying to breathe in as many viruses as you can, because it goes back to the common sense principle that a lot of viruses at once, equals bad, some viruses on a steady constant timeline, equals good, and no viruses, and then a lot of viruses later, is bad. I wouldn't shake peoples hands (not because of fear of viruses) but because of other things like potential parasites, or snot, or other gross things that are really insignificant but just morally disgusting. As far as being afraid of the viruses on peoples hands though, it's negligble because the viruses are everywhere you can't avoid them unless you live a plastic bubble lifestyle, which is even worse if you ever do encounter a virus later.

oh, and if you do come down with a nasty virus-reaction like a cold then do what RRM has been saying, and sleep more, don't take pills and stay up all night for instance, the only reason I could see for a mild painkiller is help to fall asleep because it's the sleep that actually does the healing. (I'm just saying I know how hard it can be to fall asleep or get deep sleep when you can barely stop coughing and blowing your nose)

So just remember these common things to beat any flu really fast!
1. Get a lot of sleep
2. Blow your nose constantly if there is stuff to blow, your body does that for a reason not just to piss you off! (the body is flushing viruses out through the nose discharge)
3. Eat light meals but obviously stay on the healthy wai diet, don't overtax your body while sick because it just detracts even more from the healing process, it's probably a good idea to eat more watermelon during a cold so your body can dilute baddies with the pure water)
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