Anti-nutrients in specific fruits

About consuming fruits; fresh, dried or juiced.
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Anti-nutrients in specific fruits

Post by RRM »

Virtually all foods contain some anti-nutrients.
Fruits contain relatively low levels, as they are gradually broken down as the fruit ripens.
Most anti-nutrients are found in the peel and in immature fruits (and in the flower).
The flesh and juice of some fruits, however, also contain high levels, and you therefore need to be careful consuming them.
Its safest not to consume them at all,
but if you do, do it in moderation.
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Anti-nutrients in specific fruits

Post by RRM »

Preferably, dont eat them.
They taste bitter, due to the very high level of phytosterols. (the less ripe, the more bitter)
Traditionally, it has been used as a natural medication for urinary and reproductive system issues.
Nowadays its extract is used as an alternative medicine for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
It has been reported to inhibit 5-alpha-reductase (involved in the production of bile acids, estrogens and androgen hormones, incl. testosterone) Wadsworth TL et al Scaglione F et al Habib FK et al
It has also been proposed to interfere with androgen receptor binding.
It also contains beta-sitosterol, interfering with cholesterol metabolism. Matsuoka K et al
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Re: Anti-nutrients in specific fruits

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Tannins are a particular type of anti-nutrients, widely present in plants,
to protect against predation and also to regulate growth, decomposition and nitrogen recycling.
Its a bitter polyphenolic compound that due to its hydroxyls or carboxyls readily binds to amino acids (including those in digestive enzymes) and metals,
and many other compounds.
Logically, tannins have anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties.
Particularly legumes, herbs, nuts and berries contain tannins.
Tannins are well absorbed (particularly gallic acid).
Some fruits (apples, pomegranate, persimmon, but not citrus fruits) also contain tannins (mainly in the peel; 22 - 25 mmol), which (if in the flesh) mostly get eliminated as the fruit ripens.

POMEGRANATE also contains (pro)anthocyanins (incl. 156 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside / L), other polyphenols and flavonoids (incl. 636 mg quercetin / L). Gallic acid (a tannin) is up to 3.3 g. / L juice. El Kar C et al Pomegranate also contains high levels of ellagitannins Borges G et al (also tannins (incl. punicalagin), metabolized into ellagic acid and urolithins). These tannins decrease digestibility of protein and fat. Oliveira RA et al

PERSIMMON (or "SHARON FRUIT", a botanical berry) contains high levels of tannins (incl. catechin, gallocatechin and shibuol (which may form a trapped gluey coagulum)), and also betulinic acid and (pro)anthocyanins Xu SF et al.

Total tannins in juices from apples and berries in grams / L. From Improved Winemaking
Apples 0.2 (Newtown, Jonathon) to 4.5 (Medaille d'Or)
Blackberries 2.1
Gooseberry 2.1
Loganberry 2.6
Strawberry 1.9
Raspberry 1.35
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Re: Anti-nutrients in specific fruits

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GRAPEFRUIT contains various flavonoids; narirutin, rutin, naringin (2 - 51 mg/100 mL juice), quercetin, kaempferol, naringenin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, didymin, poncirin, aglycones morin and galangin, and various furanocoumarins; 6',7'-dihydroxy-bergamottin, bergamottin, bergamottin-6',7'-epoxide, bergapten, epoxy-bergamottin, bergamottin and 5-M-7-GC, and also limonin (a bitter furanolactone) and sesquiterpens (noot-katone). Harapu CD et al, Li P et al
Blended grapefruits more so than juiced or hand-squeezed.
Pressed juice contains more vitamin C, citric acid and dihydroxybergamottin Uckoo RM
Degreening treatment (using ethylene) reduces the levels of deacetyl nomilinic acid glucoside and bergamottin after 35days of storage.
It had no effect on lycopene, limonin, neohesperidin, didymin, 6,7-dihydroxybergamottin and 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin levels. Chaudhary P et al

Naringin decreases bioaccessibility of beta-carotene by up to 30%. Poulaert M et al
Naringin robustly increases PPARγ expression in liver and kidney (increasing storage of fats taken from the blood)... and diminishes NF-κB expression in these tissues (stress-induced immune response). Sharma AK et al
Naringin inhibits P-glycoprotein (P-gp) Shirasaka Y et al, which is involved in the regulation of the permeability of the intestinal epithelium.
Grapefruit juice inhibits intestinal organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP1A2) Rebello S et al, essential in the metabolism of bile acids (cholesterol export and fat digestion) and bilirubin (product of heme catabolism).
Particularly bergamottin and 6',7'-dihydroxybergamottin inhibit intestinal CYP3A Uesawa Y et al, involved in the intestinal metabolism of cholesterol, steroids and other lipids.
Particularly kaempferol and naringenin inhibit esterase activity Li P et al, increasing permeability of the intestinal lining.
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Post by RRM »

PUMPKIN is a vegetable-fruit (squash-like)

Various types of pumpkins have been used as a traditional folk medicine in many countries.
They contain pectic polysaccharides Nosáľová G et al. Pectin binds to cholesterol and bile, inhibiting cholesterol (bile) re-absorptionGunness P et al. Oranges (up to 3.5%) and other fruits also contain pectines, but these fibers are broken down during fruit ripening. So, make sure the pumkin is very ripe. They contain 4.6% sugars (3% simple sugar) in total.
Pumpkins are usually also very high in trigonelline Yoshinari O et al (a pyridine betaine alkaloid), and contain other alkaloids as well Yadav M et al.
Trigonelline (N-methylnicotinic acid) is found in (the leaves of) many plantsAshihara H et al and in coffee, soy oil and sunflower oil (not pure olive oilSánchez-Hernández L et al), and moderately in peach, orange and some mango species. Trigonelline is also a degradation product of vitamin B3 (by methylation of its nitrogen atom), and normally excreted through urine. Trigonelline blocks Nrf2-dependent proteasome activity (eliminating protection of cells against destruction by enzymes)Arlt A et al, inhibits liver fatty acid synthase (FAS), and stimulates liver carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) and glucokinase (GLK) Yoshinari O et al.
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Re: Anti-nutrients in specific fruits

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Papayas are relatively high in pectin. Pectin binds to cholesterol and bile, inhibiting cholesterol (bile) re-absorption.Gunness P et al
Unless overripe, papayas contain papain, an enzyme that acts as a natural detergent, decomposing protein.
Even fully ripe papaya contains ferulic acid, caffeic acid and rutin Rivera-Pastrana DM et al, benzyl isothiocyanates and benzyl glucosinates Rossetto MR et al
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hypoglycin in ackee, lychee (litchi), rambutan, logan

Post by Aytundra »

BBC News Feb 2017 wrote:US and Indian scientists say a mystery illness that killed more than 100 children a year in northern India was caused by eating lychees on an empty stomach.For more than two decades, apparently healthy children in a region of Bihar suffered sudden seizures and lost consciousness.

Almost half died, baffling doctors.

New research, published in the medical journal The Lancet, now suggests they were poisoned by the fruit.

Most of the victims were poor children in India's main lychee-producing region who ate fruit that had fallen on to the ground in orchards, the journal said.

Lychees contain toxins that inhibit the body's ability to produce glucose, which affected young children whose blood sugar levels were already low because they were not eating dinner.

They woke screaming in the night before suffering convulsions and losing consciousness as they suffered acute swelling of the brain.

Researchers examining sick children admitted to hospital in Muzaffarpur between May and July 2014 found a link to an outbreak of sickness that caused brain swelling and convulsions in children in the Caribbean.

That outbreak was caused by the ackee fruit, which contained hypoglycin, a toxin that prevents the body from making glucose. Tests then showed that lychees also contained hypoglycin.

This led health officials to tell parents to make sure young children got an evening meal and limit the number of lychees they were eating.

Children suffering symptoms associated with the outbreak should be rapidly treated for hypoglycaemia, or low blood sugar, officials said.

The number of reported cases of the sickness has since fallen from hundreds each year to about 50, the New York Times reported.
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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