60s CP in one month

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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by overkees »

I had a holiday in Tenerife it's an Islanda at the coast of west Africa. We had temperatures from 23-30 degrees from 10 o clock till 7 o clock. I have never had sunburns when I was younger. But I used to have them the last couple of years. My mother has the same skin as me and we could always spend the same amount of time in the sun.

On these holidays however, I was in the sun almost every time it wasn't hiding behind the clouds. My mother was more in the shades. And she did go to tanning saloons (which I didn't). I seeked shelter from the sun when I felt it was just too hot for me, but this was maybe 2-3 times. I didn't have any sunburns. My mother, however, did. Especially my face was a lot paler and that's the spot where I burn easiest. Especially on the nose and cheeks. Didn't happen. So maybe you're right.

I must add that my mother eats healthy compared to a standard diet. She's on a diet of fruit, nuts, veggies and little animal protein consisting of cheese, eggs and fish. She eats them cooked however.

On the Vitamin D. I would recommend using mackerel. Mackerel has the most vitamin D content of all fish. And is also really cheap. Mackerel also hasn't got high pollution levels. I think Mackerel is one of the healthiest fishes out there.
I love to prepare mackerel ceviche. It's mackerel in orange and tangerine juice. You can also use lemon juice or grapefruit. As long as it's realy sour.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by sunmaiden »

I think the cooking IS what can make the difference with sunburn, though your mom must be better protected than most, from good diet and vitamin D, Overkees.

Thank you for mentioning the mackerel and ceviche. It is good encouragement for me. I am working up courage regarding trying fish, and based on the great experience I've had so far from cod liver oil, I am nearly ready. I am more and more convinced of the benefits! There are a few restaurants, local to me that make ceviche and I may try that. I think mackerel is certainly available. I live in a fishing town and this morning there was a fish seller coming by with strings of freshly caught fish on his bicycle. Fresh for sure, but oh, I'll need to learn a bit about preparing it:)

Panacea, I'm sorry if I was unclear. I have a good tolerance to the sun now, love being out in it (I live in a warm sunny place) and spend reasonable time outdoors with my kids. I think the extra vitamin D and cholesterol in the animal foods will help improve the last bit. And I feel you are right, humans getting sun burns is not so natural. Also, I do not wear (and never have) any make-up, lotion or oil. I just began with a little bit of coconut oil on my face though, thanks to this forum!
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by dime »

Do small babies that are only being being breastfed get sunburned? I think that will help to figure out whether getting sunburned is related much to diet.
I live in a fishing town and this morning there was a fish seller coming by with strings of freshly caught fish on his bicycle. Fresh for sure, but oh, I'll need to learn a bit about preparing it:)
You're very lucky :)
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by sunmaiden »

From my own experience with small babies, I can't tell. My children have never burned. But, my husband is dark skinned, and my boys got his natural tanning genes:) Very small babies show discomfort when bright sun light is in their eyes, or when they experience intense noise, strong smell or a bath too hot or too cold. I feel this is part of them becoming fully aware of their bodies and all the experiences that are different outside the womb. Its true that each thing is just an "experience" at that age, with little regard to thoughts of "like" or "dislike," but still there's a bit of unease with extremes. For example, a young toddler who falls when learning to walk can learn to laugh at the experience, even if it hurts, if the parent gives the right attitude of confidence and a smile. The same child can learn to cry in frustration and self pity, if the parent shows too much concern over his pain.

One thing about breastfeeding is that the moms diet really comes through in the milk. The wrong diet can cause a cranky baby. I was on a cooked diet when breastfeeding, and though I thought I was eating healthy, I'm sure some of the "cooked" qualities were there. I would imagine a breastfeeding mom on a raw diet would produce great milk with all the protective qualities that we experience on the raw diet. The one mom's experience I know of, who's breastfed while 100 percent raw, is Anne Osborne, fruitarian for 20 years. She has remarked that her boys tolerate the sun immensely well, but she always had to be vigilant when their friends were over playing, so the friends wouldn't sunburn.

Re fish - thanks - I am having to consider the fortunate side here:) I may have to do some learning though to take a fish from its natural state and find out how to make it edible:)
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by fred »

I have discovered the Buteyko method recently (thank you!). Immediately made some drastic changes like nose breathing all day and night, more physical exercices with nasal breathing, inclined bed, better posture. I am not very good at reducing my breathing for now. I have also ordered the Frolov breathing device to speed up my progress. My CP is around 10s. My main problem is that I am underweight and can't managed to gain weight on the Wai diet because I have heart disturbance (arrhythmia) each time I eat a little bit too much. So I must artificially limit my caloric intake. I also have cold hand/feet.
I have good hope that the Buteyko method will help me. I already seem to have less arrhythmia after 3 days.

Yesterday evening I ate 5 egg yolks and my breath started immediately to increase. It was impossible to slow down. I don't know why animal protein triggers such an hyperventilation. I will try to see if other source of animal protein has the same negative impact on my breathing because I am not sure I can go vegetarian very long!
I can't digest oily fish like mackerel or salmon (only tuna is fine). I will try ceviche. I may be deficient in some fatty acids.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by RRM »

fred wrote:I don't know why animal protein triggers such an hyperventilation.
Is it only animal protein, or also (too much) sugars?
I will try to see if other source of animal protein has the same negative impact
Did you try beef?
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by fred »

RRM wrote:Is it only animal protein, or also (too much) sugars?
Probably too much macronutrients at a time. Heart rythm disturbance and hyperventilation go hand in hand.
Did you try beef?
I'll let you know.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by RRM »

fred wrote:
RRM wrote:Is it only animal protein, or also (too much) sugars?
Probably too much macronutrients at a time. Heart rythm disturbance and hyperventilation go hand in hand.
Probably or did you actually notice that always when you drink a substantial amount of OJ, the same thing happens?
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by fred »

RRM wrote: Probably or did you actually notice that always when you drink a substantial amount of OJ, the same thing happens?
I pay attention to my breath only for 3 days so I am not totally sure that too much sugar/fat trigger hyperventilation. I know for sure it increases my heart rythm, can cause arrhythmia or chest discomfort (pain or cramp in the heart area). So I think it increases my breath rythm as well.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by RRM »

And how about consuming pure fat? (oil, butter etc)
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by fred »

RRM wrote:And how about consuming pure fat? (oil, butter etc)
The same. Why this question ?
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by RRM »

For analysis.
If there would have been no response to pure fat, it might have had to do with the insulin system.
But since there is, its not via the insulin system.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by fred »

RRM wrote:For analysis.
If there would have been no response to pure fat, it might have had to do with the insulin system.
But since there is, its not via the insulin system.
Maybe it has to do with my digestive organs (liver, pancreas...) not working at their full potential, hence the need for a better oxygenation ?

Today I eat some chicken+olive oil and had no overbreathing. Yesterday I ate 6 egg yolks and Strangely had nothing as well.
The only thing I am sure is that my body can't handle without complain a certain amount of calories, whether from fat or carbs. This amount is quiet small and can vary a bit.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by RRM »

fred wrote: The only thing I am sure is that my body can't handle without complain a certain amount of calories, whether from fat or carbs. This amount is quiet small and can vary a bit.
If this really is the only issue, its easy to work around it,
by consuming sufficient (but not too much) energy very frequently. (which is a very good thing)
You will just have to be very vigilant regarding always consuming some energy on time.
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Re: 60s CP in one month

Post by panacea »

Hi guys, small update:
I recently got my diet under more or less complete control (finally).
I have been determined to get healthier for a long long time, but lacked the willpower to stick with it.
I spend 9+ hours a day on the computer, so I downloaded a software called brain bullet (other ones are hypnohd and subliminal flash etc). All these softwares do the same thing basically, either play audio songs with subliminal messages (like eat healthier or 'have more discipline) that you aren't conciously aware of so it's not annoying. Most of them are not audio but instead 'flash' the subliminal text messages on random parts of the computer screen so fast only your subconscious can pick them up. The idea is that after a while you see the messages so much and so frequently (it flashes every 5 seconds for example) that you just rethink it subconsciously and it becomes your personality. I'm a very skeptical person, I'm still not sure it worked but something changed because I finally don't have cravings any more except very very minor which I can ignore.

There are some other things I did which could have caused this too - I'm eating 100% cocoa with my water daily, I think it has small amount of caffiene (1/10th that in coffee) and is kind of like a drug but it really helps me get motivated to exercise and learn instead of waste time, seems like a necessary stimulant for now, and also I'm drinking alot of vitamin water. Other than the vitamin water (has a lame form of vitamin c in it) I'm not eating any fruits or vegetables only animal foods (raw yolks, fish, and I have ordered a clay slow cooker for animal livers only I believe that lean meat is next to useless and I can't stand raw liver without it softened up). I've also been eating just a little bit of grass-fed cow cheese. The foods I've been cheating on have been yeast type pastries like honeybuns actually that's my only munch food, which don't seem to upset my digestion nearly as bad as things like hard grain-based foods. Also food combining bread+cheese is really bad while the grass fed cheese alone is not so bad, still upsets my digestion a little but it seems worth it for some reason. I'm starting to trust my food senses more, every time I eat I feel stronger instead of more tired. Drinking a ton more fluid (vitamin water) than I have in years, and digestion is much faster due to frequent walks.

I also have got this 2-step stair thing which isn't really a staircase it's like one of those you would use to step up to a trailer home, very short, but I have it infront of my counter so that I can walk up and down it while on the computer - usually waiting for something to load or waiting for someone to write me back on a messenger. This turned out to be much cheaper and a better solution than a treadmill desk. The treadmill desk was too hard to balance and be precisely controlling a computer at the same time, having to press stop and have the belt slow down just to type something then start it again, etc.

As for buteyko and CP, I fluctuate so much because of various things like I will occasionally oversleep or not exercise for a while at all or cheat on food. When I get on a good streak like I have been lately everything becomes clear, sounds bother me less, I don't feel my intestines at all and my body gets lighter, until I detox which is where I have rapid eliminations and feel horrible until after that.

I'm finally free of school and don't have to work, so no more being in social environment for about 2 months, this is my one window to finally completely overcome the addiction I have, which I've found out is narrowed to excess sugar and ANY amount of grains, and a sedentary lifestyle. Not addicted to cooked or processed food unless in those categories.

Will be posting much more often!
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