Glad to be back!

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Glad to be back!

Post by justmarvin »

Hey wai and everyone,

I'm glad the Wai Says board is back up. How is everyone doing? Any new discoveries or inputs regarding health and diet? As for me, I have come a long way in my research, and I hope to share it with all of you. Some additions that shall greatly benefit the Wai diet. Looking forward to future discussions.

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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by RRM »

Hey Marvin, great to have you back!
Not for a second I doubted that you would have your own adjustments. I'm glad you still have your own opinions!
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by RRM »

Hey Marv,
You send us something about an ebook,
Can you tell us some things about it?
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by rafael »

rrm- when you get a chance can you look over that book justmarvin sent. it tries to discredit you guys. some of what he says makes sense at first glance. i couldn't get through all of it yet. there's so much information.

i admit, i've only been half-assing your program. i've lost a considerable amount of weight (170 b4, 140 now). my acne has gotten a lot better, but strikes back whenever i protein overload. my skin does not look great by all means. my pores are huge and clogged most of the time. and i usually have one major spot and a few scars that are healing.

i don't eat nearly as much as i should. and i definitely eat more rice than i should (i've been cutting back)
i wash my face in hinkley and schmidt water. i moisturize with walnut oil which always feels nice. and i cleanse with cucumber juice, which always feels good, but sometimes i don't take the time to prepare it.

for some reason, my acne hit hard this week. i wasn't sure if it's bc i'm sick or the giardinerra that i ate, which said had no protein, but one of the ingredients was soy bean oil.

anyway, i'll write back later

please take a look at that book. the stuff he says about consuming too much fruit is scary.
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by RRM »

Originally posted by rafael:
rrm- when you get a chance can you look over that book justmarvin sent.
I don't have time to read it all, but it love to adress individual comments, one by one, so that we can address each aspect properly. so, how about your first comment from the book, Marvin?

Rafael, what is it that you don't try to stick to it more rigidly? Costs? Time? Or is it that you are not that much bothered by just one major spot at the time? (something else?)
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by rafael »

Rafael, what is it that you don't try to stick to it more rigidly? Costs? Time? Or is it that you are not that much bothered by just one major spot at the time? (something else?)

i guess it's bc my acne isn't severe. would probably be considered mild. also wai said to start out slow and do as much as i can handle. and there are certain foods i know i won't be able to give up forever. it's tough bc i'm surrounded by people who don't eat this way, and at times i come off as this rigid freak, even though on the outside my overall appearance has improved etc.

and i guess i haven't gone completely hard-core, bc i have suspicions that maybe this isn't the healthiest way to eat. at times, i feel the sugar spikes and confusion.

the bottom line is i'm trying to strike a balance between being healthy and being a social creature, who can enjoy a "normal Meal" or two with friends. i find i have to save up protein points for the week, just to minimize damages.

anyway, sorry if i'jm rambling. i have a very bad cough right now.

anyway, about the book. he talks about too much fruit causing candida and it can actually aggrevate acne. he talks about the way fruit is picked and sold, they lose the majority of their nutrients. i don't know. i would just skim through the parts that have to do with fruit conumption.

i'll write more coherently later.
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by fiveam »

thats leos book, isnt it?
ive read that one from cover to cover, as well as giving some of his advice a try. when i purchased it, i had already cut out processed foods, wheat, dairy and meat- practically everything other then fruits, vegetables, eggs and occasional fish. the changes i made while following his advice mostly involved a ton of supplements (you cant even believe how many) and different cleansing routines. he is very focused on liver health.

one of the most notable differences between his theory and wais is that leo claims that salt has absolutely no effect on acne whatsoever. wai concentrates on water retention- spmething leo does not even address. conversely, wai does not talk about liver health, but i think i can safely say that any liver would naturally begin to purge itself after weeks of wais diet. i personally believe that one of the reasons some people see instant skin results while others do not is that many people have fatty livers and congested, mucus filled intestines. this is the sad result of consuming copious amounts of processed food. it takes time for the body to stabilize itself.

i personally have noticed that supplements are not required in order to cleanse the liver or bowels. the body will fix itself if given the time. a lot of people out there are fanatical advocates of forceful liver cleansing, leo included- yes ive tried that, too!- and id be happy to share my opinion on that, as well as candida, herbs, parasites, etc...

unfortuntaley (or fortunately) ive discovered what works mainly through trial and error. if anyone has any questions about leos book, id be happy to share my experiences... i think ive tried everything in there, except for the kefir.
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by Monique »

Hi fivearm
Im curious as to what you have discovered that works for you, can you please tell me a little about it when you have time?

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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by fiveam »

hi monique!

ive only been on wais diet for 3 days now- most of my experience comes from trying everything else. my skin had cleared up about 75-85 percent before trying wais diet (you wouldnt believe how bad it was before!). since i was already essentially on a raw diet, the only changes ive made to adapt to wais is to avoid salt and spices and to also balance sugar with salt. (i actually got to add things- egg yolks and raw fish!) since making these minor changes that wai wrote of, i have already noticed a big improvement in my skin (amazing, becasue its only been 3 days). i think this is due to the fact that after months and months of eating healthily, my liver and bowels are almost up to snuff. ive also lost more then 3 pounds, which must be water weight- leading me to believe that most of my problem is related to water retention.

before wai, the only 2 things that made a real positive difference on my skin were 1- switching to raw food only and 2- liver cleansing/therapy. i dont recommend liver cleansing, and what actually is being accomplished by the process is extremely questionable, but it certianly does seem to yeild quick results for many people. you can find a lot of information on curezone. most of them involve a short fast followed by a massive intake of olive oil and lemon juice. the basic idea is that ingesting a lare amount of oil forces your liver to produce a lot of bile. what happens after that... debatable. some people claim that ducts in thye gallbladder and liver are lubricated and the built up pressure forces stones out. i honestly cant say that is necesarily true. however, the liver definitely needs good fatys in order to help clean itself of bad fats (like trans fats), as well as to repair itself. i do recommend taking a spoonful or 2 of olive oil in the morning before breakfast, as well as as sppoonful of lemon juice. this is a remedy for the liver/gallbladder that is 100s of years old, it is not stressful for the body and has certainly worked for me.

stay away from herbs or any other sort of natural antibiotic. think of them in the same category as regular antibiotics. they will only cause more disruption to your system. ive tried them all, and although many yielded temporary results, inevitably i wound up back where i had started. ive had good results from probiotics, but certain ingredients in the capsules will irritate certain people. i wrote a long response to someones post about b5 already, but to sum up- b5 did not work for me. bentonite masks actually seemed to aggravate my skin, unless i applied it to a recently popped pimple. even then i imagine it simply sucked out the excess fluid from the histamine produced after the stress of popping. all other topicals have disasterous effects on my skin. astringents clear me up temporarily, then cause me to break out. some people tolerate them nicely, but i cant recommend them. fasting had a lot of mental benefits for me, but physically it only provided temporary relief from inflamation. in all honesty ive made some progress with bowel cleansing and liver cleansing, but i do not think that they are necessary. the body is an amazing thing, and it will help itself if you give iut the right tools.

oh- one other thing: birth control. if you are on it, get off of it. if youre not on it, dont ever go on it. its terrible- dont expect your skn to clear quickly if youve had any experience with that drug. i went off and on birth control 4 times in roughly 4 years and it destroyed my body.

im not sure specifically what kind of information youd like to hear- how bad is your skin and how long has it been that way? sorry for the rambling message, i hope something i said has been helpful.
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by smyrna »

Hi fiveam --
birth control. if you are on it, get off of it. if youre not on it, dont ever go on it. its terrible- dont expect your skn to clear quickly if youve had any experience with that drug. i went off and on birth control 4 times in roughly 4 years and it destroyed my body.
how exactly did birth control destroy your body? I went off it a few years ago, suspecting it wasn't ideal for my body, but had no actual signs of disruption. I was on it for very little though.

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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by fiveam »

ugh, i have such a tendency to speak inaccurately... i probably shouldntve used such dramatic phrasing when describing birth control. i dont have any scientific evidence to back my statement up, just personal observation and experience, but here we go...

i went on birth control for the first time when i was barely 16 years old. my acne was moderate to mild at the time. i was in very good shape, and thin (as many people are at 16!). the women in my family all have the same slim, athletic body, and i was no exception. the first time i was on it was for a period of approximately 6 months. although my dr told me that i would notice an improvement in my skin, i did not. i noticed no side effects, and happily munched down my pills. when my boyfriend and i broke up, i stopped taking them, completely unconcerned. i didnt notice much of a difference at all, other then some disruption in my period (which had always been regular before).

the second time i went on birth control my skin not only didnt improve, but worsened. i felt more bloated and uncomfortable before my periods, which was strange because the bleeding itself was lighter then during a normal period. for the first time in my life i gained some weight (only 5 pounds or so, mind you, but it was extremely noticeable to me. there i was, 17, previously having eaten whatever i wanted in absolutely ENORMOUS quantities with no side effects whatsoever, suddenly gaining weight from eating 2 small meals a day.) i was getting plenty of excersise, but nothing seemed to help. my body hadnt changed or become mroe womanly, i just felt bloated and full all the time. still, i didnt really make the connection. when i went off of the pill that time, my skin broke out for about 2 or 3 months, but nothing too serious. after that 2-3 month period ended, the excess weight melted off.

the third time i went on birth control i had the same problems as above but much worse. the 4th time was a nightmare. i gained more then 10 pounds- which i believe was mostly water retention, as incredible as that sounds- and my face was terrible... and i mean terrible. i was reading one girls post where she described her "awful skin" by saying she had 8 zits on her face simultaneously. during that period of my life i would have killed to have only 8 zits on my face! i looked subhuman, really. and then coming off of it- every time i went off of it my "detox" symptoms were worse. the breakouts were unbelievable. the weight fluctuation terrible. and the pms- indescribable.

after coming off of birth control for the fourth and final time, this is what happened: first i had one of the worst breakouts of my life. then, once through that, i promptly lost about 5 pounds by eating MORE. the other 5 came off more gradually, but with no effort on my part (at that point i was too destroyed to make any effort!).

now you might be thinking, "why, dear girl- in heavens name, WHY did you CONTINUE going on and off the pill so many times?" a reasonable question... the answer is simple: because my doctor said it was alright. i was, in fact, constantly encouraged to go on the pill. the nurses at the college i attended were firm believers in the doctrine that if you were between the ages of 18 and 30, you should simply be on birth control- no if ands or buts. it didnt matter if you were living in a convent with tubes tied- they wanted you on that pill! a reasonable philosophy in a lot of respects, but certainly not the healthiest way to proceed.

i cant prove that my difficulties were a direct result of the pill, nor would i go as far to say that anyone else would necessarily experience the same effects- but i certainly would not recommend the pill to anyone, no sir (especially for this forum, since so many people start the pill to improve their skin). ive heard worse horror stories then mine, people claiming their hair fell out, etc, but i cant validate that.

my health was going down the tubes anyway, but if i had to list the top 2 thinsg that contributed to my downfall, excess drinking would be one and birth control would be the other. (followed by a lifetime of fast food consumption and amphetamines like caffeine, adderall and diet pills which i took to counteract the bloated, drowsy feeling i experienced from the birth control... real smart, huh?)

i believe that the major problem with birth control is the way its promoted- at least in my experience. every doctor or nurse ive talked to speaks of it like its tylenol or chewing gum- pop some in your mouth for a while, gobble it up, then stop! take it again later if you need it... no problem! whenever you need it, go right ahead... but in reality its a fairly serious drug- any medictaion which interferes with normal hormone stability and production is going to have a serious effect on the body. i dont believe that i should have been advised (encouraged, even!) to go on and off of it so often in such a short period of time. it was the transistion that was the most difficult- my body becoming accustomed to the drug and then restabilizing afterwards.
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by Wai »

there are very different bc types, and we all respond differently, so that the effects are individually very different
regarding acne, some bc may clear your skin, while others may cause acne, and the effects of the exact same bc may be 1oo% the other way around in someone else...
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by fiveam »

yes wai, you are right. plus it wasnt exactly a controlled experiment that i was doing on myself, so i cant say that im 100 percent certain it caused my symptoms. plus my first experience with it wasnt so bad.

i think no matter who you are, birth control (like most medications) is a stressor for the body. some peoples bodies (types) can handle it without even pausing, others cant. mine obviously cant anymore!

i guess its kinduv like dirty protein in a way- because i have friends who chow down on whatever they want and they have skin like rose petals... course, they have other problems, like being overweight or having allergies, etc.
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by rafaelo »

fiveam, can you discuss your experiences with leo's book here?
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Re: Glad to be back!

Post by May_lee7777 »

Hi Fiveam I am just wondering how your skin is now and if your period is still lighter...
I suffered from eating disorder 5 years ago and since then I have been afraid not to gain weight! That probably ment that I didn't eat as much as I should...But my skin wan't bad at that time. After 3 years(2 years) ago I would say that I was cured...But my period didn't come back..But my skin wasn't bad at all. Then I started to comsume a lot of protein...well I did all the things I am not allowed to and (of course) I broke out big time...It has maybe three month later from when I started to consume LOTS of meat and all the other things. My doctor gave me antibiotics which I stopped with 5 month ago...I started for three days 14 days ago what that is all...I have used redap and some antibiotic creme also...But I was just wondering...Will all these things make an unbalance and should I count on that it takes a lot of time for my system to become normal again. My period was very light...almost not there. But I consume a lot of nuts...should I be worried. My skin is very soft everywhere and I see improvements...My right chin is bad though...But definitely improvements...and yeah very soft and nice to touch. I hope u can give me some answers bc I am kind of scared. Nobody in my family has or have ever had acne before...

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