
If you are not sure whether you are doing the diet right, create your own diet diary here, so others can take a look at it.
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Post by beehappy »

I have been lurking for several weeks now, so I feel it´s time to (wo)man up and introduce myself. I´m 48, mother of 2, and a beekeeper (hence my nickname :) ). Lots of top quality raw honey over here :P ! I´m trying the Wai diet not for the usual reasons (wouldn´t mind to see my (minor) cellulite go :wink: ) but because of arthritis. I´m inflicted with severe hip arthritis due to a joint dysplasy and I have learned by trial an error that (at least for me) diet plays a major role in inflammation and pain.
I´m in since August and about 95% strict. My main deviations are my morning tea, a piece of chocolate here and there and sporadic non-Wai meals (for social reasons mainly, I try to adhere to the munch food rules). The results so far are exciting:
- it took no more than some days for my skin to get silky and smooth (always had a tendency towards "big pores").
- my minor aches and pains (neck, shoulders, right knee) are greatly diminished to no longer existing.
- sleep quality is much improved (less pain)
- energy is through the roof
- my pain-free walking distance (was nil in the beginning) is slowly rising, yay!

I want to say a big whole-hearted thank you to Wai, RRM, and this community, I feel so blessed to have found you. Your insights, backed by research, are a wealth of knowledge. I really like your down to earth approach. No hype, no sensationalism, no pop-up ads, just relevant literature and a lot of experience. En plus, this very helpful and encouraging support board. Reading other people's questions, comments and results has helped me a lot so far. Oscar, I very much like your sense of humor, an additional pleasure.

I tried to not extend this first post too much, so if you have any questions, fire along! I have the intention to keep you updated in at least monthly intervals.
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Re: Beehappy

Post by RRM »

Please do extend! We always love to read stories like yours. Great to get to know the reasons why you are trying the diet
Welcome to the forum, beehappy.
My father was a beekeeper as well (he died years ago)
Yes, please do report regularly.
And, of course do ask any question you may have.
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Re: Beehappy

Post by Oscar »

Welcome :)
Great that things are going so well.
No worries, I'm pretty sure RRM isn't insinuating that there is a connection between death and being a beekeeper ;)
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Re: Beehappy

Post by Emeira »

Hello Beehappy,
My mom had arthritis too, situation was so bad, that she even couldn't raise her hands to brush her hair, it was hard for her to walk, to stand, or do any regular activity, every motion was in pain. Traditional medicine didn't help. Then I suggested her to decrease wheat and dairy intake and to drink more fruit juices, so we started buying a lot of seasonal fruits and berries. One day her sister brought several large bags of fresh cucumbers (grown in her garden), so my mom started drinking cucumber juice every single day, I don't know if it was coincidence or not, but from that time her health started to improve dramatically. Now she doesn't have arthritis anymore. Every single day she's as busy as a bee :)
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Re: Beehappy

Post by beehappy »

RRM, Oscar and Emeira,
thank you for your warm welcome. :D I´m actually thrilled to be here! I´ve learned so much from the experiences, failures and achievements of others so I hope to contribute a little bit with my report.
Oscar, I knew you could be relied upon ;D If I ever die early my bees won´t have to bear the blame, they are very well-behaved :wink:
Emeira, thank you for the story of your mom. I´m so very happy for her. The constant pain of arthritis is really exhausting, it robbed much of my zest for life. I am confident that reducing wheat and dairy and increasing fruit has done the trick for your mom. For some years I felt (relatively) well with a paleo diet. But eventually the pain in my joints increased, at the time I suspected the high amount of animal protein and switched to a (nearly) vegan diet with more grains and pulses. BAAAD move, I ended up with even more pain and had to consent to hip replacement surgery on the left side. Although everything went extremely well, I don´t intent to get the right side done in near future. Who knows, perhaps it doesn´t have to be done at all! I´m awaiting what is still to come, I´m quite optimistic that my body will do the right thig at the right pace as long as I support it diet-wise.
It may sound lame but for me it is so true: the journey is the reward.
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Re: Beehappy

Post by Oscar »

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Re: Beehappy

Post by beehappy »

On the practical side of things I must say that I am not (yet?) into juicing. I have a citrus press and use it from time to time for oranges but usually I simply eat various fruit (oranges, kiwi, apples, pears, bananas, mango, kaki,...) and dried fruit (raisins, dates, figs). I sip about a teaspoon olive oil after the fruit, I have 3-5 egg yolks a day and at night I usually eat a salad (with tomato, avocado and cucumber) and a piece of fish (most often salmon or tuna) or some minced meat. This works like a charm: I´m not hungry, my weight is stable, no digestion issues and I feel fabulous. In the beginning I was a bit cautious with the yolks. I figured too much omega 6 fats (arachidonic acid) might augment inflammation and worsen my hip pain. But the yolks (even if I eat up to 8 a day) don´t seem to have such an impact. On the contrary, the amount of protein (even raw) seems to be more significant. I do better with no more than 100 g of protein a day.
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Re: Beehappy

Post by RRM »

beehappy wrote:the amount of protein (even raw) seems to be more significant. I do better with no more than 100 g of protein a day.
That is very interesting.
How do you notice that you do better on less than 100 grams of proteinaceous foods daily?
What are the effects of eating more?
Bloating? Constipation? Feeling numb?
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Re: Beehappy

Post by beehappy »

No, I referred to my hip discomfort. About 4 weeks ago I had 300g of salmon daily for several days in a row. Hip mobility and pain level worsened during this time in spite of the high amount of theoretically beneficial omega3 fats (had no egg yolks then). After reducing animal protein to no more then 100g fish or meat I could walk pain free for longer distances again. BUT I must say the longer I restrict animal protein the more hungry I get for it. This is especially noticeable around my period, abstaining is really hard then! Well, perhaps there is a compromise I still have to find. Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated...
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Re: Beehappy

Post by Aytundra »

Hello beehappy!
It is a joy to know more of who is behind the lurking name.
I see your name pop up at the bottom of the forum from time to time,
and it cheers me up, especially when I was sick last month with the cough.
beehappy wrote:I had 300g of salmon daily for several days in a row... (had no egg yolks then).
What happens if you have egg yolks + 300 g salmon daily or alternate days?
I wonder if you would tolerate a higher protein intake?
beehappy wrote:no more then 100g fish or meat
What is meat?
Does it include egg yolks?
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Re: Beehappy

Post by beehappy »

Hi Aytundra (ecstatic wave),
Aytundra wrote: I see your name pop up at the bottom of the forum from time to time,
and it cheers me up...
Wow, I can cheer you up by simply being online? I'll be coming around more often! :) But seriously, I was spending hours reading through almost every thread on this and the previous boards. What a wealth of experience(s)! If one is determined it's possible to find an answer to almost any question.
Aytundra wrote: What happens if you have egg yolks + 300 g salmon daily or alternate days?
I wonder if you would tolerate a higher protein intake?
I don't know, I never tried that. With the experience from my paleo times (slowly deteriorating hip joints) and the Wai sample diet recommendations in the back of my mind I figured it wiser to be cautious with the amount of animal protein. I alternated egg yolks (4-6) and salmon (125-250g) for about two weeks. That was ok, but I prefer having yolks and fish/meat on the same day (feel less hungry). In this case I restrict yolks to no more than 2-3 and fish/meat to maximum 100-125g.
Aytundra wrote: What is meat?
Does it include egg yolks?
No, I wasn't precise enough (see second try above :oops: ). Meat most times is beef, minced or steak, sometimes lamb.

Today was a good day. Mild and sunny, bees out for a fly, beehappy walking for about an hour in the fields of gold (charlock mustard) without major discomfort (extra-wide grin).
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Re: Beehappy

Post by Aytundra »

Waves back!
beehappy wrote:Wow, I can cheer you up by simply being online?
beehappy --> = be happy! :D
beehappy wrote:I'll be coming around more often! :) But seriously, I was spending hours reading through almost every thread on this and the previous boards. What a wealth of experience(s)! If one is determined it's possible to find an answer to almost any question.
Stacks a pile of threads for beehappy to read:
{Seriously the search engine is broken, I can't find the quote where it says: 'females are better than males at consuming egg yolks', either RRM or Oscar said that. Anyways, here is a bunch of other links I found.}
beehappy wrote:BUT I must say the longer I restrict animal protein the more hungry I get for it. This is especially noticeable around my period, abstaining is really hard then! Well, perhaps there is a compromise I still have to find. Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated...
Hungry for protein? Maybe you are missing egg yolks, near your period.
Since you are not here for acne, maybe you don't need to restrict protein that much.*
And since you just started to restrict protein foods, your feeling is hungry, but not moodiness, or cramps, or absence of period.
I think females that intend to eat for longer than the acne sample diet time frame, should consider their egg yolk intakes carefully.

Emeira said 5-9 eggs for period:

RRM said women could convert more ALA to DHA more than men, with science article link:

RRM said women can take up to 12 egg yolks daily:

RRM said women need "at least" 50 g egg yolks daily:

Oscar said women's periods can improve by eating more egg yolks the week before:

RRM said every month women lose pre-placenta...which contains lots of cholesterol:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3064&p=33057&hilit= ... olk#p33057

*Oscar said Acne Sample Diet (ASD)[which restricts protein] is different from the Wai Diet [which has no protein restrictions]: the thread also talks about PMS and cramps:
Oscar wrote:actually the Wai Diet doesn't contain munch foods, and adding sugar is optional. Check #2 on
The ASD has limited protein because of the acne issues, the Wai Diet hasn't. :)

RRM said
RRM wrote:"Some women just need 1 egg yolk daily (only 146 mcg vitamin A) for one week prior to menstruation,
while others may need up to 10 yolks a day. (166 g. = 1462 mcg vitamin A)"
beehappy wrote:Today was a good day. Mild and sunny, bees out for a fly, beehappy walking for about an hour in the fields of gold (charlock mustard) without major discomfort (extra-wide grin).
:D So pretty!
You can also tell stories instead, and skip lurking. ;D
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Re: Beehappy

Post by beehappy »

Oops, I´m late (was reading :wink: ).

Thank you so much, Aytundra, for putting all these threads together for me. Very kind of you, I´m much obliged.
And you might have a point with the need for (more) cholesterol because ...(drumroll) cycle went totally off kilter after switching to the Wai diet. First period fell out completely, second made up for it (messy!), third didn´t come up again, next one was as I was accustomed to (about 4-5 days, bleeding manageable, no cramping). And no, this is not (yet) menopause, I have been very regular before and I don´t have any of the other usual signs. My cycles always were a bit short (about 23-25 days), this hasn´t changed. I suspect, I´m a bit low on progesterone, pregnancies went without problems though.
Soo, as a consequence, I´m going to increase my daily number of yolks. As I did in the beginning with fruit, I heavily overestimated the weight of the yolks. This morning I weighed them for the first time (average 12g), which means I´ll have to eat at least 8 to get near 100g. In addition, I´ll have some salmon, and try to slowly increase the amount to see what is happening...I´m curious.
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Re: Beehappy

Post by Aytundra »

ur welcome bumblebee!
Just don't sting me when you come back to tell stories next month.

{I am collecting threads for a happybee.
Won't my friends be so proud of me.
I am collecting threads for a happybee.
Oops I got tangled.

I am posting threads for a happybee.
Won't my friends be so proud of me.
I am posting threads for a happybee.
Oops it got lengthy.

I am reading a reply from beehappy.
Won't my friends be so proud of me.
I am reading a reply from beehappy.
Look everyone it's not a bee.
Beehappy is either a caterpillar or a spider, to run through all those threads.

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Re: Beehappy

Post by beehappy »

Oh, a poem! Just for me!
I'm a very happy bee! :D :D :D
So for an answer come and see
The biggest fret for happy bee :?

When Christmas season comes along
And city centers fill with throng
Poor bee's heart only fills with dread
Her biggest fear raises its head.

Advent wreath and Christmas tree
No big deal for happy bee,
Baking cookies (not for me!),
Presents for the family,
Clothes, jewelry for the nieces,
Nephews prefer Lego pieces,
Shopping, cooking for the feast
Don't disturb me in the least.

But when it comes to decoration,
Glee turns into deep frustration.
All the boxes full of stuff
Only make bee very gruff.
Cause the deco, can't you see,
Is no fun for troubled bee.
Angels, stars or wooden deer?
Poor old bee has no idea...
So the house stays as it is.
Sh?t on Christmas deco bliss!

I'm not a native speaker so I apologize in advance for all mistakes I probably made.
Had a lot of fun though :)
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