Reaching CP 60 24/7

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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

Ah, I understand.
I have the luck that I don't have to think about that sort of stuff for another 4 weeks :)

Btw, just did 9 km in 1 hour. I guess I raised my standard again :)
If I can keep up with 2x 1 hour of running... would make my life a lot easier.

MCP: 34 s
sleeping time: 8 hours
CP: 45 s
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

I was thinking about this reaching 60 MCP challange.
And as I was thinking about it, I actually think it is not really about getting 60 MCP.

First I was thinking more like, if I reach 60 MCP, and only need to sleep for 4-6 hours a day, that would make life so much easier.
If I'm at 60 MCP when the new schoolyear starts, I have so much more time every day, and I can surely remain this 60 MCP.

But now I'm thinking more like, it is not about getting 60 MCP, it's about setting some running standards.
Maybe my body needs more time than 4 weeks of running for 2 hours.
Maybe my body needs a half year...

And maybe I get 60 MCP, but still, if I don't persist with the physical exercise part, I will fall back right away.

Let's say I'm still at 30-35MCP zone in about 4 weeks..
Even if I sleep for 10 hours, there is plenty of time for running 2 hours a day. So it's not (only) about the less sleep/more time part.
I think it mostly about setting a norm/standard: 2 hours of running as absolute minimum a day
I guess that this is where the challenge is all about.
And that is very hard thing... I mean not the running part, but the standard/mental part.

It is not that I'm not able to run for 2 hours a day, but my brain thinks about that like this is really insane lot of time for spending at running.
And not only me, 99% of the world thinks about this in this way.
I mean, even people who are running marathons spend less time running.

So I see the real challenge as getting my brain as thinking about this as the most normal thing in the world to do daily.
And I need to be prepared when the new schoolyear starts, so I don't lower my standards to people I spend time with.

As Tony Robbins would say, I need to identify myself with this standard.
So from now on, "I am the 2 hours of running daily guy." :)
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

I did another 9 km.
My breathing is completely imperceptible when running at the moment.
I think I'm breathing less when running as other do normally. :)

CP is 52 s
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

3 hours of running in the end + 2 hours of walking

I'm going to Ireland tomorrow btw.
Working for two weeks on an organic farm with my brother.
He says that he want to get at 60 s at well.
He's now at 10-15 s, so I doubt that, but we'll see ;)
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by dime »

You will no doubt make great progress while working on a farm, just make sure to eat good quality food. I'd also avoid any computers and internet :)
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by panacea »

I made some audio files, for 60 s CP all the way to 180 s CP. These can potentially synchronize your breathing with these CP ranges and increase your CP if you do this exercise for many hours. I've been using it myself.
The first tone is for inhalation, second tone exhalation, and the silence after it is automatic pause (no inhalation). Set it on loop in your media player.

WARNING: The tones are very loud if you have headphones and have the volume up on your computer, before opening the files set your volume to very, very low such as 10 to test it out and adjust so that it doesn't hurt your ears.
I'm not sure if these files can work on an ipod, let me know..

Even though I think I have very low cp, it was interesting that the 60 s CP audio file was so easy for me to synchronize with, I thought it would be harder but having the tones really helps me with the pacing. Also, I noticed that it's easy to cheat and inhale much more than normal in the inhalation tone, try not to do this, or you won't get any benefit. Relax and inhale as little as possible. You might notice, as I did, that after doing the 60 s CP for about 3 minutes, that it becomes too fast for you and you wish to breathe slower, so I naturally close it and open the 80 s CP, do that for about 6 minutes, and keep going. However, I find the 100 s CP "just right" for me, and the 120 s CP audio file to be mildly challenging so this is the one I use the most - and I estimate I have below a 30 s CP naturally. I think someone like Kasper or people with higher CP could do the 180 s CP audio file quite easily, for an indefinite amount of time, I would like to hear the results from you guys.

I made this in audacity, a free open source audio editing software, you can make your own tones using that program if you want.
In the beginning, it helps to watch the audio screen (if you use WMP, you can watch visualization) so that you learn that the first 3 seconds are for inhalation/exhalation, when the audio file gets close to the end, get ready to inhale. I like to use this online stopwatch to keep track of how long I have been doing the exercise:

Code: Select all

You will need a program to open the zip file, I recommend 7zip, which is free:

Code: Select all
and a media player, I recommend VLC:

Code: Select all
Audio Files:

Code: Select all
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by panacea »

I'm getting some good results already, now using the 150 cp file. It's very challenging for me, I can't multi-task using this file, but I have constant urges to swallow (need breath sign) and can tell it's really helping (ears popping, sounds get more clear, eyesight gets more clear, I kind of 'wake up' from a fog). There is a trick to make sure you are doing it right when you inhale - you shouldn't be able to feel the air go in your nose, it should be so gentle and shallow breathing that you are barely inhaling with the nose, and it's not much of an inhale either.

Don't force the exhale, it should be a natural relaxation of your muscles, even if it overlaps with the automatic pause. After you exhale you should pinch your nose, because unknowingly you will inhale small amounts of air because of air hunger if you don't.
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

Good stuff :)

I'm using something similar, pranayama app for android.

PC price is ridiculous btw..

But this is a little bit better, because pranayama app has a minimum 2.5 sec for inhalation and exhalation. So it more like yoga breathing, than normal breathing.
Pranayama apps sounds are much nicer tough. Could you one do a lower sound btw? This sounds seems to irritate my ear for some reason.

I use that pranayama app also while walking/gardening/light exercises.
I did a lot of that the first couple of days in ireland. But my ear phones crashed..
Really great stuff. I could even talk etc. when I just had one ear in.
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by fred »

Thank you for the audio files panacea, I've installed them on my ipod and will try them soon.
For the exhale, I don't try to prolong it right? I just relax my muscles and pinch my nose when no more air in the lung.
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

Being at 5 hours of sleep for 3-4 days.
Now back at 7 hours of sleep.

I'm not doing very much exercise since I'm back home.
I'm spending much time at tai chi and yoga at the moment.

If people are interested, I can write out some exercises that are very effective for me (posture wise).
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by fred »

Go head Kasper!
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

Yoga is about releasing tension of the muscles.
Things than can help to assist this process (in my experience):

1. Earthing (see other posts)
2. Magnesium (try epsom salt bath for example)
3. Cold showers/baths (if done correctly, see other posts)
4. High CP in general
5. The mind of course

The connection between lower back, pelvis and legs

Exercise A (the 'high' lower back):

1. Make from a mat or a towel a roll which is 15 cm thick.
2. See picture for how to lay on it. The roll should be between pelvis and ribs in the back. Exactly in the area without bones except for the back.
3. Try to make the pelvis as heavy as possible. It should lay on the ground in this exercise.
4. This exercise can really hurt. Try to relax your muscles with every exhale. Focus on relaxation, not on the pain.
5. If the lower back is still tensed after 2 min. Make the roll less thick, and try it again.
6. If the tension disappears, try to lower the ribs (under your hands) with every exhale. This may cause new tension, which you try to let go with every exhale.

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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

7 days to go!

Current status:
- I feel stronger than ever before.
- My posture is better than ever before.
- I can run for 1 hour without any problems
- sleeping time is sometimes only 5 hours, but most of the time around 7-8 hours (still much better than before)
- MCP is 40MCP+ for 2-3 days a week (last 3 weeks)
- The last week, I didn't do much physical exercise, I'm trying to pick this up again.

- 2-3 hours of running a day
- learn critical alignment yoga
- do gaps diet 100%

Bad guys:
- PC, don't spend more than 20 min. behind it

already done 1 hour of running today :)

Edit: 90 min. running, 30 min yoga, 2 cold showers
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by dime »

The key thing is running, what do you think? It seems like exercise has the biggest impact.
Go Kasper!!
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Re: 7 weeks to reach CP 60 24/7

Post by overkees »

Yeah, there is no way you can boost your CO2 levels as quick as you can with running. It took me alot of times to run 5km comfortable by strictly breathing nasally, with barefoot running technique and no muscle aches the days afterwards. I only did 7km one time before. But today I had a breakthrough, I ran 10km in 1 hour, nasally on my fivefingers. This was after sleeping 15 hours once again. This didn't happen to me for 6 weeks straight. I had a maximum of 9.5 hours of sleep and an avg of 7-8 hours. I was so frustrated I just began running my ass off and then this happened.
The reason why this happened was, because I went to bed at 9am due to a party. My rhythm can't have anything. Hopefully I will run my ass off even more and I will stay above 40+ CP forever.

I also found out that my athletes foot were the problem for me. It's going alot better with my feet, but I can still see skin peeling when I reach high CP. So I must continue with my regime for my feet.

And something that also occured was the shrinkage of one of my tonsils. I always check my tonsils and the area around it in the mirror when I'm checking for white/yellow coating on tongue. And then I will always see a red inflamed area and two huge tonsils. Now the other day I looked in the mirror and all of a sudden one of my tonsils is now half of its original size! I probably also have some dead tonsil problems that I totally missed. I use a sodium chlorite mouthwash these days and it works wonders for my tonsils. A must have in my opinion.
I also have a new toothpaste. In the evening I use paradontax without fluoride. It keeps my coating away for 24 hours or something like that. I also gargle with this solution. I still use the xylithol, but now in the morning.

I must also add that I did a bentonite and zeolite detox for a week. These are magnetic minerals that are good at extracting heavy metals. There are alot of scientific articles for zeolite measuring heavy metals in urine and things like that, if you're interested I can give you the links. Probably something RRM is heavily against, but bear with me: Altogether with prebiotics and probiotics the things that came out for a few days were unbelievable. Strings of fungus, in all kinds of the rainbow, I was shocked. And yes, I already did 1 month of pre and probiotics back then. So I thought the bacteria already did the job and cleansed my insides, boy was I wrong. I'm now at 3 days without probiotics and not using more than 1 whipe of toilet paper, woohoo. Still doing prebiotics until I reach 40+ CP permanently, which might take another few months due to this annoying fungus at my feet and my other HUGE (dead?) tonsil.
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