Vegetables Bad for You

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Vegetables Bad for You

Post by vcrystal21 »

So according to the Wai diet, vegetables are not even necessary in our diets? I just cannot wrap my brain around this concept . . .

From an evolutionary perspective, I cannot imagine that nature intended us to only eat sashimi, avocado, olive oil, and fruit.
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Re: Vegetables Bad for You

Post by panacea »

Evolutionarily of course olive oil and sashimi weren't part of our regular diet. The best guesses are that fruit, perhaps the occasional stolen egg, and easy to catch sea life like mussels were our diet. My reasoning tells me that we had a lot more to do with the oceans than everybody else claims. Pretty much nothing about our bodies even today are geared for land life. Water is the only thing that isn't a direct threat to our weak skin. We don't have any powerful way to climb trees, we aren't that well protected against poisons from sea or land life, and we have little hair. My guess is we swam a lot, or at least waded in the ocean, looking for some kind of food and being able to stay away from predators since we would be on the shore - away from the predators in the deep ocean and away from land predators. If we really did evolve from caves for as long as people would have you believe don't you think our anatomy wouldn't be fat near our skin, with a weak skin that can only resemble a fish and barely any hair? We also, I believe, have the ability to conciously control our breath for this reason.
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Re: Vegetables Bad for You

Post by RRM »

Scientists dont agree on what our diet was, say 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 million years ago.
And it will have been different for different people in different locations.

What scientists do agree on (mostly), is the nutrients that are required.
What your body needs, is nutrients.
So, the only thing we need to do, is to ingest all the nutrients that we need,
sufficiently (including energy).
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Re: Vegetables Bad for You

Post by Oscar »

The nutrients that vegetables would give us we can all get from fruits. Also, because of the amount of anti-nutrients present in vegetables we can only get part of those nutrients. If the veggies are cooked the nutrients are more easily absorbed, but the cooking destroys lots of nutrients, so there's not too much difference. There are more reasons we don't need/want veggies (see the article). All in all eating veggies isn't that efficient.

Like RRM said, we don't know exactly what our prehistoric ancestors ate, so it's no real use to take our assumptions as guidelines. What we can do, is look at our digestive system, compare ourselves to other animals, figure out what we need, and figure out what is harmful for us.

The Wai Diet is not a natural diet. It is an optimal/optimized diet for health, which gives us the nutrients we need and avoid harmful substances as much as possible. Of course it correlates to what we believe might have been the kind of diet our ancestors ate, but it's not the primary foundation.
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Re: Vegetables Bad for You

Post by vcrystal21 »

Sorry for the slow response! Thank you very much. All of these answers make a lot of sense :)!
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