My diet diary

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My diet diary

Post by abicahsoul »

I think I will try to keep a diary here.
I notice I feel good by this diet in many ways, but some problems I meet.
Let's begin today, cuz yesterday I cheated: I had more salmon than I should, I had tea with cream, I had hard candies containing some E-numbers and salmiac (ammoniumchloride)... :oops:
Today so far I had
4dl OJ almost immediately I got up at 10:30 am. With that estimated 1½ tbsp OO
4dl raw carrot juice 1tbsp OO
3dl OJ w ca 1tbsp OO
3dl OJ w ca 1 tbsp OO
2bananas, I peeled apple, ca 3 tbsp OO
2dl really low still mineral water, IMSDAL (my fave even before the diet) Its mineral content/L: Ca 9,9; Na 0,9; K 0,5; Mg 0,4; HCO3 31,2; SO4 2,9; Cl 0,6; SiO2 7,0 ) with some fresh leaves of mint (hope that is ok, thought it might be cuz fresh basil was allowed I think??), and a tsp of very light honey which is solid, and I am not sure, it is local and I thought it should be raw, but I can't say I'm 100% :?
And now I feel full and a bit queasy or nauseous, so the last thing I wanna do is eat. However: I have a slight uncomfortable pressure over my head. and feel slightly dizzy. That's the reason I ate the bananas and apples and OO, because I thought I was getting dizzy and thought I lacked energy.
I was thinking of going training today, but I kind of feel hesitant. I have been feeling that much lately cuz of the diet. I am kind of afraid of feeling shaky, dizzy, weak, that my heart beats too fast.. :? Or at least.. the feeling of weakness combined with fast heart rate isn't pleasant.. It used to be different when I had loaded up on oatmeals, and lots of other stuff.. I mean those things that made me feel I could float.. hehe.. well.. ähm.. I noticed I gained some also so I could literally float.. nah, I'm 163cm and weigh 68, it is a bit over :oops:
So now I sit here and don't know what to do: should I eat, should I not eat, should I have more fat, less fat, more sugar, it is like my body doesn't understand the signals? I guess if I made the fruit test I would feel slightly repulsed cuz I feel like I already ate a lot.. I don't feel like eating anything.. I feel like drinking water, cuz even if that sounds contradictory it feels like my body needs so much water!! I usually drank a lot of weak teas before, and also plenty of water during and after training..
Right now I don't feel tempted to eat outside the diet, I just feel like I am a bit confused about my body's signals, and I feel very worried: I think I tend to feel more worried when I feel weak, dizzy, a bit nauseous, that pressure over the head, it is hard to think normally (otherwise I could device a plan and execute it, but it is hard with those symptoms if you know what I'm sayin..).
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Re: My diet diary

Post by RRM »

abicahsoul wrote:I had tea with cream
Not that bad.
But never beat yourself up for having had a munch food;
every next day you can start with a clean sheet.
Each day is an opportunity.
I had hard candies containing some E-numbers
E numbers are just code for specific ingredients
NOT for bad ingredients.
In fact, the E-number ingredients are among the best tested / least harmful.
I was thinking of going training today, but I kind of feel hesitant. I have been feeling that much lately cuz of the diet.
A side effect of doing the diet right is : feeling very energetic.
If you lack energy, thats what it is: you lack energy in your energy depots..
Which means that the ingested energy is not dealt with properly.
I am kind of afraid of feeling shaky, dizzy, weak, that my heart beats too fast.. :
Funny enough, its both: too much energy in one sitting (glucose lost in urine and fat depots) and in between consistently
consuming too little energy, resulting in empty glycogen depots.
When the glycogen depots are empty, there is no spare glucose, which is dangerous,
so that the body will try to free up energy from the muscles (and fat) by the means of adrenaline,
which makes your heart beat faster...
Too much energy in one sitting can also cause your heart to race.
don't know what to do: should I eat, should I not eat, should I have more fat, less fat, more sugar, it is like my body doesn't understand the signals?
Your body does, but your mind does not listen or understand the signals.
Your body is telling you "too much" AND then "too little".
abicahsoul wrote: Today so far I had
4dl OJ almost immediately I got up at 10:30 am. With that estimated 1½ tbsp OO
4dl raw carrot juice 1tbsp OO
3dl OJ w ca 1tbsp OO
3dl OJ w ca 1 tbsp OO
2bananas, I peeled apple, ca 3 tbsp OO
Does that mean 5 meals?
If so, the meals are way too big, which gives you too much sugars in one sitting,
which causes a big spike, followed by a long deep.
On this diet we dont drink 4 dl of oj in one sitting, but 1 dl, or maximally 2 dl.
So please split those (so far) 5 meals up in 20 meals, and so on for the rest of the day.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by abicahsoul »

Ok, thanks for the response. I think you are totally right. The funny thing is. I didn't so anything until just now. And the headache went away, and I felt clearer in the head. Then just now I made a salad, because I wanted soemthing with lower sugar, but still I think I think too big.
Had 2 avocados with 8 peeled cherry tomatoes, and 1 tbsp of OO.
So even if that's lower in sugar than other fruits, I guess it is still too BIG.
I am thinking of how I am gonna get something in me that will make me last. I am acting as if I'm at the risk of starving. Hm, that's an eating pattern I have had as long as I can remember and are related to things from my early years.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by RRM »

abicahsoul wrote: Had 2 avocados with 8 peeled cherry tomatoes, and 1 tbsp of OO.
So even if that's lower in sugar than other fruits, I guess it is still too BIG.
No, thats just something like 16 grams of sugars (and 82 g. fat),
which equals 1.5 dl of OJ (no sugar added).
Its still just one small meal though (regarding sugars), and you can eat that all the time,
so that you need sugary meals anyway.
Just SMALL sugary meals.
I am thinking of how I am gonna get something in me that will make me last.
No dont, because then you will need starchy meals (grains, pasta, potatoes etc).
You just need to consume something way more frequently!!
(4 fold smaller meals, 4 times more frequently)
I am acting as if I'm at the risk of starving.
Well, proper energy management is extremely important, as your body has told you...
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Re: My diet diary

Post by Kookaburra »

RRM wrote:
No, thats just something like 16 grams of sugars (and 82 g. fat),
which equals 1.5 dl of OJ (no sugar added).
What's dl?

RRM wrote:Its still just one small meal though (regarding sugars), and you can eat that all the time,
so that you need sugary meals anyway.
Just SMALL sugary meals.
Sugar is needed only when there's an immediate need for it(example: running) right?
What if I am watching tv/using the computer?
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Re: My diet diary

Post by panacea »

I think he meant dL (deciliter)

and your body needs energy/nutrients constantly, in a sugar:other nutrients ratio, the more intense your body use is, like when running, the higher sugar/air/water you need for optimal body stability.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by Oscar »

I think the harmfulness of E-number substances differs, but I haven't researched them extensively, since we tend to avoid them completely anyway.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by abicahsoul »

Ok peeps. I am continuing my exploration of the diet.
I think I have been doing good, although not perfect yet.
I eat peeled fruit of all kinds mostly red plums, papaya, pineapple, banana, oranges/fresh squeezed OJ, some pears, apples, and apricots and kakis. I also eat peeled cucumber n tomato n some avocado either together or separately or according to taste. I take an estimated amount of extra virgin olive oil to go with that, estimated on how sweet I believe the fruit to be, more with banana and papaya and OJ, and less with cucumber and tomato, and average with apricots, plums, pears n apples and whole oranges.. I take between ½-1 tbsp with 1 or 2 fruit or a big bowl of cucumber n tomato.. or less with avocado.
I love egg yolks, but haven't been able to sustain myself and my mood etc on two a day and had between 4-8 a day, depending on if I work out, or if I just have a munchies day..
I also had a bit too much raw meat some days like today. 100grs. Other days I could just make do with 50 grs. (but then enforced by yolks)
I drink low mineral water that is really great. Occasionally I can't resist a cup of weak tea.. but I try now to chop up fresh mint and add some honey (that I believe to be raw, but to be 100% would take a small investigation).
I am getting better in energy management. I try to eat more frequently and smaller portions - at least of sugary stuff. I avoid adding sugar, since I felt that made it a bit harder for me to control or understand, seemed I got bigger fluctuations. I worry about my teeth though, they say that for teeth it would be better if there weren't more than 3 to max 5 meals a day, what does our resident teeth specialist say?
I eat some dates, the dates say: "Fresh dates" and absolutely no table of content. Their origin are from Iran and I have no idea how you treat dates there.. But they are not glazed with glucose like those other dates, they kind of look au naturel, but who knows if they've been heated? One could suspect it, in order to avoid germs? Maybe I should do some research or just skip them

My success: I haven't eaten anything else outside the diet. But it is still a question of staying satisfied. The way I stay satisfied is with extra yolk, or on some days yolk and meat or salmon. These last days I have had craving for raw meat, and I buy good stuff from a food market with a local producer where they know about the condition of the meat and how it's been handled.

My skin feels great, but acne is still there.. Only on my jawbone and below near the tonsills. Those will probably need a long time to get totally rid of, and yes, I realize I should really try with the strict diet for a while, but I am not sure if I can stand the cravings for extra yolk (meat, salmon). But my skin in general has really improved, so as to convince me that this is a good idea for the skin and to confirm that the theory behind this diet has some good ground. (You already know that, but always when you try something unconventional you have to find out for yourself, and this is one of the few times I have really noticed some real difference!)
I clean my skin with rosewater (from the food store, CHEAP, fragrant and made frmo distilled water and rose leaves, nothing else, and food grade, feels reassuring, and after some extra virgin walnut oil (it was scary expensive, but still cheaper than other acne creams I've tried). I found a cheaper walnut oil that was made from and expellationprocess, and it wasn't called extra virgin and I have no idea if it was cold pressed. But I wonder: do you think an oil like coconut or walnut could work for external use even if heated/ not extra virgin? Then I could save the more expensive stuff for eating which would make more sense.
I do use schampoo, cuz I dunno what to do instead? THey are schampoos and conditioners from Lush. I also use a little soap under my arms - and the soap contains only one of the no-no stuff, and only small amount, I only use it when I feel I need it. On my body I use coconut oil on wet skin. Works fine.

I was training a few times, I do pretty gentle training at the moment. When I work machines I notice that my stamina is not the same, even if I fill up on small doses of OJ+OO like every 10-15 minutes. The muscles kind of feels a bit more weak. And also with energy management, today, the day after, I don't feel any spikes or lows but I am really hungry all the time, feeling that exercise will make me more hungry.

I also have a small dilemma: after meat/fish you should ideally wait 2-3 hours before eating fruit, so what to do when you lose energy and get mad hunger while waiting?? That's my situation. I solved it with first some cucumber, tomato and avo and then later some honey water and some OJ without pulp and oj. But I tried to wait as long as possible to give the meat and yolks time to digest.

Ok long post. I feel kind of happy. The yolks work wonders for me. I can sleep, feel tired at night and it is easy to get up in the morning. And my anxiety and disposition for getting feelings of hopelessness, unhappiness, or just less joy is going away. That's why I feel reluctant also to deny my body those yolks. I guess I am striving on, happy with the improvements of my skin (no itches, rashes, no feeling of having an outer layer that feels like a dry mask while at the same time creating a liquid oily surface during the day or night. it feels supple! The acne which is of course a small problem, is not worse and easier to tolerate when the rest of the skin feels so much better. Besides, I noticed that my body has pushed out lots and lots of small hard granulas of tallow over these two last weeks.. On my back it was crazy, it was litterallly falling out like small grains of sand! And also some on my face, so I guess even at this level the diet will have a small effect also on my acne, if the build up lessens? I hope so anyway. :D

Ok, that's it for now. Too many questions happened to get baked in here.. Well I can try to split them up in other threads. I just wanted to tell how my diet is going on.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by Oscar »

After fish/yolks/meat you should avoid fiber containing foods, which means sieved fruit juice is fine.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by RRM »

abicahsoul wrote: I am getting better in energy management. I try to eat more frequently and smaller portions - at least of sugary stuff.
great. It needs to be 4 times as frequent as you used to do,
and the meals need to be 4 fold smaller.
I avoid adding sugar, since I felt that made it a bit harder for me to control or understand, seemed I got bigger fluctuations.
Please dont leave out the sugar, because without the sugar, its harder to prevent lows.
Just make sure to make the meals even smaller when sugar is added.
If you dont add sugar, you easily get tired of eating at some points (so much fiber),
which cause the lows.
I worry about my teeth though, they say that for teeth it would be better if there weren't more than 3 to max 5 meals a day
My teeth are fine. Just rinse with water after every meal to neutralize the ph.
And use a straw when drinking.
Drinking is better than eating because you can use a straw.
Dont brush your teeth after a meal.
I eat some dates, the dates say: "Fresh dates" and absolutely no table of content....who knows if they've been heated?
Dried dates may be heated, but imported 'fresh dates' usually have been frozen (which is ok).
The way I stay satisfied is with extra yolk,
My skin feels great, but acne is still there..
thats normal: first the condition of the skin becomes great,
and then the acne subsides.
do you think an oil like coconut or walnut could work for external use even if heated/ not extra virgin?
Yes, its about protection against dehydration.
When I work machines I notice that my stamina is not the same
That simply means that you never completely fill up your glycogen depots.
So, you need to eat even more frequently.
Adding sugar to oj makes this easier.
The muscles kind of feels a bit more weak.
A lack of glycogen (spare glucose) in the muscles.
I am really hungry all the time, feeling that exercise will make me more hungry.
Good. Please listen to your body: consume more energy more frequently.
what to do when you lose energy and get mad hunger while waiting??
Sieved oj plus sugar.
The yolks work wonders for me.
I noticed that my body has pushed out lots and lots of small hard granulas of tallow over these two last weeks..
thats normal in this phase.
so I guess even at this level the diet will have a small effect also on my acne, if the build up lessens?
There is no build up.
The grains / sebum pushed out are the remainders of your previous diet.
Once they all have been pushed out, your acne is gone.
Unless munch foods (or too much protein) cause new sebum to get trapped in your skin.
Too many questions happened to get baked in here.. Well I can try to split them up in other threads.
this is your thread. Its the right place.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by Iris »

I do use schampoo, cuz I dunno what to do instead? THey are schampoos and conditioners from Lush. I also use a little soap under my arms - and the soap contains only one of the no-no stuff, and only small amount, I only use it when I feel I need it.
Yolks for washing your hair.
And I also use some olive oil soap (saponified olive oil). Or use rose water under my arms as well :)
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Re: My diet diary

Post by abicahsoul »

Hmmmzz.. doesn't the yolks smell? I mean I remember when washing or making hair masks with egg that I thought it smelled afterwards of egg? ANd the yolks are the things that smell..

Olive oil soap, as in savon de marseille? those big olive green chunks? good idea! I also use rosewater.. to get a bit nicer smell.. but after a whole day I still feel I smell rather pungent there.. even if I didn't even sweat..
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Re: My diet diary

Post by Iris »

no, my hair doesn't smell like eggs. It has a very light, nice and clean smell. Also, unlike most shampoos, it doesn't dry out your hair. Try it once, rinse with a lot of luke warm water (if you use hot water, it may cook the yolk) and see how you like it. If you don't like the result, you could always wash again with shampoo, right?

I don't know savon de marseille.... It's 100% saponified olive oil, and indeed olive green. The one I use isn't a big block though, but a normal size soap bar. But I think those are the same indeed.

When I'm 100% on wai, using only rose water under my arms is enough to prevent bad smell. It takes a while for your body to get rid of all the dirt in your body, so maybe the smell of sweat will get less over time. Until then, I'd use some deodorant. Some people have good results with coconut oil (which has anti-bacterial properties), but I'm not one of them. So now (when I'm not 100%) I use "normal" deodorant.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by abicahsoul »

Hehe.. Good ideas all of them. Thanks. :) Will do.
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Re: My diet diary

Post by abicahsoul »

Ok so here I sit trying to work. WOrk consists of reading, writing, and thinking. Right now I am having my afternoon dip. Honestly I believe it is perhaps more to do with rhythm of the day than food. But still I´'m wondering. I feel so thirsty! It is weird, even if I eat so much fruit and yes, also juice a lot. I still feel like I am almost dehydrated, even if I feel full from fruit and stuff.. I also tried to diminish my fat and sugar balance, I have a feeling I have been taking too much fat so I try to only take like ½tbsp with a banana, or with a 1,5-2 dl orange juice with a teaspoon of sugar. I am trying with the sugar, but feel that it tastes almost too sweet, but still I see some benefits so I keep at it.
I have bought low mineral water, which is very nice, but I guess I don't drink as much water as I would when it was free from the tap.:/ I could easily consume 1,5L in a day or more, next to the juices and fruits..
I also sit here with yolk schampooed hair and it feels pretty nice. :D
At this moment I just feel these conflicting signals, or I feel bad at interpreting my body. But I guess what I feel most is thirst, I guess I should drink. However, it makes me WORRIED. I have heard that untreated diabetes (high sugar in blood) makes one wanna drink a lot of water. Is it so that I have perhaps been over-feeding myself today so far and my body tries to get rid of the extra sugar? I have been sitting still working. I didn't feel that I over consumed. But I have been giving myself fruit before I feel hunger pangs, or weakness, or dizziness...

I got up at 10. Here estimated times and amounts.

Had a cup of pineapple.
plus 1,5dl Oj.
1tbsp OO

Then by 11
1tsp sugar
½tbsp OO

½tbsp OO

1 cup pineapple

½tbsp OO

a bit later a banana

14: something
1 mango
1tsp sugar
1 tbsp OO
3 apricots peeled

now I had a dip, I'm getting back.. I guess it was also a bit boredom.. and that what I really would need would be to walk and also do some stretches because I think also that bad circulation due to tensions from deskwork would also influence

Later I am going to dance african dance for one hour and perhaps a few machines with low resistance. I have made 7,5dl with mix of 5dl OJ and the rest mineral water and 4 heaped teaspoons of sugar. Then what I really should focus on is stretching. However I always feel bored. Hm. The thing that I need the most makes me bored. It shouldn't be like that. I bougth a book to learn more about stretch, hoping it will help me stretch more efficient and without harm, and also that it will make it more interesting.:lo:
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