Candida & Recovery

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Candida & Recovery

Post by Leno »

Hello everyone! I'm back after being absent from these boards for several years. I'd been following the Wai diet (moderately strictly) since 2003.

I had always considered myself as fairly healthy and generally felt pretty good on this diet. I probably under-ate and overstressed due to work. It was so easy for me to skip meals during the day because of my hectic schedule, this was going on for years and it was further exacerbated when I started working out heavily. Anyway, I fell ill in late 2009 with these strange symptoms including dizziness, passing out, chronic low blood sugar, anxiety, depression, apathy, low energy, inner ear issues and the list goes on. It was so strange and how fast the symptoms hit me, it came out of nowhere.

I spent thousands of dollars towards emergency room visits, doctors in general (Naturalpathic and Allophathic,) prescriptions, supplements. Originally thought it was all due to a b12 deficiency (labs showed very low B12 and vit D.) Focused on that for a year by taking b12 supplements but I still had serious issues. No doctor could diagnose me!! So then I did my own research and determined that I had Adrenal fatigue. I went on Dr. Lam's adrenal fatigue program and it started to work after six months, after a year the program stopped working for me and they felt that something else was causing the adrenal fatigue. In early 2013 I fell ill again with a lot of the symptoms flooding back, especially horrible depression/anxiety, and tiredness. It was back to the docs and trying to find someone who could help!!! I finally did my own research and ordered a parasite stool test several months ago. The results came back high positive with Candida!! Finally somewhat of a diagnosis after years in limbo!

So now, I am trying to remove the Candida overgrowth which has proven to be very difficult. I am reaching-out to people on this board to help me figure this out since there is so much conflicting information on the net and doctors seem to be worthless on this topic. Has anyone on here dealt with the affects of Candida and were you able to overcome it? Any direction and advice would be helpful.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by RRM »

Good work!
What has your diet been like in the past few years?
What did you try to eliminate the candida?
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Leno »

Hello RRM,

I'd like to follow-up with you, and everyone, on my status with regard to Candida and other health issues (chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc.) I hope that the following will give someone with similar issues some reassurance that they can get better. I am doing a lot better and am almost my normal self again (feel about 85%.) It's been a very long road but I feel that I will be 100% soon. I must first say that despite visiting nine+ different doctors (including a couple of Naturopathic docs) and multiple emergency room visits, I was not given any diagnosis, much less a path towards recovery. However, this past year i've seen remarkable progress! I am following a protocol that is designed to heal the gut. Over a year ago I requested a stool analysis that resulted high amounts of Candida, I was finally diagnosed with something called Dysbiosis.

I starting seeing a doctor that was familiar with this condition, leaky gut and a variety of other gut related conditions. At first, I was skeptical that something going on in my intestines could have anything to do with my mental and overall health. But after following the GAPS protocol for the past year, it is working! The GAPS protocol requires that you eliminate all grains, consume bone and meat broths, eliminate processed sugar (except for fruit,) consume eggs and other animal fats, and eat fermented foods for their probiotic qualities. There is more to the diet but these are the main components. After six months, the "clinical" depression lifted, the brain fog slowly melted away, and my energy levels and motivation started returning to normal. The anxiety, still persists but its nowhere near what it was before and it seems to be getting better every month. Another remarkable thing occurred, my acne has disappeared. I rarely get a pimple and my skin has smoothed out, even after I consume a high cooked protein meal (although I'm consuming raw eggs again, and fermented meats a lot more as opposed to cooked chicken or a steak, but I will enjoy those things every once in a while.)

In my experience, I've seen a strong correlation between gut health and well being, be it mental or physical. I can't say for sure, but I'm fairly convinced that the antibiotics that I took as a teen ruined my gut (killing the good bacteria and giving opportunistic bacteria a chance to proliferate. The numerous rounds of antibiotics I had taken during certain point over the past ten years certainly didn't help my condition thus making the situation worse.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Leno »

I want to also say that the standard diet that is supposed to "cure" Candida was useless in my experience. The problem with the Candida diet is that it allows grains, and anything that is very abrasive to the gut lining does not allow it to heal. Feeding the enterocytes and the good bacteria to help crowd out the bad bacteria is key. The GAPS diet allowed for this healing to occur.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Emeira »

I still don't understand, for those who have candida overgrowth, is it bad idea to eat such huge amount of fruits per day (like on Wai diet, or Wai warrior)? Or better to eat less sugary fruits/vegetables, like standart: low sugar-anti candida diet?
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by RRM »

Emeira wrote:I still don't understand, for those who have candida overgrowth, is it bad idea to eat such huge amount of fruits per day (like on Wai diet, or Wai warrior)? Or better to eat less sugary fruits/vegetables, like standart: low sugar-anti candida diet?
Candida overgrowth is the result of an imbalance / lack of defense.
In my opinion: What ever is the cure / solution for candida (medication, diet regimen), in all cases it is your own body that eventually has to maintain the proper amounts (balances) of bacteria, yeasts etc inside your body. There is no regimen that can do that for you. Only your body can. So, in my view it is solely about getting your entire body 'ín shape' in every way. A well balanced body will easily beat candida.
How to get there?
A bunch of stuff combined: the Wai diet, autophagy, exercise, breathing, sleeping enough and right, etc.
Depending on how un-balanced your body is, you will need to do all the above strictly, or not so much.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Kasper »

A bunch of stuff combined: the Wai diet, autophagy, exercise, breathing, sleeping enough and right, etc.
Not to forgot: managing stress. If you do everything right, I think stress can still be the reason that your won't make any progress in your health.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by RRM »

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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Emeira »

Emeira wrote:A bunch of stuff combined: the Wai diet,
Don't you think that it must be hard to beat candida overgrowth while on this diet, because candida feeds on glucose?
Wai diet is very high in sugar after all...
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Aytundra »

Emeira i think u messed up on quotes.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Aytundra »

Emeira wrote: ...candida feeds on glucose?
Could candida feed on fructose?
Does candida eat anything else?
If it eats something else.
That something else can be reduced to prevent its growth.
Emeira wrote:Wai diet is very high in sugar after all...
If you chose items high in sugar.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by Emeira »

Aytundra wrote:Emeira i think u messed up on quotes.
Yes, i did. Sorry
RRM wrote:A bunch of stuff combined: the Wai diet,
Aytundra wrote:If you chose items high in sugar.
fruits are all high in sugar,
i don't imagine wai diet as low carb/sugar diet
Last edited by Emeira on Sat 28 Feb 2015 20:41, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by RRM »

Emeira wrote:Don't you think that it must be hard to beat candida overgrowth while on this diet, because candida feeds on glucose?
Wai diet is very high in sugar after all...
You cannot starve candida.
You cannot deprive candida of all nutrients.
Simply because your body needs energy from time to time.
Your blood glucose level needs to be maintained at all costs (or else you faint, and eventually die).
So, you may reduce the flow of its nutrients, but you cannot totally starve it.
Everybody has candida, but not in everybody candida is somewhat out of control.
My body is loaded with sugars daily, and yet my defense is totally in control.
So, it is the control issue that is key.
Only your defense can totally control candida.
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by MarciavD »

Old post.. but i happened to be diagnosed with 'candida overgrowth' last week. It would totally declare my overeating (on dried fruits for example),
my fatigue, sore muscles, headaches, stomach problems, etc.

People say I should stop eating fruits to "starve Candida" and take some supplements to 'kill it' (thymocapryl).
I don't know if that really helps? I don't want to eat non-Wai, every time I eat non-Wai I get diarrhea and other nasty indigestion symptoms plus I believe it's unhealthy to eat non-Wai. I believe I suffer from different intolerances (for certain diary and grains)

i do want to try to eat more avocado / CO / yolks and nuts, but do I really need to skip my banana-yolk treat?? I love my fruits and don't feel
satified if I skip them.

Can you help me with this? How do I get my defense back on track as soon as possible?
I try to IF, eat Wai, have good sleep, enough time to relax, I walk a lot (3-4h a day), what else should I do?
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Re: Candida & Recovery

Post by RRM »

No, you certainly dont need to skip any fruit at all.
You need balance and regularity.
If doing IF is hard for you at times, it may be better not to pursue IF, because then it may sometimes result in overeating.
You absolutely need balance in energy intake vs expenditure.
You need a stable, regular intake of energy per day.
You also need a very regular sleep. No night shifts, no partying all night. Most perfect is going to be at the same time every night, getting a decent amount of sleep every single day.
You also need a regular intake of foods, meaning that you should not shift your diet; keep basically eating the same things every day.
And, of course, no emotional stress.
Walking is perfect.
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