Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

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Mr. PC
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Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Mr. PC »

I just noticed my hair is starting to get really thin on top. I'm super afraid of losing my hair, and was wondering if it could be lack of a certain nutrient. My mom said it doesn't look genetic, the way it's thinning out on top. My Dad has a receding hairline, but this is different, and I have my mom's hair; she has no hair loss in her family.

I've pasted the results from the calculator, first one including 1000ml of OJ, which I drink store-bought pasteurized, so I don't know what nutrients would be deficient because of that. Below I posted the results without OJ included.

With OJ, the only (major) deficiencies that appear are

Vitamin B3
Vitamin D

Without it's

Vitamin B1
vitamin B3
vitamin D

[Item 1] 1units of Avocado (Persea americana), California, [1],
[Item 2] 3units, medium of Banana (Musa X paradisiaca), [1],
[Item 3] 50ml (milliliters) of Olive oil (Olea europea), [1],
[Item 4] 1units of Orange (Citrus sinensis), no peel, Calif. navel, [1],
[Item 5] 1000ml (milliliters) of Orange juice (Citrus sinensis), fresh, not pasteurized, [1][2],
[Item 6] 8units of Chicken egg yolk (Gallus domesticus), raw, [1],
[Item 7] 2cups of Sugar, granulated [1][2].



Energy..................................3593.43kcal .....2900.00kcal
Carbohydrate.............................622.28g ..............?g
Fat......................................120.46g ..............?g
Protein...................................38.32g ..........58.00g
Water...................................1498.86ml .............?ml
Fiber.....................................22.42g ..............?g

Vitamin A, RE (Retinol Equivalent)......1143.88mcg ......1000.00mcg
-Beta-carotene...........................462.18mcg ............?mcg no data:1,2,3,4
Vitamin B1, Thiamin........................1.66mg ..........1.50mg
Vitamin B2, Riboflavin.....................1.86mg ..........1.70mg
Vitamin B3, Niacin/Nicotinamide............9.85mg .........19.00mg
Vitamin B5, Pantothenic acid...............9.99mg .............?mg
Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine.....................3.57mg ..........2.00mg
Vitamin B8, Biotin.........................0.00mcg ............?mcg no data:1,2,3,4,5,6
Vitamin B9, Folic acid...................736.85mcg .......200.00mcg
Vitamin B12................................4.13mcg .........2.00mcg
Vitamin C, Ascorbic acid.................649.30mg .........60.00mg
Vitamin D................................196.54IU ........400.00IU no data:7
Vitamin E.................................14.06mg .........10.00mg no data:4
Vitamin K..................................0.00mcg ........70.00mcg no data:1,2,3,4,5,6

Minerals and trace elements
Calcium, Ca..............................397.31mg .......1200.00mg
Iron, Fe..................................10.30mg .........10.00mg
Magnesium, Mg............................314.64mg ........350.00mg
Phosphorus, P............................996.46mg .......1200.00mg
Sodium, Na................................93.26mg .............?mg
Potassium, K............................4973.51mg .............?mg
Zinc, Zn...................................6.05mg .........15.00mg
Iodide, I.................................10.46mcg .......150.00mcg no data:1,2,3,4,6,7
Selenium, Se..............................67.36mcg ........70.00mcg no data:1,4

Total sugar..............................399.64g ..............?g no data:1,2,3,4,5,6
Glucose...................................24.06g ..............?g no data:1,2,3,4,6
Fructose..................................29.29g ..............?g no data:1,2,3,4,6
Sucrose..................................444.63g ..............?g no data:1,2,3,4,6
Lactose....................................0.00g ..............?g no data:1,2,3,4,5,6
Starch.....................................0.00g ..............?g no data:1,2,3,4,5,6

Fat, saturated............................24.21g ..............?g
Fat, monounsaturated......................69.15g ..............?g
Fat, polyunsaturated......................13.69g ..............?g

Omega-3 fatty acids
18:3 n-3, linolenic acid (LNA).............0.83g ..............?g
20:5 n-3, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)......0.01g ..............?g
22:5 n-3, docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)......0.00g ..............?g
22:6 n-3, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).......0.14g ..............?g

Cholesterol.............................1701.16mg .............?mg

So are these deficiencies too extreme? Could they be causing hair loss? Or is it more likely stress / lack of sleep / depression / worry?
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Kasper »

Low zinc levels are associated with hair loss.
I found this website: ... &id=365850
I don't know if it's accurate.

Zinc is best absorbed if you ingest it with proteins. And not with carbohydrates.
Therefore, if you eat yolk, you should not eat orange juice at the same time, if you want maximal zinc absorption.
Beef is also a very good source of zinc.

Normally, male hair loss is caused through DHT, you can try natural DHT blockers.
Beta-sistosterol, GLA, Zinc, vitamin B6 and Iron are all involved in inhibiting DHT.

Beta-sistosterol is high in food with vegetable fat.
Such as avocado, olives and nuts.
The levels in the oil are lower than in the product itself.

GLA is a omega 6 fatty acid. It is produced by the body from LA.
Although, some people benifit from products with GLA. Such as hemp seed, primose oil.

Hemp seed is also high in beta-sistosterol, zinc and iron.
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by panacea »

yes, DHT on the scalp is what causes balding, the best solution is to cure the source of the problem - have you used harsh hair chemicals (shampoo and conditioner) all your life? do you shower and use them frequently? do you have hormonal medicines or problems? if you're on the wai diet, you're on to a good start. the next step is to use very gentle shampoo (odorless, with as few chemicals as possible), and try and use less of it, but still frequently wash your hair with warm water. frequently massage your hair when it's dry, being careful not to pull hair out, and also regulate your sexual activity to a moderate pattern, dont be a rollercoaster causing hormone fluctuations.
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Kasper »

the next step is to use very gentle shampoo (odorless, with as few chemicals as possible), and try and use less of it, but still frequently wash your hair with warm water.
Why is shampoo causing hair loss ?
And why wash it frequently with warm water ?

Shouldn't you wash it with cold water, to improve blood circulation ?
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by panacea »

because warm water is the only kind of water that can clean my hair (cold just makes it stick together), if you have barely any hair I guess cold would work - I have a lot of hair lol, and it's thick.

Shampoo creates an unnatural environment on your scalp, drying out hair for one and creating potential problems, it's simple logic that if you're trying to fix something (balding from DHT on scalp) you shouldn't be introducing likely toxic variables like harsh shampoos to it. Conditioner, used to cover up the shampoos damage, also has negative side effects, which is why it's best to use as little and gentle shampoo / conditioner as possible. I only use shampoo.

Remember, if you try and patch problems up with tons of creams and medicines, like medicines for acne or creams for acne and creams for balding medicine for balding creams for itching medicines for colds creams for eczema medicines for eczema on and on and on, those medicines and creams only throw your body out of balance in unknown ways - creating more problems you need creams and medicines for. That's why it's best to minimize toxins and potentially harmful variables to restore your body's ability to balance itself - that's your best bet if you're not already long gone. If you start seeing your hair falling out in the shower by the handful... sure, use a DHT blocker, just know it's not a good long term solution. The wai diet itself succeeds because it gives the body as few toxins and as many nutrients in a ratio as possible. Sure you could probably get more minerals from an old rock at the bottom of the ocean or some contaminated seaweed but also more toxins creating a bad ratio. In much the same way medicines and creams might have something you want in it but also a lot you don't - ordinary household products like cleaning products, shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash, toothpaste, etc, are no different in that regard.
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Kasper »

because warm water is the only kind of water that can clean my hair (cold just makes it stick together), if you have barely any hair I guess cold would work - I have a lot of hair lol, and it's thick.
Ok, but what do we define as cold water ? I mean something like 20 degree.

You could first clean with warm water and after that cold water to improve blood circulation.
I was always very scared for showering, because I looked so white after it.
I noticed that from swimming I don't get a white face.
Now, I know this is because cold water improves the blood circulation. And warm does the opposite by me.

I wash my hair with egg yolks as shampoo and coconut oil as conditioner.
Works perfect!
The wai diet itself succeeds because it gives the body as few toxins and as many nutrients in a ratio as possible.
So, you think that the Wai diet can cure or prevent androgenic alopecia ? If that is true, than this should defenitely be mentioned in Wai Cure. Millions of people are waiting for something like this, just like acne.

What science tells us is that androgenic alopecia is caused by hair that are sensitive for DHT in combination with high DHT levels.
I think that only if the Wai Diet is able to do change something in this process it is able to cure or prevent androgenic alopecia. In my opinion this type of baldness has nothing to do with nutrients or toxins not related to DHT.

However, recent studies tells us that beta-sistosterol could be a effective DHT blocker.
A wai diet with many nuts, avocado, olives could maybe do the trick.

I'm trying it right now, because my dad suffers from Androgenic Alopecia. And I also have some symptoms, but I try to prevent it.
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by panacea »

I don't write the websites or anything - it's just my personal opinion that yes Wai diet can help to prevent all bodily problems with a source from imbalance due to diet, no it cannot 'cure' it in the sense you are asking. Imagine the wai diet as a very powerful preventive diet and, has an exponential curve if it were to be graphed on it's effectiveness so that when taken at an early stage - the earlier the better - after breastfeeding being the ideal, which will add years between you and your inherent genetic or statistically likely/environmentally hazardous bodily imbalanced source problems. Basically, an infant who is healthy, had good quality breastfeeding and enough of it, healthy lifestyle and wai diet will have significantly less likelihood of getting health problems, whether it be acne, hair loss, or diseases, so long as they aren't subjected to strange variables - like intense stress, or eating terribly all the sudden, or around harmful radiation for too long, etc. The reason is because again wai diet gives as much nutrients (or what your body needs) and as little antinutrients (what your body doesn't need) as any viable food option there is, slowing down the time that problems will arise - not erasing them. Given enough time, even the most ideal conditions on a human in a dreamworld will eventually take it's toll. It's just that it would be much longer, statistically, before you'd see the kind of degeneration you do in someone who eats steak and cheeseburgers non stop caked off with chips and all kinds of weird alien foods, who uses tons of household products, coats their scalp in it, their face in make up, their body in antiperspirants, their life in car exhaust fumes, defecates unnaturally, sits unnaturally, sleeps in a bad position, doesn't sleep enough, on and on what you see happening today...

I have a tendency for hair loss in my bloodline as well, but I don't care so much because of the quality of wigs available these days and it's only going to get better and better. Eventually people will be using wigs instead of their real hair like some people use fake teeth instead of their real teeth - because they look better. (Not saying it's a better option lol - I would hold on to my teeth and hair as long as I can)
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Oscar »

We've had that before... ;)

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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by panacea »

lol and things like this, particularly amongst young female population, are already popular:

In some time I'm sure people will look back on both styles as ridiculous but the current times make the ridiculous look O.K., if enough people do it I guess.

At least we don't wear our bed comforters to our picture shoots any more.
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Mr. PC »

Ok, so what you're telling me is to get a pink wig. . .

haha, I used to use Aveeno, which was mild, but after I ran out I never went out to get more, and I've been using the harsh stuff my mom buys. I even used Head and Shoulders the other day (I have bad dandruff, and had cradle cap when I was a baby). I know that this will make the dandruff worse long term but was in a pinch when I used it. Maybe what I'll do is start using my mom's eggyolks (mine are freerun and too expensive). Hers would be like 20 cents a shower.

What could be the side affects of lowering DHT levels? What's the purpose of DHT?

Also, I'm starting to get hair on my chest now, I guess there's no way to prevent that, eh?

Would baby shampoo be good? What kind of shampoos do you recommend?
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Mr. PC »

So if I'm eating 8 egg yolks a day, without juice, and one avocado and 100ml of OO, and 3 bananas (I get more than the RDA of B6), there's little chance that my DHT levels will be too high, correct?

I haven't had avocados in the last few days, but usually I have 1 or 2 a day, and usually I have juice with my yolks but not for the last 2 days.

I don't want to have more than 8 yolks because I'm afraid too much protein might be interfering with sleep, but I was having 6 or 7 yolks on some days; I'll keep it steadily at 8 from now on. I seem to get enough zink when OJ is included, but if it's pasteurized, would that be destroying the zink content?
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by RRM »

Mr. PC wrote: What could be the side affects of lowering DHT levels? What's the purpose of DHT?
Also, I'm starting to get hair on my chest now, I guess there's no way to prevent that, eh?
Men with extremely low DHT have no body hair, whereas they are never bald.
DHT is the primary androgen in hair follicles and the prostate.
Prepubertal boys with extremely low DHT have an underdeveloped penis and prostate.
Mr. PC wrote:So if I'm eating 8 egg yolks a day, without juice, and one avocado and 100ml of OO, and 3 bananas (I get more than the RDA of B6), there's little chance that my DHT levels will be too high, correct?
No, its still certainly possible, as it depends on multiple factors.
I seem to get enough zink when OJ is included, but if it's pasteurized, would that be destroying the zink content?
No, pasteurization does not destroy zinc.
Zinc is a metal.
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by Kasper »

I would say, first find out if you suffer from androgenic alopecia. And if this is true, you can try to lower DHT levels.
Most people try this with a medicines, like finasteride.
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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by RRM »

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Re: Hair loss caused by nutrient deficiency?

Post by djkvan »

Kasper wrote:I would say, first find out if you suffer from androgenic alopecia. And if this is true, you can try to lower DHT levels.
Most people try this with a medicines, like finasteride.
Wouldn't this be a hormonal issue? Shouldn't 100% strict Wai be able to resolve this eventually?
I do so like green eggs and ham. Thank you, thank you. Sam I am.
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