Wai Talk 2.0

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Wai Talk 2.0

Post by panacea »

I went ahead and put together a new style in my free time at the test forum, it's vastly different, much more user oriented but still manages to implement even more features. There's a lot of tiny changes, can you spot them all? (;

Please let me know what to change, or if you like/dislike it. Oscar please let me know if you are up for trying it out on here for a while.


I'm going to include all updates in this one post from now on.

- Changed the forum_unread icons to have a matching blue color scheme instead of the green. (do you like this better?)

- Increased the topictitle, forumtitle, and topictext sizes to be bigger and more easily readable.

- Added bigger smilies, with better design features and more expressionate (to match the bigger text size aswell)

- Changed the forum_unread icons to have a more seamless image (minor difference, almost impossible to notice but took me forever)


- Changed the logo text and design!
- Added green apple dude! He's your username pointer for the jquery login (you have to log in to see him in the header). Also added banana statistics icon (bottom). Enabled Avatars (Mine's a gorrilla).
The graphic design aspect is nearing completion, I can't think of anything else to add, can you?

- (see Wai2.0 board announcements for more updates from now on, getting tired of updating both places)

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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by RRM »

Looks good.
Is there a way we can try out different colors?
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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by panacea »

Yes, on the top right below the guest login is a color wheel, next to it is a red, green, and blue buttons (RGB), click those to change the color scheme. Other than that, no, it's not like the previous style which was able to be formatted to any color combo, this style requires me to open up every colored element in photoshop and recolor it.. huge hassle, but I think the green and blue are good enough to switch for now, and later on I plan to make custom 'fruit-wai-style' headers, and different logo add ons for different seasons and holidays or whatever, if you guys all celebrate the same holidays, idk. Just to make it more personalized. Theoretically a color chooser like on the last one could be made, but it would be a lottt of work because this style uses cropped images and not just backgrounds with shadows in front of them like the last one.
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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by panacea »

Updated, read first post for details
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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by panacea »

Ok guys, I had to completely wipe the board, all posts and your user information is gone for now, not that there's a board at all, so I learned my lesson (don't install experimental mods on a live forum). I set up a localhost ftp on my computer (which means no waiting! yay!) that I can make new forums with using easyphp and quickinstall in seconds so I can try out which mods will work and which ones will cause problems safely, so this won't happen again (: but it was a test forum after all, that's the point to test (;

So anyway by tommorow night everything will be back the way it was except your passwords, which I'll pm you and you'll have to change them to your own again.

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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by panacea »

Oh, on a good note though.. the mods I'm working with are really cool (:
Trust me you won't even know what to do with all the features (they aren't in the way though).

Some of them are: Instant redirects, you know the routine, you login, wait 3 seconds, go to index. you make a post, go to a new page, wait 3 seconds, go to the next page, wait for it to load, and see your post. All this waiting really adds up. So I'm installing a mod that skips the waiting! just makes sense doesn't it.

The next mod ties into the previous, the whole 'load a new page to preview your posts formatting and see what it will actually look like' just isn't intiutive. So i'm using an addon that if you click the preview box, it instantly shows you a "Real-Time" editor, no page loading. So you can see what your post will look like as you type the letters, bold the text, insert complex images, or make quotes!

The next major mod is making page titles more intuitive, but that's hard to explain without you seeing it..

I also found a simple setting in the ACP that allows you to set a time delay for users editing posts, this is intiutive because a user is unlikely to completely remove their post in say, 5 minutes after they make it, but will allow them to proofread it once and make typo-corrections. After the 5 minutes they can't edit it anymore (:
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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by Oscar »

Cool :)
Yeah, I was wondering where the board had gone. ;)
Just make my password the same as last one.
Hmmm, I'll have a look at the editing.
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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by panacea »

website updated, you can now see analytics
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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by zackcentury »

board and waisays are both looking great! I've been away for a while but I'm very happy about the updated articles. Thanks to everyone who is working on the site.
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Re: Wai Talk 2.0

Post by Oscar »

Thanks :D
Lots of work still to be done, but we'll get there in the end. ;)
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