Reaching CP 60 24/7

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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by overkees »

Well, your CP that was as stable as a rock at 15 increased 5 points then. So that is a good improvement. Are you sure you have adressed and diagnosed all your focal infections?

I have never thought after reading to check myself because I had no problems with these areas. Well, at least not more than other people, I thought. But after noticing flaking of skin cells under the feet and a Onychomycosis at the little toe I knew I had athletes foot.. I have it under control now by applying antifungal cream, antifungal powder in socks and using probiotic powder in shoes. The redness is now gone, but after the last time I stopped applying (last week) it came back within a day.

The gut can give alot of troubles aswell. Such as parasites. Or pathogenic fungal infections there. It's going pretty good with my gut and I'm eating loads of fiber (dried fruits + all the pulp from the fruits and alot of soaked nuts). Previously this wouldve resulted in very bad stools. But it's going great. Sometimes there will be a little soiling only due to not chewing good enough or eating too much sugar in one session (like +150g carbs). I don't do the eating all day wai style but am back to 5 meals a day. Because I think eating otherwise becomes such an obsession, as it was with me on wai. I had lots of fights with family and at school because I ate all day. People compared me with zealotous religious people. Dogmatic and stubborn. I agreed with them, You are trying to get rid of food addictions but are eating the whole friggin day.

Oh yeah: Sleeping time has stabillized naturally to no more than 9 hours! I sleep 6-7 hours during the week time and wake up before the alarm clock most of the time. I noticed that if I don't get up before 6 o clock I will be a lot more tired and have a lot more inflammatory kind of feeling. I go to bed between 22:30 and 0:00 and on most of the days (4 out of 7) I get up at 5 o clock. I feel great!
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by fred »

My CP increased 5 points when I removed my mattress, slept on the left side and shorter time. I go to bed at 9-10 pm and wake up at 5-6am for now.
I have extracted 2 root canal. I think I have a bacterial overgrowth as I can't tolerate fibers and high bacterial food, they make me gassy and soiling. But it's difficult to avoid fibers and don't overeat protein on a raw food diet (given that I can't eat much fat without heart disturbance)! unless to eat less but I am already underweight!
It's why I believe the only solution is to increase my CP.

Thank's for your help overkees.
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by panacea »

my sitting CP today at work (bad breathing conditions here) at 10 am was 32, first time I've tested it in awhile but i've been eating only great quality OJ and cooked deli meat + small amounts of honey and small amounts of evian water.

I feel great right now, compared to before, I'm starting to crave exercise occasionally even though I don't exercise at all normally (I did do a lot of moving around / sweating for work purposes yesterday, I think thats why my cp is so good today, for my standards at least, my normal cp is about 15-25).

my digestion is still the weakest link, it appears, but i just recovered from 3 weeks constipation so it's to be expected that it's out of whack for a while
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

I've been training for the last 7 weeks again on this. I run/walk (nasal breathing) outdoors every day. Very consistently, I haven't skipped a day, but without very high goals.

I basicly try to run as long as long as I like it. And the rest of the time I walk. In the beginning this was literally 1 min of running and 15 min walking.
I'm now doing around 5-10 min. of running and 10-15 min of walking. I try to do as many sessions as I like, which is now around 4-8 of those sessions a day.

I'm glad that I have finally found a way to combine buteyko with studying. I don't feel like my studying have suffered since I do this. For me, such a session of 20 min walking/running is kind of the perfect study break. After it, I feel motivated to study again, and after studying I feel motivated to do some running.

My CP is at this moment 34 seconds. I don't measure it very often, I think it is around 25-35s allmost all the time now. I'm not really trying to get 40s or 60s CP anymore. I'm just not that convinced anymore that CP is a perfect indicator for health, or that sleeping for 4-6 hours daily is going to do someone good.

It may not be the best argument, but to me, neither Artour nor Buteyko look/looked like people that are in perfect health. That being said, I feel like these short sessions of running/walking with nasal breathing have been very beneficial for my body. I feel like I'm making progress every week in many different aspects of my health. Very happy and grateful about that, and quite excited to see what happens if I do this for another 7 weeks.
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Aytundra »

Kasper wrote:I basicly try to run as long as long as I like it. And the rest of the time I walk. In the beginning this was literally 1 min of running and 15 min walking.
I'm now doing around 5-10 min. of running and 10-15 min of walking. I try to do as many sessions as I like, which is now around 4-8 of those sessions a day.
I think you made "acclimatize-habbitforming-Kasper" proud! :D
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by dime »

Hey Kasper, that sounds great! I've been lazy the last few months with exercising/running, but it's always motivating to see someone else picking this up again. I'll start doing those sessions, my excuse these months has been that my knee hurts when running, but vigorous walking should be just as good.
Kasper wrote:My CP is at this moment 34 seconds. I don't measure it very often, I think it is around 25-35s allmost all the time now. I'm not really trying to get 40s or 60s CP anymore. I'm just not that convinced anymore that CP is a perfect indicator for health, or that sleeping for 4-6 hours daily is going to do someone good.
Totally agreed, I'm leaning towards the same philosophy.
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

I think you made "acclimatize-habbitforming-Kasper" proud! :D
Haha, yeah ADD-Kasper was very suprised that this was possible. I've had much problems forming any kind of habit in my life.
Even some thing as simple as brushing my teeth was never something that felt like a habit for me. It was always something I sometimes remember doing and sometimes not.

But since I do this, my whole life has become more and more structured, I think the trick for me was doing basicly the same thing every ± hour, instead of trying to do the same thing once every day. So basicly between 11:00-19:00, I do the same thing.

* 20-40 min of studying
** 1 founder (1 min)
* 5 min of walking
* 10 min of running
* 5 min of walking
** 1 founder (1min)
*** 3 min of conscious breathing

Where I do * for 7 weeks, ** I've been doing for 2 weeks, and *** I've begin doing this week.
Hey Kasper, that sounds great! I've been lazy the last few months with exercising/running, but it's always motivating to see someone else picking this up again. I'll start doing those sessions, my excuse these months has been that my knee hurts when running, but vigorous walking should be just as good.
Good to hear it motivates you. Vigorous walking or just normal walking is very healthy I think. I think only being outside does something very good for my health. Maybe the light ? Or the air ? I'm not sure.
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Aytundra »

Kasper wrote:** 1 founder (1 min)
What is a founder? {The closest word I can think of is "flounder", a type of fish.}
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

this video explains how to do a founder
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Oscar »

Oh, I thought (quarter-)pounder ;)
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Aytundra »

Kasper, what do you eat now in between all your exercise and activities? How do you make your food; Do you make food portable?
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

I don't follow the wai diet strictly. I eat potatoes, boiled, as short as possible. Fruit juices, all kind of juices, also cranberry juice, not sure if that is wai, but it does wonders for my teeth. Also often I add lemons or limes to juices. Also quite some raw kefir from grass fed, organic whole milk. Not wai of course but I find milk the most tasty way to get some good fats, and I just love the combination kefir and egg yolks.

Sometimes I get all my protein from kefir egg yolks and potatoes, and sometimes I eat some raw beef in the evening if I crave it. So now and then I eat oysters.

So yeah, potatoes, juices and kefir. I feel like I digest that very fast. I can exercise 15 min after eating, without problems.

The first thing I do in the morning is make all my food for the whole day. If I go to university, I make it portable.
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by dime »

cranberry juice, not sure if that is wai, but it does wonders for my teeth
What kind of wonders? :) Are they whiter, or feel stronger or no cavities?
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Kasper »

No dental plague anymore, even if I don't brush, I think they feel stronger, but very subjective, maybe just because there is no soft layer, and my gums look more healthy.
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Re: Reaching CP 60 24/7

Post by Aytundra »

Kasper wrote:No dental plague anymore...
Cranberries have anti adhesion properties.
Bacteria cannot adhere well anymore.
Most studies out there are about cranberries and kidney for UTI. Howell A.B., et al 2005
These ones are on cranberries and teeth:
Steinberg D., et al 2004
Sethi R., Govila V. 2011
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